[29 Nov 2013] Easing of insurance sanctions on Iranian oil export...
Several leading insurers say the easing of insurance sanctions on some Iranian oil exports is likely to take months to come into effect.
Several leading insurers say the easing of insurance sanctions on some Iranian oil exports is likely to take months to come into effect.
The companies claim this is due to complex law and regulations in the United States and the European Union. They also say a formal change in E-U, U-K and U-S laws is needed to release insurers from existing prohibitions. A recent nuclear deal on Iran\'s nuclear energy program in Geneva allows an easing of a ban on European ship insurance companies that deal with Iran. The sanctions relief could allow Iran to transport its oil more easily to its Asian customers.
[FARSI] Vali Amr Muslimeen : Islamic Awakening and Youth Conference 2012...
دیدار شركتكنندگان در اجلاس جهانی جوانان و بیداری اسلامی با رهبر انقلاب...
دیدار شركتكنندگان در اجلاس جهانی جوانان و بیداری اسلامی با رهبر انقلاب
صدها نفر از جوانان 73 كشور جهان از جمله جوانان مصر، تونس، لیبی، لبنان، یمن، بحرین و فلسطین صبح روز 10 بهمن 1390، در فضایی صمیمانه و لبریز احساسات اسلامی و انقلابی، با رهبر معظم انقلاب اسلامی دیدار كردند.
در این دیدار پس از سخنان نمایندگان جوانان تونس، مصر، یمن، بحرین، فلسطین، لیبی و لبنان، حضرت آیت الله خامنهای در سخنانی، جوانان كشورهای اسلامی را حاملان بشارتهای بزرگ برای آینده امت اسلامی خواندند و افزودند: بیداری جوانان سرتاسر جهان اسلام، امید به بیداری عمومی ملتهای مسلمان را افزایش داده است.
رهبر انقلاب، تاریخ بشر را بر سر یك پیچ بزرگ تاریخی و در آستانه تحولی عظیم برشمردند و تأكید كردند: بشریت از همه مكاتب و ایدئولوژیهای مادی اعم از ماركسیسم، لیبرال دمكراسی و ناسیونالیسم سكولار عبور كرده و در آغاز دوران جدیدی است كه بزرگترین نشانه آن، توجه ملتها به خدای متعال، استمداد آنها از قدرت لایزال الهی و اتكای ملتها به وحی است.
ایشان با اشاره به تسلط شبكه دیكتاتوری پیچیده، خطرناك، فاسد و شیطانی صهیونیستها و قدرتهای استكباری بر جهان افزودند: قیام ملتهای منطقه علیه دیكتاتورهای وابسته، جزئی از مبارزه بشریت با دیكتاتوری جهانی صهیونیستهاست و جامعه بشری با پشت سر گذاشتن پیچ بزرگ تاریخی، از سیطره این دیكتاتوری خطرناك رها میشود و این تحول عظیم براساس وعده صادق پروردگار، به آزادی ملتها و حاكمیت ارزشهای معنوی و الهی منجر خواهد شد.
حضرت آیت الله خامنهای با اشاره به كسانی كه ممكن است پیروزی بر شبكه دیكتاتوری جهانی صهیونیستها را غیرممكن بدانند خاطرنشان كردند: قبلاً نیز اگر كسی از پیروزی جوانان مؤمن حزب الله بر ارتش رژیم صهیونیستی سخن میگفت و یا از ذلت طاغوت مصر و تحولات عجیب شمال افریقا حرف می زد خیلیها باور نمیكردند همچنانكه استقامت، پیروزی و پیشرفت جمهوری اسلامی نیز برای برخی ها قابل باور نبود اما قدرت فائقه پروردگار، خود را در این پیروزیها و تحولات شگفت نشان داد.
