[31 Dec 2013] Sun flips upside down while reversing magnetic poles -...
The Sun has undergone a \\\"complete field reversal,\\\" with its north and south poles changing places as it marks the midpoint of Solar...
The Sun has undergone a \\\"complete field reversal,\\\" with its north and south poles changing places as it marks the midpoint of Solar Cycle 24.
Experts say that the reversal of the Sun\\\'s magnetic field is, literally, a big event and it is a regular part of the solar cycle. While it may seem like the event could have catastrophic repercussions for the galaxy, its effects are actually more subtle, mostly interfering with space exploration. Some researchers say cosmic rays are a danger to astronauts and space probes and might affect the cloudiness and climate of Earth. NASA has released a visualization of how the switch occurs. Beginning in 1997 and ending in 2013, it shows the green positive polarity switching with the purple negative polarity. Solar Cycle 24 has been viewed as quite unpredictable. First, it came late by about a year, with extremely low activity recorded throughout 2009. This prompted astronomers to shift a predicted 2012 peak to 2013.
[FINAL AWAKENING] Gaza is today*s Karbala - Abbas Bandali - English
The Song depicts the life in Gaza of a little boy who has everything a child needs, Loving parents, friends, a safe and nurturing environment.
The Song depicts the life in Gaza of a little boy who has everything a child needs, Loving parents, friends, a safe and nurturing environment.
In light of the Jan 2009 crisis, his world is suddenly turned upside down when he loses his parents, his friends, his dreams, his childhood, his zest for life and most tragically, his innocence.
Drawing strength from the lessons his mother taught him about Karbala he fights against oppression, defending Justice, humanity and peace. And in the end, he makes his mother\\\'s soul happy and pleases Allah by attaining the ranks of the martyrs.
How to Make a Woven Vase Out of a Soda Bottle - English
Watch more Great Craft Ideas videos:
Use a plastic soda bottle to make a vase that, if you didn\'t know better, you\'d swear it was made out of...
Watch more Great Craft Ideas videos:
Use a plastic soda bottle to make a vase that, if you didn\'t know better, you\'d swear it was made out of crystal.
Step 1: Cut off the top
Cut off the top of the bottle, at the top of the bottle\'s smooth section, to make an even edge about 3 inches above where the fluted rim will be.
Use a green bottle for accented color.
Step 2: Cut strips
Wrap the measuring tape around the bottle, mark and cut evenly-spaced strips down from the top of the bottle, about 3 inches long. Then cut the strips in half once, and in half again, so that you have thin, even strips all the way around the bottle.
Step 3: Bend the strips
Carefully bend the strips outward, making a level edge around the top of the bottle. Turn the bottle upside down and press it against a flat surface to make sure the rim is even.
Make sure the creases are regularized for a symmetrical vase.
Step 4: Weave the rim
Weave one strip over the one next to it and then under the following two, creasing it so that its tip is at the base of the third strip.
Step 5: Bend and crease the next one
Bend and crease the strip you wove over with the first strip, and fold it over the next two and under the following one.
Step 6: Bend and crease the third strip
Bend and crease the third strip the same way as the first one -- over one and under two.
Step 7: Keep bending
Continue weaving the strips in this alternating pattern until only three strips are left. Tuck each of the last three under the next strip until they\'re tucked in completely.
Step 8: Add weight
Add marbles, beach glass, or stones to your vase to weigh it down so that it doesn\'t fall over. And when you get tired of your vase or want to redecorate, simply recycle it.
Did You Know?
Americans use 4 million plastic bottles every hour.
Can You Solve \"Einstein’S Riddle\"? - Dan Van Der Vieren |...
View full lesson: http://ed.ted.com/lessons/can-you-solve-einstein-s-riddle-dan-van-der-vieren
View all the clues here:...
View full lesson: http://ed.ted.com/lessons/can-you-solve-einstein-s-riddle-dan-van-der-vieren
View all the clues here: http://ed.ted.com/lessons/can-you-solve-einstein-s-riddle-dan-van-der-vieren#digdeeper
Before he turned physics upside down, a young Albert Einstein supposedly showed off his genius by devising a complex riddle involving a stolen exotic fish and a long list of suspects. Can you resist tackling a brain teaser written by one of the smartest people in history? Dan Van der Vieren shows how.
Lesson by Dan Van der Vieren, animation by Artrake Studio.
