The Biggest Lie-Leading to War English movie Part 1-Sub English
How did the U.S. government lead its people to war
An examination, using government and press reports, of...
How did the U.S. government lead its people to war
An examination, using government and press reports, of
pre-war claims made by the Bush administration - as well
as a summary of the tragic consequences of the Iraq War
A Mythic Reality
An exploration of the misleading ‘mythic reality’
created by the Bush administration to persuade
the public to support a war against Iraq
A Mechanism for War
How the Bush administration constructed
a mechanism to propel the nation to war
War Through Rose-Colored Glasses
Ten assurances given to the U.S. public by the Bush
administration about how a war with Iraq would unfold
Abuses and Misuses of Intelligence
How the Bush administration misrepresented and
distorted intelligence in making the case for war
Rhetoric and Spin
An analysis of how President Bush and his administration
skillfully manipulated language and facts
How did the U.S. government lead its people to war Bush Administration Claims vs. The Facts A Mythic Reality Mechanism for War
War Through Rose-Colored Glasses Abuses and Misuses of Intelligence / Rhetoric and Spin / Items of Note
The Biggest Lie-Leading to War English movie Part 4-Sub English
How did the U.S. government lead its people to war
An examination, using government and press reports, of...
How did the U.S. government lead its people to war
An examination, using government and press reports, of
pre-war claims made by the Bush administration - as well
as a summary of the tragic consequences of the Iraq War
A Mythic Reality
An exploration of the misleading ‘mythic reality’ created by the Bush administration to persuade the public to support a war against Iraq
A Mechanism for War
How the Bush administration constructed
a mechanism to propel the nation to war
War Through Rose-Colored Glasses
Ten assurances given to the U.S. public by the Bush
administration about how a war with Iraq would unfold
Abuses and Misuses of Intelligence
How the Bush administration misrepresented and
distorted intelligence in making the case for war
Rhetoric and Spin
An analysis of how President Bush and his administration
skillfully manipulated language and facts
The Biggest Lie-Leading to War English movie Part 3-Sub English
How did the U.S. government lead its people to war
An examination, using government and press reports, of...
How did the U.S. government lead its people to war
An examination, using government and press reports, of
pre-war claims made by the Bush administration - as well
as a summary of the tragic consequences of the Iraq War
A Mythic Reality
An exploration of the misleading ‘mythic reality’
created by the Bush administration to persuade
the public to support a war against Iraq
A Mechanism for War
How the Bush administration constructed
a mechanism to propel the nation to war
War Through Rose-Colored Glasses
Ten assurances given to the U.S. public by the Bush
administration about how a war with Iraq would unfold
Abuses and Misuses of Intelligence
How the Bush administration misrepresented and
distorted intelligence in making the case for war
Rhetoric and Spin
An analysis of how President Bush and his administration
skillfully manipulated language and facts
The Biggest Lie-Leading to War English movie Part 2-Sub English
How did the U.S. government lead its people to war
An examination, using government and press reports, of...
How did the U.S. government lead its people to war
An examination, using government and press reports, of
pre-war claims made by the Bush administration - as well
as a summary of the tragic consequences of the Iraq War
A Mythic Reality
An exploration of the misleading ‘mythic reality’
created by the Bush administration to persuade
the public to support a war against Iraq
A Mechanism for War
How the Bush administration constructed
a mechanism to propel the nation to war
War Through Rose-Colored Glasses
Ten assurances given to the U.S. public by the Bush
administration about how a war with Iraq would unfold
Abuses and Misuses of Intelligence
How the Bush administration misrepresented and
distorted intelligence in making the case for war
Rhetoric and Spin
An analysis of how President Bush and his administration
skillfully manipulated language and facts
[ENGLISH] 6th Annual Anniversary of 33 Days War VICTORY - Sayyed Hasan...
Speech by the secretary general of Hizbullah, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, on the 6th Anniversary of the 33 Day War (July 2006).
Speech by the secretary general of Hizbullah, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, on the 6th Anniversary of the 33 Day War (July 2006).
Hezbollah will surprise Israel in any future war: Nasrallah
Marking the sixth anniversary of Israel\\\'s war against Lebanon in the summer of 2006, Hezbollah says the resistance movement will surprise Tel Aviv in any future war.
The Lebanese Resistance Movement said it has the capability to be victorious in any future war, Hezbollah Secretary General Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah stated in a televised speech on Wednesday night.
\\\"Israelis are still suffering from the shock of their defeat in the 33-day war,\\\" Nasrallah said, noting that the Israeli regime is still investigating the reasons behind their defeat in the 2006 war.
\\\"Two hundred and fifty rockets were launched at Israel on the last day of the July war,\\\" he said, recalling how the then Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert described the defeat as \\\'catastrophic\\\'.
Hezbollah\\\'s leader took pride in the military achievements of the Lebanese movement, emphasizing that its rockets are capable of hitting targets as far as Haifa and Tel Aviv.
Nasrallah voiced support for the Lebanese army and highlighted the need for national unity within Lebanon as the key to counter the US-Israeli strategy of fomenting sectarian disputes in the country and the region.
\\\"The July [2006] was an Israeli trick,\\\" he pointed out, noting that if Hezbollah had been defeated, Israel would have expanded the war to Syria.
\\\"The second stage of the Israeli attack was aimed at bringing down President Bashar al-Assad\\\'s government,\\\" Nasrallah added, noting that Hezbollah\\\'s victory in Lebanon thwarted this objective and prevented Syria from falling under the US-Israeli scheme.
Hezbollah\\\'s leader blamed the West, headed by the United States, for preventing dialogue on Syria and supporting terrorist activities in the country.