رهبر انقلاب اسلامی، حضور هوشیارانه و استقامت ملتها در میدان را زمینهساز تحقق بدون تردید نصرتهای الهی خواندند و افزودند: در پرتو تحقق وعدههای پروردگار، صهیونیستها، شیطان بزرگ امریكا و قدرتهای غربی امروز در مقابل بیداری اسلامی احساس ناتوانی میكنند و این احساس ضعف و شكست هر روز بیشتر خواهد شد.
حضرت آیت الله خامنهای، تحولات كشورهای اسلامی را آغاز راه نجات و سعادت، برشمردند و افزودند: مهم این است كه پیروزیهای بدست آمده را پایان راه ندانیم و با ادامه مجاهدت و تكیه بر عزم و اراده ملتها، و اتكا و حسن ظن به خدای قادر متعال، مبارزه با زورگویان جهانی و عوامل آنها را ادامه دهیم.
In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful
All praise belongs to Allah, the Lord of the Two Worlds, and peace and greetings be upon the Master of Messengers, the Master of all people, our Master and Prophet, Ab-al-Qassem Al-Mustafa Muhammad, and upon his immaculate household and chosen companions and upon those who follow him well until the Day of Judgment.
I would like to welcome all the dear guests, the honorable youth, the bearers of great news for the future of the Islamic Ummah. Each and every one of you is a bearer of a great piece of news. When the youth of a country awaken, there will be increased hope of a general awakening in that country. Today Muslim youth have awakened throughout the world of Islam. So many traps have been set in the way of proud and determined Muslim youth, but they have managed to eliminate these problems. You see what has happened in Tunisia, in Egypt, in Libya, in Yemen and in Bahrain. You see the movement that has taken place in other Islamic countries. This is all good news.
You dear youth should know that the history of the world and the history of humanity is at a great momentous juncture today. A new era is starting throughout the world. The great and clear sign of it is the attention to Allah the Exalted, the cries for assistance from the inexhaustible source of divine power and reliance on divine revelations. Humanity has passed through the days of materialistic ideologies and schools and thought. Today neither Marxism, nor western liberal democracy, nor secular nationalism has any appeal. You see what is going on in the cradle of western liberal democracy - in America, in Europe. They admit failure. Today among members of the Islamic Ummah, the greatest appeal belongs to Islam, the Holy Quran and the school of thought that is based on divine revelation. Allah the Exalted has promised that the divine and Islamic school of thought and the school of thought that is based on divine revelation can help humanity achieve happiness. This is a very sacred, very important and very significant phenomenon.
Today Islamic countries have risen up against dependent dictatorships. This is a prelude to an uprising against global and international dictatorship, namely the tyranny of the corrupt and evil network of the Zionists and the arrogant powers. Today international autocracy and dictatorship is embodied by the tyranny of America, America\'s followers and the satanic and dangerous Zionist network. Today they are acting like a dictator throughout the world by using different methods and different means. What you did in Egypt, what you did in Tunisia, what you did in Libya, what you are doing in Yemen, what you are doing in Bahrain - and strong motivation has built up in other countries to do the same - is part of a battle against this dangerous and harmful dictatorship that has been pressuring humanity for two centuries. The momentous juncture that I spoke about is the transition from the hegemony of this dictatorship to national freedom and the rule of spiritual and divine values. This will happen: do not consider discount it.