[Session 3] Becoming familiar with some of the sweet concepts of the...
Becoming familiar with some of the sweet concepts of the Sha’baniya Supplication / Session 3
In the name of God, the Beneficent, the...
Becoming familiar with some of the sweet concepts of the Sha’baniya Supplication / Session 3
In the name of God, the Beneficent, the Merciful. In talking about the Sh’abaniya Supplication, we are still talking about the first phrase. There is a very lofty concept in the first phrase, which should be discussed separately. This concept is “Tadarru” (beseeching). The Commander of the Faithful, Ali (‘a), explicitly calls to the God of the universe, “I am standing between Your hands. I am poor before You and beseeching You.” I am standing in front of You like one who is very small and poor in front of one who is completely rich and great, “…and beseeching You.”
Beseeching is a term, which has been used seven times in the Holy Qur’an with the same meaning. Of course, it’s more than seven times. But, only in seven cases has it been used with exactly the same meaning of a person praying to God pleadingly. The fundamental meaning of beseeching is not crying. Crying is one of its results. It is the height of pleading, entreating, and being humble in front of the Almighty God. If we want to say the meaning, a person who beseeches is one who pleads a lot. A person who beseeches is one who doesn’t have any pride or assets. He’s extremely humble.
It has been said in the Holy Qur’an, “Already We have seized them with punishment, but they neither humbled themselves to their Lord, nor did they beseech Him.” [Qur’an 23:76] After feeling distress and destitution, they didn’t beseech God! In this supplication, it is as if by saying, “I am poor before You and beseeching You,” the Imam is answering this verse from the Chapter “The Believers.” The Qur’an says, “We have seized them with punishment, but they neither humbled themselves to their Lord...” Imam Ali replies here, “I am poor before You.” And the Qur’an says, “…nor did they beseech Him.” Imam Ali says in this supplication, “…and beseeching You.”
Beseeching has been mentioned in the Qur’an in different situations. Beseeching is a kind of pleading, which isn’t hidden anymore and is apparent. This broken heart shows itself, “Pray to your Lord beseechingly and in secret.” [Qur’an 7:55] This means to call God beseechingly, meaning openly, or hidden within yourself. There are other verses, which refer to this too.
The verse of the Chapter “The Cattle” is suitable for these days. “Why did they not entreat when Our punishment overtook them! But their hearts had hardened, and Satan had made to seem decorous to them what they had been doing.” [Qur’an 6:43] Why didn’t they beseech Us when our punishment overtook them? The Almighty God tells what He expects explicitly. When a divine tribulation comes, the servants should beseech Him. God is waiting to bring His servants under His shelter. In this verse, God asks why they didn’t beseech Him. The reason they didn’t beseech Him was that their hearts had become so hardened that they didn’t even go to God in tribulations, “Satan had made to seem decorous to them what they had been doing.”
In the verse before this verse, God the Almighty says that He has sent this scourge for people to beseech Him, “We have certainly sent (apostles) to nations before you, then We seized them with stress and distress so that they might entreat (Us).” [Qur’an 6:42] For us common people, this kind of beseeching God is elicited in tribulations. For those who don’t beseech God, even in tribulations, their hearts have truly become hardened as the Qur’an says. But, for people with understanding and the Friends of God, beseeching God is the result of their deep understanding, extreme interest and intense ardor for the high position of being close to God. We should resolve this riddle in our minds once and forever, that is this extent of crying needed when talking to God that the Commander of the Faithful moaned to God like this? What did he really want? What punishment did he fear?!
We should accept that there is a spiritual maturity, which many don’t achieve at all. This spiritual maturity is more than fearing punishment, more than the intensity of suffering that a person will tolerate in Hell, and more than the fear of a sinful person or a criminal of retribution. Some good people feel such a severe need for being close to God that if they see they are far from this intense need, even a bit, they cry to God beseechingly. Was the Commander of the Faithful a weak person for someone to see his crying, broken heart? All his existence was solidity. If the entire universe had turned upside down, he would have stood firmly and wouldn’t have even flinched! He had nothing to be afraid of or to lose.
So, why did he moan to God like this? He had reached a spiritual maturity. He felt a severe need for those high spiritual positions. When he felt a bit far from that desirable point, and that peak became more novel and substantial for him every moment, he would cry pleadingly.