\\\"There is a US-Israeli project against Syria,\\\" he stated. \\\"The US and Israel consider Syria as a problem, because Syria is a real supporter of resistance.\\\"
The Lebanese leader also accused the West of heaping pressure on Iran because of its support for the Palestinian cause. He scoffed at the US attempts to undermine Iran\\\'s sovereignty, pointing out how all this pressure from the West has strengthened the Islamic Republic.
Your Responsibility in The Great Media War | Imam Khamenei | Farsi Sub...
What are the different kinds of wars that are being waged against the Muslims and namely the Islamic Republic of Iran?
What is considered to be...
What are the different kinds of wars that are being waged against the Muslims and namely the Islamic Republic of Iran?
What is considered to be of greater impact than even the economic war?
What is Jange Narm?
What is an integral political stance of the enemy when it comes to the Media War?
What are some other names for the Media War and what does it entail?
What is Jihade Tabyiin and along these lines, what is an important factor in the definition of Jihad?
What kind of resources and facilities are being used in the Media War?
What does the western media empire do when it comes to the reality concerning the Islamic Republic and Imam Khomeini (R)?
Who is responsible when it comes to the explanation and clarification of Islam, the Quran, the Messenger of Allah (S), the Ahl al-Bayt (A), the Islamic Revolution, the Islamic Republic, Imam Khomeini (R), and Imam Khamenei?
Finally, what is \"Your Responsibility in The Great Media War\"?
The Leader of the Muslim Ummah, Imam Sayyid Ali Khamenei, answers and explains, \"Your Responsibility in The Great Media War\".
It\'s time for us all to get working, and start explaining and clarifying. The time is now!
Video Tags:
The World War of Sanctions | Imam Khamenei | Farsi Sub English
What is \"The World War of Sanctions\"?
What is one of the kinds of unconventional wars that are taking place in the world?
What is...
What is \"The World War of Sanctions\"?
What is one of the kinds of unconventional wars that are taking place in the world?
What is one of the countries in the present-day that is waging a world war of sanctions on various countries all across the world?
Why is the war of sanctions and the economic war being waged by America unique when it comes to the Islamic Republic of Iran?
Is the Islamic Republic of Iran the only country that has been targeted in America\'s global economic war?
What response is a mistake when it comes to responding to America\'s economic war?
And finally, what is the correct response when it comes to responding to America\'s economic war?
The Leader of the Islamic Republic, Imam Sayyid Ali Khamenei, delineates how to break America\'s economic siege as he speaks about \"The World War of Sanctions\".
Video Tags:
[NO WAR ON IRAN] - Zafar Bangash (Sunni Imam) - Rally in...
Zafar Bangash (a Sunni Imam) Speaks to "NO WAR ON IRAN" Rally in Toronto -04Mar2012
The war drums are beating again and the...
Zafar Bangash (a Sunni Imam) Speaks to "NO WAR ON IRAN" Rally in Toronto -04Mar2012
The war drums are beating again and the Western Governments and media are
calling for regime change again- this time in IRAN. The Harper Government
supports this disastrous WAR which will result in UNTOLD death and
destabilization of the entire region. It is time for CANADIANS to STAND UP and
stop this new war drive.
A RALLY and MARCH to show HARPER and other warmongers that we want no part of
another war BASED ON LIES.
[email protected]
[NO WAR ON IRAN] - Kamal Reilly - Org. Israeli Apartheid Week - Rally in...
Kamal Reilly (Organizer of Israeli Apartheid Week) speaks on "NO WAR ON IRAN" in Toronto 04Mar2012
The war drums are beating...
Kamal Reilly (Organizer of Israeli Apartheid Week) speaks on "NO WAR ON IRAN" in Toronto 04Mar2012
The war drums are beating again and the Western Governments and media are
calling for regime change again- this time in IRAN. The Harper Government
supports this disastrous WAR which will result in UNTOLD death and
destabilization of the entire region. It is time for CANADIANS to STAND UP and
stop this new war drive.
A RALLY and MARCH to show HARPER and other warmongers that we want no part of
another war BASED ON LIES.
[email protected]
[NO WAR ON IRAN] Rally in Toronto from US to Israeli Consulate - 04 Mar...
Toronto Rally "NO WAR ON IRAN" 04Mar2012 from US to Israeli Consulate - All Languages.
The war drums are beating again and the Western...
Toronto Rally "NO WAR ON IRAN" 04Mar2012 from US to Israeli Consulate - All Languages.
The war drums are beating again and the Western Governments and media are
calling for regime change again- this time in IRAN. The Harper Government
supports this disastrous WAR which will result in UNTOLD death and
destabilization of the entire region. It is time for CANADIANS to STAND UP and
stop this new war drive.
A RALLY and MARCH to show HARPER and other warmongers that we want no part of
another war BASED ON LIES.
[email protected]
Prof. Michael Keefer on Media Lies to Hot War & US-Israeli Threats...
A Special speech by Professor Michael Keefer on Media Lies to Hot War: US-Israeli Threats Against Iran and the Geopolitics of World War 3.
A Special speech by Professor Michael Keefer on Media Lies to Hot War: US-Israeli Threats Against Iran and the Geopolitics of World War 3.
The US and Israel are edging towards a war of aggression that would be openly genocidal. Prof. Keefer is analyzing:
- the media (& state) deceptions that have been used to stir up war fever,
- the economic and political instabilities that make war tempting to US-Israeli elites,
- the plans of attack and defense (so far as they are publicly known), and finally
- the larger imperial geopolitics of which the current aggressions are part.
This event was Presented by the Social Justice Committee of Bloor St. United Church, Toronto.
Yusur Al Bahrani on - NO WAR ON IRAN - Rally in Toronto 04 Mar 2012 -...