This is a divine promise: \"And surely Allah will help him who helps His cause.\" [The Holy Quran, 22: 40] Allah the Exalted stresses that if you help His cause, He will assist you. This might look unlikely from a materialistic perspective, a perspective that is based on material calculations. However, there were many things which used to look unlikely, yet they happened. Around fifteen months ago, would you have thought the Egyptian taghut would be humiliated and annihilated like that? At that time, if people had been told that Mubarak\'s corrupt and dependent regime would be overthrown, many of them would have rejected the claim as unlikely, but it happened. Two years ago, if somebody had claimed that those amazing events would happen in North Africa, the majority of the people would have rejected it. If somebody had claimed that in a country like Lebanon, a group of faithful youth would manage to defeat the well-equipped Zionist army, nobody would have believed him. But these things happened. If somebody had said that the Islamic Republic would manage to resist for 32 years and achieve more power and progress on a daily basis in spite of all the enmity by the east and the west, nobody would have believed him, but it happened. \"Allah promised you many acquisitions which you will take, then He hastened on this one for you and held back the hands of men from you, and that it may be a sign for the believers and that He may guide you on a right path.\" [The Holy Quran, 48: 20] These victories are divine signs. They are signs of God\'s overwhelming power. Whenever the people step into the arena, whenever we enter the arena with all our heart and soul, there will definitely be divine assistance. Allah the Exalted shows us the path: \"And (as for) those who strive hard for Us, We will most certainly guide them in Our ways.\" [The Holy Quran, 29: 69] God will guide and assist. He will help people achieve their goals. The condition is that we should be present in the arena.
What has happened so far is very significant. For two hundred years, westerners ruled the Islamic Ummah by making use of their scientific advances. They occupied Islamic countries: some of them directly, some of them indirectly with the help of local dictatorships. England, France and finally America - which is the Great Satan - spread their hegemony over the Islamic Ummah. They humiliated the Islamic Ummah as much as they could. They planted the cancerous tumor of Zionism at the heart of the strategic Middle East region and they strengthened it in every way. They were sure that their interests and policies had been safeguarded in this critical part of the world. But the Islamic resolve of Muslim people and their presence wiped out all these impossible dreams and put an end to all these goals.
Today the arrogant powers of the world feel helpless in the face of Islamic Awakening. You are dominant. You will win. The future belongs to you. What has been done is a great achievement. But the important point is that this is not the end. This is only the beginning. Muslim nations must continue their struggle so that they can eliminate the enemy in different arenas.
The battle is a battle of wills. Any side whose will is stronger has the upper hand. A person whose heart depends on Allah the Exalted has the upper hand. \"If Allah assists you, then there is none that can overcome you.\" [The Holy Quran, 3: 160] If you get divine assistance, nobody will overpower you and you will move forward. We want Muslim nations that make up the great Islamic Ummah to be free. We want them to be independent. We want them to be honorable. We want them to avoid humiliation. We want them to organize their life with the lofty and progressive rules of Islam. And Islam can help them to do so. They kept us scientifically backward for many years. They trampled on our culture. They destroyed our independence. Today we have awakened and we will conquer the arenas of science one after the other.
Thirty years ago, when the Islamic Republic was established, the enemies used to say that although the Islamic Revolution had achieved victory, it would not be able to manage different areas of life. They used to say that the Islamic Revolution would back down. Thanks to Islam, today our youth have managed to make great achievements in scientific areas, achievement that would not have occurred to the enemies themselves in the past. Thanks to reliance on Allah the Exalted, today Iranian youth achieve great scientific accomplishments. They produce enriched uranium. They produce stem cells. They make great advances in biotechnology. They venture into space. And all of these things are due to reliance on Allah the Exalted and the slogan of \"Allahu Akbar\". [Audience shout \"Allahu Akbar\"]
We must not underestimate our own capabilities. Among the biggest problems that western culture has imposed on Islamic countries is two wrong and misguided conceptions. First, they instilled a sense of incompetence into Muslim nations. They made Muslim nations believe that they were not capable of doing anything - neither in the political arena, nor in the economic arena, nor in the scientific arena. They told Muslim nations, \"You are weak.\" We Muslim nations suffered from this misconception for decades and we stayed backward. The second misconception that they instilled into our mind was that our enemies were invincible and that their power was overwhelming. They convinced us that America could not be defeated, that it was impossible to force the west to retreat, that we had to tolerate them.
Today it has become clear to Muslim nations that both of these conceptions are completely wrong. Muslim nations can move forward. They can restore their Islamic glory - Muslims used to be at the peak of honor, at the peak of scientific, political and social brilliance. And the enemy has to retreat in different arenas.
This century is the century of Islam. This century is the century of spirituality. Islam offers rationality, spirituality and justice to nations. The kind of Islam that is based on rationality, Islam that is based on thinking, Islam that is based on spirituality, Islam that is based on attention to God and reliance on Him, Islam that is based on jihad, Islam that is based on hard work, Islam that is based on action - these are divine and Islamic teachings for us.
Today the important point is that the enemy is designing plots to compensate for the blows he has received in Egypt, Tunisia and other regional countries. We must pay attention to the machinations of the enemy. We must take care not to let them hijack popular revolutions from the people. We must take care not to let them derail these revolutions. Make use of the experiences of others. The enemy does many things in order to derail popular revolutions and neutralize popular movements. The enemy does many things in order to counteract selfless efforts and the blood that has been shed. It is necessary to be careful. It is necessary to be vigilant. You dear youth are the driving force behind these movements. Be vigilant. Be careful.
We have gained a lot of experience over the past 32 years. It is 32 years that we have been countering hostilities. We have resisted and overpowered the enemy. [Audience shout \"Allahu Akbar\" and pledge allegiance to the Supreme Leader] The west and America have never refused to hatch plots against the Islamic Republic. If there was something they did not do, it was because they could not do it. They did whatever they could and they have been kicked in the mouth and defeated at every stage. [Audience shout \"death to America\"] The same thing will happen in the future as well. The Islamic Republic will continue foiling all their plots in the future as well. This is something that God has promised us and we do not have any doubts in this regard.
We do not doubt the truthfulness of God\'s promise. We do not doubt Allah the Exalted. Allah the Exalted admonishes those who doubt Him. \"And (that) He may punish the hypocritical men and the hypocritical women, and the polytheistic men and the polytheistic women, the entertainers of evil thoughts about Allah. On them is the evil turn, and Allah is wroth with them and has cursed them and prepared hell for them, and evil is the resort.\" [The Holy Quran, 48: 6] God\'s promise is truthful. The Iranian nation has brought all its facilities into the arena and because we are in the battlefield, God will definitely assist us and the same is true of all other countries as well. But we must be vigilant. All of us must be vigilant. All of us must watch out for the machinations designed by the enemies. The enemy tries to counteract our movements and to foment discord.
Today the Islamic movement throughout the world of Islam is independent of Shia and Sunni. It is independent of Shafi\'i, Hanafi, Ja\'fari, Maliki, Hanbali and Zeidi schools. It is independent of Arabs, Persians and other ethnicities. Everybody is present in this vast arena. We must try not to let the enemy foment discord among us. There must be a sense of brotherhood among us. We must try to specify our goal. The goal is Islam. The goal is Quranic and Islamic rule. Of course, there are certain differences and similarities among Muslim countries. There is no single paradigm that fits all Islamic countries. In different countries, there are different geographic, historical and social conditions, but there are also certain shared principles: all of us are opposed to the arrogant powers, all of us are opposed to the evil hegemony of the west, all of us are opposed to the cancerous tumor, Israel. [Audience shout \"death to Israel]
Wherever it is felt that something is being done which would benefit Israel and America, we must be vigilant. We must know that it is a foreign move. We must know that it is not an insider move. Wherever there is an Islamic, anti-Zionist, anti-arrogance, anti-tyranny and anti-corruption move, that move would be a correct move and all of us would be insiders. Then it would not matter whether we are Shia or Sunni, or whether we are from this or that country. All of us must think in the same way.
As an obvious example, notice that today all media companies of the world are trying to isolate the people of Bahrain and their movement. What is the reason? The reason is that the issue is a Shia-Sunni issue: they want to foment discord. They want to draw lines and separate Muslims. There is no difference between pious Muslims who have a tendency towards this or that Islamic denomination. Islam is the aspect that all of these denominations have in common. Unity of Islamic Ummah is the aspect that all of them have in common. [Audience shout \"Allahu Akbar\" and \"unity, Islamic unity\"] The secret behind victory and the continuation of the movement is reliance on God, trust in Him and maintaining unity and cohesion.