The war drums are beating again and the Western Governments and media are
calling for regime change again- this time in IRAN. The Harper...
The war drums are beating again and the Western Governments and media are
calling for regime change again- this time in IRAN. The Harper Government
supports this disastrous WAR which will result in UNTOLD death and
destabilization of the entire region. It is time for CANADIANS to STAND UP and
stop this new war drive.
A RALLY and MARCH to show HARPER and other warmongers that we want no part of
another war BASED ON LIES.
[email protected]
[NO WAR ON IRAN] - James Loney - Peace activist - Rally in Toronto 04...
The war drums are beating again and the Western Governments and media are
calling for regime change again- this time in IRAN. The Harper...
The war drums are beating again and the Western Governments and media are
calling for regime change again- this time in IRAN. The Harper Government
supports this disastrous WAR which will result in UNTOLD death and
destabilization of the entire region. It is time for CANADIANS to STAND UP and
stop this new war drive.
A RALLY and MARCH to show HARPER and other warmongers that we want no part of
another war BASED ON LIES.
[email protected]
[NO WAR ON IRAN] - Br. Ali Mallah - Rally in Toronto 04 Mar 2012 - English
The war drums are beating again and the Western Governments and media are
calling for regime change again- this time in IRAN. The Harper...
The war drums are beating again and the Western Governments and media are
calling for regime change again- this time in IRAN. The Harper Government
supports this disastrous WAR which will result in UNTOLD death and
destabilization of the entire region. It is time for CANADIANS to STAND UP and
stop this new war drive.
A RALLY and MARCH to show HARPER and other warmongers that we want no part of
another war BASED ON LIES.
[email protected]
[21 June 2012] Should world be worried about emerging total war ideology...
[21 June 2012] Should world be worried about emerging total war ideology" against Islam - Islam And Life - English
It is revealed by American...
[21 June 2012] Should world be worried about emerging total war ideology" against Islam - Islam And Life - English
It is revealed by American magazine Wired in May 2012, that the American Army teaches its officers to "Use 'Hiroshima' tactics for a 'total war' on Islam". The course teaches officers there is no such thing as moderate Islam and that they should consider Islam their enemy. It advocated taking war to civilian populations using similar tactics as used in Dresden, Tokyo, Hiroshima and Nagasaki, as well possible nuclear attacks on the holy cities of Mecca and Medina and the wiping out civilian populations. The teaching material also suggests that there is no such thing as the moderate Islam and concludes "It is therefore time for the United States to make our true intentions clear. This barbaric ideology will no longer be tolerated. Islam must change or we will facilitate its self-destruction."
The Pentagon has confirmed the course material obtained by the magazine is authentic. The report says the officer who delivered the lectures, still maintains his position at the Norfolk, Virginia College, pending an investigation. It is not clear that how much of the similar material has been taught in the US Army. What is alarming according to BBC is that all those commanders, captains and colonels must have sat through the course and not felt anything unusual. It brings into question the validity of claims that killing at least 16 Afghan civilians by a US soldier was an isolated incident. This week's Islam and Life asks: Should the world be worried about the emerging "total war ideology" against Islam
[19 July 2012] Pictures of israel war on Lebanon displayed in Tehran -...
[19 July 2012] Pictures of israel war on Lebanon displayed in Tehran - English
An inside look at Southern Lebanon, the 33 day war and its impact...
[19 July 2012] Pictures of israel war on Lebanon displayed in Tehran - English
An inside look at Southern Lebanon, the 33 day war and its impact on the lives of the Lebanese people. Exchange is the title of a photo exhibition which narrates the people's aspirations and their anguish in their resistance against Israel's war machine.
Amir Mehdi Kazemi, Press TV, Tehran
[29 July 2012] War blockade traumatize Gaza children - English
[29 July 2012] War blockade traumatize Gaza children - English
The children of Gaza continue to bear the brunt of Israel's wanton aggression...
[29 July 2012] War blockade traumatize Gaza children - English
The children of Gaza continue to bear the brunt of Israel's wanton aggression during the Gaza war and its frequent air-strikes and incursions.
Israel ended its war on Gaza in 2009, an all-out war which claimed the lives of many people including innocent children and injured thousands others.
According to psychiatrists, Children who make up nearly 60 percent of Gaza population are still traumatized and psychologically scarred.Gaza children blockade war trauma Israel air-strike incursion
Ottawa Mark 4th year of Illegal war on Yemen infront of United States...
Azza Rojbi is a Tunisian social justice activist living in Vancouver. Azza is member of the Executive Committee of Vancouver\'s antiwar coalition...
Azza Rojbi is a Tunisian social justice activist living in Vancouver. Azza is member of the Executive Committee of Vancouver\'s antiwar coalition Mobilization Against War and Occupation (MAWO) and the coordinator of MAWO’s Yemen
solidarity work. Azza is also the author of the upcoming book “U.S. and Saudi
Arabia War on the People of Yemen” (Battle of Ideas Press, April 2019).
Ottawa Annual protest marking the 4th year anniversary of the illegal western armed Saudi war on Yemen the worst humanitarian crisis in the world, we call again on the Canadian government to Immediately STOP arming the Saudi war criminals, we will submit a letter with a wide range of endorsements as we do every year supporting our battle, Canada & Canadians can’t continue to be accomplices in the clear war crimes committed daily on the Yemeni nation, the worst humanitarian crisis in the world according to the UN and many credible orgs in the world!
The First-Ever World War That The West LOST | Dr. Hasan Abbasi | Farsi...
What goals were achieved by the Arrogant Powers in World War 1?
And likewise, what goals were achieved by the Arrogant Powers in World War 2?...
What goals were achieved by the Arrogant Powers in World War 1?