My dear children, take care not to let the enemy stop your movement. In two different parts of the Holy Quran, Allah the Exalted tells His Messenger to be steadfast. \"Then stand firm in the right way as you are commanded.\" [The Holy Quran, 11: 112] \"And stand firm in the right way as you are commanded.\" [The Holy Quran, 42: 15] God tells the Holy Prophet (s.w.a.) to be steadfast. Being steadfast means continuing one\'s path in a determined way without stopping. This is the secret behind success.
We must move forward. This movement is a successful movement because the prospects are bright. The future prospects are bright. By Allah\'s favor, there will be a day when the Islamic Ummah will reach the peak of power and independence. [Audience shout \"humiliation is far from us\"] While preserving their characteristics and differences, Muslim nations should come together under the banner of the call to God and the call to Islam. Then the Islamic Ummah will regain its dignity.
We have natural resources in Muslim countries. We have strategic regions. We have numerous natural resources. We have outstanding figures. We have highly skilled and talented manpower. We must make efforts and Allah the Exalted will bless our efforts.
I would tell you dear youth that the future belongs to you. By Allah\'s favor, you dear youth will see that day and you will hand down your sources of pride to the future generations.
Greetings be upon you and Allah\'s mercy and blessings.
Vali Amr Muslimeen : Islamic Awakening and Youth Conference - 30 Jan...
Speech of Imam Khamenei [ha] at \\\\\\\"Islamic Awakening and Youth\\\\\\\" Conference, 30/01/2012 [ENG SUB]
Supreme Leader’s Speech...
Speech of Imam Khamenei [ha] at \\\\\\\"Islamic Awakening and Youth\\\\\\\" Conference, 30/01/2012 [ENG SUB]
Supreme Leader’s Speech to Participants of “Islamic Awakening and Youth Conference”
The following is the full text of the speech delivered on January 30, 2012 by Ayatollah Khamenei the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution in a meeting with the participants of the \\\\\\\"Islamic Awakening and Youth Conference\\\\\\\" in Tehran.
In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful
All praise belongs to Allah, the Lord of the Two Worlds, and peace and greetings be upon the Master of Messengers, the Master of all people, our Master and Prophet, Ab-al-Qassem Al-Mustafa Muhammad, and upon his immaculate household and chosen companions and upon those who follow him well until the Day of Judgment.
I would like to welcome all the dear guests, the honorable youth, the bearers of great news for the future of the Islamic Ummah. Each and every one of you is a bearer of a great piece of news. When the youth of a country awaken, there will be increased hope of a general awakening in that country. Today Muslim youth have awakened throughout the world of Islam. So many traps have been set in the way of proud and determined Muslim youth, but they have managed to eliminate these problems. You see what has happened in Tunisia, in Egypt, in Libya, in Yemen and in Bahrain. You see the movement that has taken place in other Islamic countries. This is all good news.
You dear youth should know that the history of the world and the history of humanity is at a great momentous juncture today. A new era is starting throughout the world. The great and clear sign of it is the attention to Allah the Exalted, the cries for assistance from the inexhaustible source of divine power and reliance on divine revelations. Humanity has passed through the days of materialistic ideologies and schools and thought. Today neither Marxism, nor western liberal democracy, nor secular nationalism has any appeal. You see what is going on in the cradle of western liberal democracy - in America, in Europe. They admit failure. Today among members of the Islamic Ummah, the greatest appeal belongs to Islam, the Holy Quran and the school of thought that is based on divine revelation. Allah the Exalted has promised that the divine and Islamic school of thought and the school of thought that is based on divine revelation can help humanity achieve happiness. This is a very sacred, very important and very significant phenomenon.