And likewise, what goals were achieved by the Arrogant Powers in World War 2? What about World War 3 - the cold war?
What were the Arrogant Powers trying to achieve in the West Asian region and who stood in their way?
And finally, was either Islam or the Islamic Republic defeated by the Arrogant Powers of the World?
Dr. Hasan Abbasi speaks about \\\"The First-Ever World War That The West LOST\\\".
And most likely, it won\\\'t be last.
17th Dec08-Veterans Shoe Protest Over Iraq War at White House- English
On Wednesday December 17 2008 activists staged a Shoe In demonstration in front of the White House. The rally was in solidarity with Iraqi...
On Wednesday December 17 2008 activists staged a Shoe In demonstration in front of the White House. The rally was in solidarity with Iraqi journalist Muntadhar al Zaidi.
WASHINGTON, Dec 17: About 100 people gathered outside the White House on Wednesday to protest for the release of the Iraqi journalist who hurled his shoes at President George W. Bush over the weekend.
Muntazer al-Zaidi, who works for the Al Baghdadia Television, has been in custody since disrupting President Bush’s weekend press conference with the size-10 projectiles. If convicted, Mr Zaidi may be jailed for up to seven years.
The protesters brought a giant head of President Bush, threw shoes at it and covered it with shoes before ending their protest.
They also brought bags of shoes representing Iraqis and US soldiers who have died since the Bush Administration’s “illegal invasion” of Iraq.
The peace activists urged the Iraqi government to release Mr Zaidi without charges and have set up a fund to support him and his family.
At the White House, Press Secretary Dana Perino said the president had “no hard feelings” about the Iraqi journalist who flung shoes at him.
Asked if Mr Zaidi should be forgiven, Ms Perino said Mr Bush trusted Iraq’s legal system to decide an appropriate punishment for the assault.
The protesters outside the White House also displayed names of thousands of Iraqis killed in the war. The display contained their names, ages, places where they were killed and how they were killed.
“These are real people,” said Gael Murphy, one of the cofounders of the Code Pink which along with three of the groups had participated in the protest. “They were killed because of the US invasion.”Later, representatives for Code Pink, Women for Peace, Iraq Veterans Against the War, and Veterans for Peace told a news conference that they had come to White House to remind the Bush administration and the American people that “Mr Bush is directly responsible for the deaths of 1.5 million Iraqis and 4,200 US troops”.
They noted that the war also displaced more than five million Iraqis.
“Bush is the real criminal, not al-Zaidi,” said one of them. “Al-Zaidi speaks for millions of people across the world.”
“Arrest Bush, not Zaidi,” chanted the protesters as they marched outside the White House. “Bush is a war criminal,” shouted the protesters as they spanked a giant picture of the US president with shoes.
The speakers who addressed the news conference noted that Mr Zaidi had become something of a folk-hero in the Arab world, and his shoe-throwing had become a symbol of dissatisfaction with ‘Bush’s bungled war in Iraq’
Br Zafar Bangash on "Marching to War With Iran" at McMaster...
Like a zombie, America is shambling towards war with Iran. Nobody, or almost nobody wants to see a gross expansion in the War on Terror. Yet the...
Like a zombie, America is shambling towards war with Iran. Nobody, or almost nobody wants to see a gross expansion in the War on Terror. Yet the military and political apparatus of the United States lurches mindlissly forward, with new sactions and new accusations, ever-closer to initiating disastrous strikes on a sovereign country.
Does anyone care? indeed, since the first term of the Bush administration, many have expressed concern that the U.S.-Instigated wars in Central Asia would culminate in a ruinous conflict with Iran that would devastate global markets and lead to an unprecedented crackdown on civil liberties and human rights at home. Zarfar is ready to lecture on the dangers, and the efforts to prevent the war, and also make the Middle East a nuclear-wapons-free zone.
Br Zafar Bangash on "Marching to War With Iran" at McMaster University Hamilton Canada 26Jan2012 English
[17 July 2012] Islamic Republic Iran next target for US war in Middle...
[17 July 2012] Iran next target for US war in Middle East - English
A prominent political analyst says the United States has long sought war...
[17 July 2012] Iran next target for US war in Middle East - English
A prominent political analyst says the United States has long sought war against Iran, following a series of conflicts against other countries in the Middle East.
Press TV has conducted an interview with Peter Eyre, Middle East consultant from London, to further discuss the issue.
[28 July 2012] Syria A Small-Scale World War - News Analysis - English
[28 July 2012] Syria A Small-Scale World War - News Analysis - English
The situation in Syria was supposed to be about Syrians demonstrating for...
[28 July 2012] Syria A Small-Scale World War - News Analysis - English
The situation in Syria was supposed to be about Syrians demonstrating for reforms and change: The situation in Syria has turned out into a proxy-war, involving several players, such as the US, UK, Turkey, not to mention fighters from different nationalities, including from Egypt, Libya, and Jordan, with German intelligence citing al-Qaeda's involvement and the money that is being provided by Saudi Arabia and Qatar. Some observers say Syria has become the scene of a "small-scale world war".
[16Aug13] Anniversary of July 2006 War Speech - Syed Hasan Nasrallah -...
Hezbollah Secretary General, his Eminence Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, delivered a speech on Friday, August 16th, 2013, marking the 7th anniversary of...
Hezbollah Secretary General, his Eminence Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, delivered a speech on Friday, August 16th, 2013, marking the 7th anniversary of the July 2006 Victory of the Islamic Resistance against the Israeli army.
Sayyed Nasrallah to Takfiris: We will Capture You, We will Put an End to Terror
Sara Taha Moughnieh
Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah delivered a speech on Friday, during a ceremony celebrating the seventh anniversary of victory in the July 2006 war.
Sayyed NasrallahHis eminence started his speech with a greeting to the martyrs and wounded who fell only one day before the celebration in the terrorist blast which hit Ruwais street in the Southern Suburb of Beirut.
\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"I pray for the recovery of all the wounded from the large and dangerous terrorist attack, and I offer my condolences to the families of martyrs who fell, and to all those who were affected physically, mentally, spiritually, and on the material level yesterday. We highly appreciate, admire, and respect the patience of people and the citizens of Dahieh who held responsibility, and were conscious, disciplined, and civilized,\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" he said.
As he expressed gratitude for all those who stood in solidarity and denounced this painful event, Sayyed Nasrallah condemned the silence of some countries, considering that \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"days will prove that they support terrorism, murder, and crime taking place in our region\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\".
July 2006 victory put an end to \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"Greater Israel\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" project
Sayyed Nasrallah initiated his statement with words about the victory, pointing out that \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"the celebration was arranged to take place in Aita Al-Shaab, because it overlooks occupied Palestine, and its air is Palestinian air. Hence, you are smelling the air of occupied Palestine, and you are gathering only a stone\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s throw away from the enemy.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"
His eminence further stressed that Aita\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s significance was with its symbolic representation, especially with its good hearted and firm people, its brave heroes, its martyrs, and liberated captives.
Sayyed Nasrallah talked about the faithfulness of the resistance fighters who were located in Aita Al-Shaab, referring to the devoutness of those men to the path of Master of Martyrs, Imam Hussein (pbuh).
July 2006 victory celebrationHe also paid gratitude to the citizens of this village, who returned to their land just hours after ceasefire in 2006, and built tents over the ruins of their houses, to sit in them.
\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"Your historic victory in the 25th of May 2000 defeated the \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"greater Israel\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" project, because the Israeli army, which failed to stay in Lebanon, the weakest Arab country, cannot build a state from the Nile to Furat. Then the 14th of August 2006 victory , defeated Israel\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s project of being a great country, which dominates and imposes its decisions on the region and on Iran,\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" Sayyed Nasrallah added.
Hezbollah Secretary General added that the July 2006 victory also proved that \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"this organized popular resistance, which is embraced by its people, is capable of forming real defense, at a time when the country does not have the capacities and technologies which the attacking enemy has, and the evidence on that was presented in the July war.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"
In this context, Sayyed Nasrallah warned the Israeli enemy that the resistance will not allow one Israeli soldier to set a foot in the Lebanese territories, indicating that \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"we will not be tolerant in defending our villages, lands, and people.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"
He further addressed the Israelis, saying: \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"The era of Israeli military tourism on the borders with Lebanon, and inside the Lebanese territories is over, with no return.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"
Response to Dahieh blast is by duplicating number of fighters in Syria
In another context, Sayyed Nasrallah tackled the recent assaults on Dahieh, specifically Thursday\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s tragic attack which left over 20 killed and hundreds wounded.
He indicated that \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"targeting people and citizens in Dahieh and other places is nothing new. When the enemy failed, it always resorted to hitting people, even those who had no relation with the resistance. The history of Israeli wars in Qana, Dahieh, Sheyah, and other places in July war is a clear witness on that. The enemy takes such action because it knows that this is our point of weakness when it fails in confronting us militarily.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"
\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"This is a point of pride for us, as it points out that the relation between the resistance and the people is an emotional, humanitarian, moral, and spiritual relation, and that both are one. The resistance had never acted like it was an imported resistance, like some fighters act these days, hence they don’t care about people. Not at all, as throughout the past years, the resistance had never performed a military or resistance operation without taking into consideration the responses, and protecting people, until April Accord came out to protect them,\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" Sayyed Nasrallah added.
From this point, his eminence considered that \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"when there is a resistance, and people whom it shares their feelings, and suffers from their pains, this is a point of power on one hand, and a point of weakness on the other, which the enemy uses. What happened yesterday was an attack on people. It wasn’t an assassination. There wasn’t any Hezbollah official or location targeted, but the side which committed the massacre in Dahieh wanted to leave behind the largest number of casualties among people.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"
He stated that \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"the bomb weighted over 100 KGs, and at this location in specific, like the case in Bir Al-Abed explosion, the goal was only to kill people.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"
Sayyed NasrallahHezbollah secretary general asserted that the \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"massacre comes in the context of a wide and open battle which has been taking place since tens of years… as long as there is a group resisting and refusing to surrender to the American-Zionist will, then naturally, this group and its environment will bare this responsibility.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"
Sayyed Nasrallah assured that the rockets that hit Baalbak and its neighborhoods in the last few weeks were fired by armed Syrian groups, adding that \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"rockets on Hermel, Majdal Anjar, Zahle, and Dahieh were targeting us, and the large explosion on the 9th of August targeted our people and environment. Yet we did not make a quick response… we did not accuse anyone.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"
However, \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"after Bir Al-Abed blast, some Lebanese parts claimed that Hezbollah planted the explosive as a pretext to ignite the situation. This is defamation and unjust, as you cannot find anyone who would love these people, and kiss the soil under the feet of these people like Hezbollah and its leadership does… This is how you work, but not how Hezbollah does.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"
His eminence pointed out that during investigations about these assaults, \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"the first assumption was that \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"Israel\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" was behind them, while the second was the terrorist groups who have declared war on Hezbollah long before the latter entered Al-Qusayr, and the third assumption was that some other side interfered to escalate the situation with Israel, or to create internal sedition and sectarian strife.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"
\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"After over 30 days on Bir Al-Abed explosion, and after the intelligence\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s arrests and our investigations, we have reached the result, and the names of those who planted the explosive on Hermel road are now known, and one of them is under arrest… as for the names of those involved in Bir Al-Abed blast, they are now 99.99% known,\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" he revealed.