Today Islamic countries have risen up against dependent dictatorships. This is a prelude to an uprising against global and international dictatorship, namely the tyranny of the corrupt and evil network of the Zionists and the arrogant powers. Today international autocracy and dictatorship is embodied by the tyranny of America, America\\\\\\\'s followers and the satanic and dangerous Zionist network. Today they are acting like a dictator throughout the world by using different methods and different means. What you did in Egypt, what you did in Tunisia, what you did in Libya, what you are doing in Yemen, what you are doing in Bahrain - and strong motivation has built up in other countries to do the same - is part of a battle against this dangerous and harmful dictatorship that has been pressuring humanity for two centuries. The momentous juncture that I spoke about is the transition from the hegemony of this dictatorship to national freedom and the rule of spiritual and divine values. This will happen: do not consider discount it.
This is a divine promise: \\\\\\\"And surely Allah will help him who helps His cause.\\\\\\\" [The Holy Quran, 22: 40] Allah the Exalted stresses that if you help His cause, He will assist you. This might look unlikely from a materialistic perspective, a perspective that is based on material calculations. However, there were many things which used to look unlikely, yet they happened. Around fifteen months ago, would you have thought the Egyptian taghut would be humiliated and annihilated like that? At that time, if people had been told that Mubarak\\\\\\\'s corrupt and dependent regime would be overthrown, many of them would have rejected the claim as unlikely, but it happened. Two years ago, if somebody had claimed that those amazing events would happen in North Africa, the majority of the people would have rejected it. If somebody had claimed that in a country like Lebanon, a group of faithful youth would manage to defeat the well-equipped Zionist army, nobody would have believed him. But these things happened. If somebody had said that the Islamic Republic would manage to resist for 32 years and achieve more power and progress on a daily basis in spite of all the enmity by the east and the west, nobody would have believed him, but it happened. \\\\\\\"Allah promised you many acquisitions which you will take, then He hastened on this one for you and held back the hands of men from you, and that it may be a sign for the believers and that He may guide you on a right path.\\\\\\\" [The Holy Quran, 48: 20] These victories are divine signs. They are signs of God\\\\\\\'s overwhelming power. Whenever the people step into the arena, whenever we enter the arena with all our heart and soul, there will definitely be divine assistance. Allah the Exalted shows us the path: \\\\\\\"And (as for) those who strive hard for Us, We will most certainly guide them in Our ways.\\\\\\\" [The Holy Quran, 29: 69] God will guide and assist. He will help people achieve their goals. The condition is that we should be present in the arena.
What has happened so far is very significant. For two hundred years, westerners ruled the Islamic Ummah by making use of their scientific advances. They occupied Islamic countries: some of them directly, some of them indirectly with the help of local dictatorships. England, France and finally America - which is the Great Satan - spread their hegemony over the Islamic Ummah. They humiliated the Islamic Ummah as much as they could. They planted the cancerous tumor of Zionism at the heart of the strategic Middle East region and they strengthened it in every way. They were sure that their interests and policies had been safeguarded in this critical part of the world. But the Islamic resolve of Muslim people and their presence wiped out all these impossible dreams and put an end to all these goals.
Today the arrogant powers of the world feel helpless in the face of Islamic Awakening. You are dominant. You will win. The future belongs to you. What has been done is a great achievement. But the important point is that this is not the end. This is only the beginning. Muslim nations must continue their struggle so that they can eliminate the enemy in different arenas.
The battle is a battle of wills. Any side whose will is stronger has the upper hand. A person whose heart depends on Allah the Exalted has the upper hand. \\\\\\\"If Allah assists you, then there is none that can overcome you.\\\\\\\" [The Holy Quran, 3: 160] If you get divine assistance, nobody will overpower you and you will move forward. We want Muslim nations that make up the great Islamic Ummah to be free. We want them to be independent. We want them to be honorable. We want them to avoid humiliation. We want them to organize their life with the lofty and progressive rules of Islam. And Islam can help them to do so. They kept us scientifically backward for many years. They trampled on our culture. They destroyed our independence. Today we have awakened and we will conquer the arenas of science one after the other.