Sayyed Nasrallah indicated that investigations have not yet revealed that the committers were operational agents of Israel.
\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"They are rather affiliated with a certain Takfiri line… some of them are Lebanese, some are Syrians, and some are Palestinians.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"
His eminence assured that intelligence apparatuses have informed Hezbollah about certain sides preparing booby-trapped cars to send them to Dahieh, emphasizing that \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"all our measures in Dahieh were in response to the official apparatuses\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\' information.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"
On this point, Sayyed Nasrallah stated that \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"these (Takfiri) groups work for Israel, and undoubtedly, US and some regional countries\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\' intelligences are operating these sides.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"
He highlighted that \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"yesterday they put (explosives) in Dahieh, but who knows where they could put them tomorrow? Neither Israel nor Takfiris care if they were in Dahieh or somewhere else. Those kill Sunnis just like they kill Shiites, they kill Christians just like they kill Muslims, and they bomb mosques just like they bomb churches.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"
As his eminence asserted that Takfiri groups could plant booby-trapped cars anywhere in Lebanon, he warned officials, politicians, security apparatuses, and all the Lebanese that \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"yesterday\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s explosion was under control and the situation was under control, but if these explosions continue, Lebanon will be on the verge of Abyss. Therefore, responsible actions must be taken for Lebanon to confront this threat\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\".
Sayyed Nasrallah reiterated that the right precautionary measures should be taken and the government as well as its apparatuses must hold their responsibilities, if not to prevent suicide attacks, as this is impossible, then at least to minimize losses, stressing \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"the importance of finding the sides sending explosives-laden cars and arresting them… as well as the importance of not giving any political or security cover to these groups.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"
Sayyed Nasrallah further emphasized \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"the importance of abandoning sectarian incitements, so that the conflict remains political.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"
Addressing people who were affected by Thursday\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s terror attack, Hezbollah leader said: \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"We are aware of your patience, courage and faith, and the biggest exam was in July war… They want to harm your determination and faith, but we are certain of your faith and these aims will fail. What we fear is that those murderers drag you to uncalculated reactions which would lead to sedition and the destruction of the country…\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"
\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"(Those killers) neither have a nation nor a religion, and they are not Sunnis. They killed Sunnis even more than they killed Shiites. They seek to create a fight between the Lebanese and the (Palestinian refugee) camps. These murderers are a group of terrorists and the owners of a destructive project in the whole region, not just in Lebanon. In Iraq, there is clear evidence about the western, regional, and Israeli intelligences operating the murderers there,\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" he added.
In conclusion, Sayyed Nasrallah called on his people to \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"stay patient and send a clear message that exploding and killing will not affect our morale, and it will not throw us in the trap of sedition. This is the responsibility of everyone in Lebanon, because if this situation continues, it could reach the verge of ambyss.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"
His eminence also addressed the murderers, saying: \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"If you work for Israel, we know you and we will capture you if the state neglected that. Yet he indicated that \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"we are not a substitute for the state, but in any field the state does not hold its responsibility in, we will hold this responsibility.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"
\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"If you claim you are defending the Syrian people and punishing Hezbollah over its intervention in Syria, I tell you two things: You, the Takfiri groups are the harshest killers of the Syrian people. You even kidnapped and killed Christian priests who supported the opposition. You kill children and explode mosques.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"
\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"As for us, we fight with our values. We have never killed a captive, while you prosecute captives in daylight. We have never killed citizens, and in some of our battles, a larger number of martyrs fell in order to protect citizens, and all what is said about massacres committed by us are lies and fabrications.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"
Criticizing the fabrications of some Arab media stations, he assured that \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"the world will witness that we have only fought Takfiri groups in Syria.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"
Finally, Sayyed Nasrallah said: \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"One of our responses to such explosions is: If we had 1000 fighters in Syria, they will become 2000, and if we had 5000, they will become 10 000, and if the battle with those terrorists required that I go with all Hezbollah to Syria, we will all go for the sake of Syria and its people, Lebanon and its people, Palestine and Al-Quds, and the central cause.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"
\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"We put an end to the battle, and we set a time for this battle to end, and as we triumphed in all our wars with Israel, if you wanted us to enter a fierce battle with you, I assure to everyone that we will triumph against Takfiri terror. The cost of the battle will be high, but the least cost is being slaughtered like ewes and waiting for the murderers to come into our house.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"
[ARABIC][16Aug13] Anniversary of July 2006 War Speech - Syed Hasan...
Hezbollah Secretary General, his Eminence Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, delivered a speech on Friday, August 16th, 2013, marking the 7th anniversary of...
Hezbollah Secretary General, his Eminence Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, delivered a speech on Friday, August 16th, 2013, marking the 7th anniversary of the July 2006 Victory of the Islamic Resistance against the Israeli army.
Sayyed Nasrallah to Takfiris: We will Capture You, We will Put an End to Terror
Sara Taha Moughnieh
Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah delivered a speech on Friday, during a ceremony celebrating the seventh anniversary of victory in the July 2006 war.
Sayyed NasrallahHis eminence started his speech with a greeting to the martyrs and wounded who fell only one day before the celebration in the terrorist blast which hit Ruwais street in the Southern Suburb of Beirut.
\\\\\\\"I pray for the recovery of all the wounded from the large and dangerous terrorist attack, and I offer my condolences to the families of martyrs who fell, and to all those who were affected physically, mentally, spiritually, and on the material level yesterday. We highly appreciate, admire, and respect the patience of people and the citizens of Dahieh who held responsibility, and were conscious, disciplined, and civilized,\\\\\\\" he said.
As he expressed gratitude for all those who stood in solidarity and denounced this painful event, Sayyed Nasrallah condemned the silence of some countries, considering that \\\\\\\"days will prove that they support terrorism, murder, and crime taking place in our region\\\\\\\".
July 2006 victory put an end to \\\\\\\"Greater Israel\\\\\\\" project
Sayyed Nasrallah initiated his statement with words about the victory, pointing out that \\\\\\\"the celebration was arranged to take place in Aita Al-Shaab, because it overlooks occupied Palestine, and its air is Palestinian air. Hence, you are smelling the air of occupied Palestine, and you are gathering only a stone\\\\\\\'s throw away from the enemy.\\\\\\\"
His eminence further stressed that Aita\\\\\\\'s significance was with its symbolic representation, especially with its good hearted and firm people, its brave heroes, its martyrs, and liberated captives.
Sayyed Nasrallah talked about the faithfulness of the resistance fighters who were located in Aita Al-Shaab, referring to the devoutness of those men to the path of Master of Martyrs, Imam Hussein (pbuh).
July 2006 victory celebrationHe also paid gratitude to the citizens of this village, who returned to their land just hours after ceasefire in 2006, and built tents over the ruins of their houses, to sit in them.
\\\\\\\"Your historic victory in the 25th of May 2000 defeated the \\\\\\\"greater Israel\\\\\\\" project, because the Israeli army, which failed to stay in Lebanon, the weakest Arab country, cannot build a state from the Nile to Furat. Then the 14th of August 2006 victory , defeated Israel\\\\\\\'s project of being a great country, which dominates and imposes its decisions on the region and on Iran,\\\\\\\" Sayyed Nasrallah added.
Hezbollah Secretary General added that the July 2006 victory also proved that \\\\\\\"this organized popular resistance, which is embraced by its people, is capable of forming real defense, at a time when the country does not have the capacities and technologies which the attacking enemy has, and the evidence on that was presented in the July war.\\\\\\\"
In this context, Sayyed Nasrallah warned the Israeli enemy that the resistance will not allow one Israeli soldier to set a foot in the Lebanese territories, indicating that \\\\\\\"we will not be tolerant in defending our villages, lands, and people.\\\\\\\"
He further addressed the Israelis, saying: \\\\\\\"The era of Israeli military tourism on the borders with Lebanon, and inside the Lebanese territories is over, with no return.\\\\\\\"
Response to Dahieh blast is by duplicating number of fighters in Syria
In another context, Sayyed Nasrallah tackled the recent assaults on Dahieh, specifically Thursday\\\\\\\'s tragic attack which left over 20 killed and hundreds wounded.
He indicated that \\\\\\\"targeting people and citizens in Dahieh and other places is nothing new. When the enemy failed, it always resorted to hitting people, even those who had no relation with the resistance. The history of Israeli wars in Qana, Dahieh, Sheyah, and other places in July war is a clear witness on that. The enemy takes such action because it knows that this is our point of weakness when it fails in confronting us militarily.\\\\\\\"
\\\\\\\"This is a point of pride for us, as it points out that the relation between the resistance and the people is an emotional, humanitarian, moral, and spiritual relation, and that both are one. The resistance had never acted like it was an imported resistance, like some fighters act these days, hence they don’t care about people. Not at all, as throughout the past years, the resistance had never performed a military or resistance operation without taking into consideration the responses, and protecting people, until April Accord came out to protect them,\\\\\\\" Sayyed Nasrallah added.
From this point, his eminence considered that \\\\\\\"when there is a resistance, and people whom it shares their feelings, and suffers from their pains, this is a point of power on one hand, and a point of weakness on the other, which the enemy uses. What happened yesterday was an attack on people. It wasn’t an assassination. There wasn’t any Hezbollah official or location targeted, but the side which committed the massacre in Dahieh wanted to leave behind the largest number of casualties among people.\\\\\\\"
He stated that \\\\\\\"the bomb weighted over 100 KGs, and at this location in specific, like the case in Bir Al-Abed explosion, the goal was only to kill people.\\\\\\\"
Sayyed NasrallahHezbollah secretary general asserted that the \\\\\\\"massacre comes in the context of a wide and open battle which has been taking place since tens of years… as long as there is a group resisting and refusing to surrender to the American-Zionist will, then naturally, this group and its environment will bare this responsibility.\\\\\\\"
Sayyed Nasrallah assured that the rockets that hit Baalbak and its neighborhoods in the last few weeks were fired by armed Syrian groups, adding that \\\\\\\"rockets on Hermel, Majdal Anjar, Zahle, and Dahieh were targeting us, and the large explosion on the 9th of August targeted our people and environment. Yet we did not make a quick response… we did not accuse anyone.\\\\\\\"
However, \\\\\\\"after Bir Al-Abed blast, some Lebanese parts claimed that Hezbollah planted the explosive as a pretext to ignite the situation. This is defamation and unjust, as you cannot find anyone who would love these people, and kiss the soil under the feet of these people like Hezbollah and its leadership does… This is how you work, but not how Hezbollah does.\\\\\\\"
His eminence pointed out that during investigations about these assaults, \\\\\\\"the first assumption was that \\\\\\\"Israel\\\\\\\" was behind them, while the second was the terrorist groups who have declared war on Hezbollah long before the latter entered Al-Qusayr, and the third assumption was that some other side interfered to escalate the situation with Israel, or to create internal sedition and sectarian strife.\\\\\\\"
\\\\\\\"After over 30 days on Bir Al-Abed explosion, and after the intelligence\\\\\\\'s arrests and our investigations, we have reached the result, and the names of those who planted the explosive on Hermel road are now known, and one of them is under arrest… as for the names of those involved in Bir Al-Abed blast, they are now 99.99% known,\\\\\\\" he revealed.