Thirty years ago, when the Islamic Republic was established, the enemies used to say that although the Islamic Revolution had achieved victory, it would not be able to manage different areas of life. They used to say that the Islamic Revolution would back down. Thanks to Islam, today our youth have managed to make great achievements in scientific areas, achievement that would not have occurred to the enemies themselves in the past. Thanks to reliance on Allah the Exalted, today Iranian youth achieve great scientific accomplishments. They produce enriched uranium. They produce stem cells. They make great advances in biotechnology. They venture into space. And all of these things are due to reliance on Allah the Exalted and the slogan of \\\\\\\"Allahu Akbar\\\\\\\". [Audience shout \\\\\\\"Allahu Akbar\\\\\\\"]
We must not underestimate our own capabilities. Among the biggest problems that western culture has imposed on Islamic countries is two wrong and misguided conceptions. First, they instilled a sense of incompetence into Muslim nations. They made Muslim nations believe that they were not capable of doing anything - neither in the political arena, nor in the economic arena, nor in the scientific arena. They told Muslim nations, \\\\\\\"You are weak.\\\\\\\" We Muslim nations suffered from this misconception for decades and we stayed backward. The second misconception that they instilled into our mind was that our enemies were invincible and that their power was overwhelming. They convinced us that America could not be defeated, that it was impossible to force the west to retreat, that we had to tolerate them.
Today it has become clear to Muslim nations that both of these conceptions are completely wrong. Muslim nations can move forward. They can restore their Islamic glory - Muslims used to be at the peak of honor, at the peak of scientific, political and social brilliance. And the enemy has to retreat in different arenas.
This century is the century of Islam. This century is the century of spirituality. Islam offers rationality, spirituality and justice to nations. The kind of Islam that is based on rationality, Islam that is based on thinking, Islam that is based on spirituality, Islam that is based on attention to God and reliance on Him, Islam that is based on jihad, Islam that is based on hard work, Islam that is based on action - these are divine and Islamic teachings for us.
Today the important point is that the enemy is designing plots to compensate for the blows he has received in Egypt, Tunisia and other regional countries. We must pay attention to the machinations of the enemy. We must take care not to let them hijack popular revolutions from the people. We must take care not to let them derail these revolutions. Make use of the experiences of others. The enemy does many things in order to derail popular revolutions and neutralize popular movements. The enemy does many things in order to counteract selfless efforts and the blood that has been shed. It is necessary to be careful. It is necessary to be vigilant. You dear youth are the driving force behind these movements. Be vigilant. Be careful.
We have gained a lot of experience over the past 32 years. It is 32 years that we have been countering hostilities. We have resisted and overpowered the enemy. [Audience shout \\\\\\\"Allahu Akbar\\\\\\\" and pledge allegiance to the Supreme Leader] The west and America have never refused to hatch plots against the Islamic Republic. If there was something they did not do, it was because they could not do it. They did whatever they could and they have been kicked in the mouth and defeated at every stage. [Audience shout \\\\\\\"death to America\\\\\\\"] The same thing will happen in the future as well. The Islamic Republic will continue foiling all their plots in the future as well. This is something that God has promised us and we do not have any doubts in this regard.
We do not doubt the truthfulness of God\\\\\\\'s promise. We do not doubt Allah the Exalted. Allah the Exalted admonishes those who doubt Him. \\\\\\\"And (that) He may punish the hypocritical men and the hypocritical women, and the polytheistic men and the polytheistic women, the entertainers of evil thoughts about Allah. On them is the evil turn, and Allah is wroth with them and has cursed them and prepared hell for them, and evil is the resort.\\\\\\\" [The Holy Quran, 48: 6] God\\\\\\\'s promise is truthful. The Iranian nation has brought all its facilities into the arena and because we are in the battlefield, God will definitely assist us and the same is true of all other countries as well. But we must be vigilant. All of us must be vigilant. All of us must watch out for the machinations designed by the enemies. The enemy tries to counteract our movements and to foment discord.