Sayyed Nasrallah indicated that investigations have not yet revealed that the committers were operational agents of Israel.
\\\\\\\"They are rather affiliated with a certain Takfiri line… some of them are Lebanese, some are Syrians, and some are Palestinians.\\\\\\\"
His eminence assured that intelligence apparatuses have informed Hezbollah about certain sides preparing booby-trapped cars to send them to Dahieh, emphasizing that \\\\\\\"all our measures in Dahieh were in response to the official apparatuses\\\\\\\' information.\\\\\\\"
On this point, Sayyed Nasrallah stated that \\\\\\\"these (Takfiri) groups work for Israel, and undoubtedly, US and some regional countries\\\\\\\' intelligences are operating these sides.\\\\\\\"
He highlighted that \\\\\\\"yesterday they put (explosives) in Dahieh, but who knows where they could put them tomorrow? Neither Israel nor Takfiris care if they were in Dahieh or somewhere else. Those kill Sunnis just like they kill Shiites, they kill Christians just like they kill Muslims, and they bomb mosques just like they bomb churches.\\\\\\\"
As his eminence asserted that Takfiri groups could plant booby-trapped cars anywhere in Lebanon, he warned officials, politicians, security apparatuses, and all the Lebanese that \\\\\\\"yesterday\\\\\\\'s explosion was under control and the situation was under control, but if these explosions continue, Lebanon will be on the verge of Abyss. Therefore, responsible actions must be taken for Lebanon to confront this threat\\\\\\\".
Sayyed Nasrallah reiterated that the right precautionary measures should be taken and the government as well as its apparatuses must hold their responsibilities, if not to prevent suicide attacks, as this is impossible, then at least to minimize losses, stressing \\\\\\\"the importance of finding the sides sending explosives-laden cars and arresting them… as well as the importance of not giving any political or security cover to these groups.\\\\\\\"
Sayyed Nasrallah further emphasized \\\\\\\"the importance of abandoning sectarian incitements, so that the conflict remains political.\\\\\\\"
Addressing people who were affected by Thursday\\\\\\\'s terror attack, Hezbollah leader said: \\\\\\\"We are aware of your patience, courage and faith, and the biggest exam was in July war… They want to harm your determination and faith, but we are certain of your faith and these aims will fail. What we fear is that those murderers drag you to uncalculated reactions which would lead to sedition and the destruction of the country…\\\\\\\"
\\\\\\\"(Those killers) neither have a nation nor a religion, and they are not Sunnis. They killed Sunnis even more than they killed Shiites. They seek to create a fight between the Lebanese and the (Palestinian refugee) camps. These murderers are a group of terrorists and the owners of a destructive project in the whole region, not just in Lebanon. In Iraq, there is clear evidence about the western, regional, and Israeli intelligences operating the murderers there,\\\\\\\" he added.
In conclusion, Sayyed Nasrallah called on his people to \\\\\\\"stay patient and send a clear message that exploding and killing will not affect our morale, and it will not throw us in the trap of sedition. This is the responsibility of everyone in Lebanon, because if this situation continues, it could reach the verge of ambyss.\\\\\\\"
His eminence also addressed the murderers, saying: \\\\\\\"If you work for Israel, we know you and we will capture you if the state neglected that. Yet he indicated that \\\\\\\"we are not a substitute for the state, but in any field the state does not hold its responsibility in, we will hold this responsibility.\\\\\\\"
\\\\\\\"If you claim you are defending the Syrian people and punishing Hezbollah over its intervention in Syria, I tell you two things: You, the Takfiri groups are the harshest killers of the Syrian people. You even kidnapped and killed Christian priests who supported the opposition. You kill children and explode mosques.\\\\\\\"
\\\\\\\"As for us, we fight with our values. We have never killed a captive, while you prosecute captives in daylight. We have never killed citizens, and in some of our battles, a larger number of martyrs fell in order to protect citizens, and all what is said about massacres committed by us are lies and fabrications.\\\\\\\"
Criticizing the fabrications of some Arab media stations, he assured that \\\\\\\"the world will witness that we have only fought Takfiri groups in Syria.\\\\\\\"
Finally, Sayyed Nasrallah said: \\\\\\\"One of our responses to such explosions is: If we had 1000 fighters in Syria, they will become 2000, and if we had 5000, they will become 10 000, and if the battle with those terrorists required that I go with all Hezbollah to Syria, we will all go for the sake of Syria and its people, Lebanon and its people, Palestine and Al-Quds, and the central cause.\\\\\\\"
\\\\\\\"We put an end to the battle, and we set a time for this battle to end, and as we triumphed in all our wars with Israel, if you wanted us to enter a fierce battle with you, I assure to everyone that we will triumph against Takfiri terror. The cost of the battle will be high, but the least cost is being slaughtered like ewes and waiting for the murderers to come into our house.\\\\\\\"
[14 Jan 2014] Several US lawmakers introduce bill to bring legal end to...
A group of lawmakers in the US have introduced legislation that would finally bring to an end Washington\'s authorization to wage war in Iraq.
A group of lawmakers in the US have introduced legislation that would finally bring to an end Washington\'s authorization to wage war in Iraq.
The introduced bill has been led by Republican Senator Rand Paul. He says that US President Obama declared the war in Iraq over two years ago. Yet, it\'s necessary to bring the war to an official and legal end. Although Barack Obama has declared the war over, a loophole in the law green-lighting the March 2003 invasion allows for future U-S presidents to send troops back to Iraq. In 2003, the US attacked Iraq under the pretext that the regime of former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein possessed weapons of mass destruction. WMDs were never found in the country and the war killed hundreds of thousands of people.