Today the Islamic movement throughout the world of Islam is independent of Shia and Sunni. It is independent of Shafi\\\\\\\'i, Hanafi, Ja\\\\\\\'fari, Maliki, Hanbali and Zeidi schools. It is independent of Arabs, Persians and other ethnicities. Everybody is present in this vast arena. We must try not to let the enemy foment discord among us. There must be a sense of brotherhood among us. We must try to specify our goal. The goal is Islam. The goal is Quranic and Islamic rule. Of course, there are certain differences and similarities among Muslim countries. There is no single paradigm that fits all Islamic countries. In different countries, there are different geographic, historical and social conditions, but there are also certain shared principles: all of us are opposed to the arrogant powers, all of us are opposed to the evil hegemony of the west, all of us are opposed to the cancerous tumor, Israel. [Audience shout \\\\\\\"death to Israel]
Wherever it is felt that something is being done which would benefit Israel and America, we must be vigilant. We must know that it is a foreign move. We must know that it is not an insider move. Wherever there is an Islamic, anti-Zionist, anti-arrogance, anti-tyranny and anti-corruption move, that move would be a correct move and all of us would be insiders. Then it would not matter whether we are Shia or Sunni, or whether we are from this or that country. All of us must think in the same way.
As an obvious example, notice that today all media companies of the world are trying to isolate the people of Bahrain and their movement. What is the reason? The reason is that the issue is a Shia-Sunni issue: they want to foment discord. They want to draw lines and separate Muslims. There is no difference between pious Muslims who have a tendency towards this or that Islamic denomination. Islam is the aspect that all of these denominations have in common. Unity of Islamic Ummah is the aspect that all of them have in common. [Audience shout \\\\\\\"Allahu Akbar\\\\\\\" and \\\\\\\"unity, Islamic unity\\\\\\\"] The secret behind victory and the continuation of the movement is reliance on God, trust in Him and maintaining unity and cohesion.
My dear children, take care not to let the enemy stop your movement. In two different parts of the Holy Quran, Allah the Exalted tells His Messenger to be steadfast. \\\\\\\"Then stand firm in the right way as you are commanded.\\\\\\\" [The Holy Quran, 11: 112] \\\\\\\"And stand firm in the right way as you are commanded.\\\\\\\" [The Holy Quran, 42: 15] God tells the Holy Prophet (s.w.a.) to be steadfast. Being steadfast means continuing one\\\\\\\'s path in a determined way without stopping. This is the secret behind success.
We must move forward. This movement is a successful movement because the prospects are bright. The future prospects are bright. By Allah\\\\\\\'s favor, there will be a day when the Islamic Ummah will reach the peak of power and independence. [Audience shout \\\\\\\"humiliation is far from us\\\\\\\"] While preserving their characteristics and differences, Muslim nations should come together under the banner of the call to God and the call to Islam. Then the Islamic Ummah will regain its dignity.
We have natural resources in Muslim countries. We have strategic regions. We have numerous natural resources. We have outstanding figures. We have highly skilled and talented manpower. We must make efforts and Allah the Exalted will bless our efforts.
I would tell you dear youth that the future belongs to you. By Allah\\\\\\\'s favor, you dear youth will see that day and you will hand down your sources of pride to the future generations.
Greetings be upon you and Allah\\\\\\\'s mercy and blessings
Iran finds US-backed MKO fingermarks in riots - English
The terrorist Mujahedin Khalq Organization (MKO) has reportedly played a major role in intensifying the recent wave of street violence in...
The terrorist Mujahedin Khalq Organization (MKO) has reportedly played a major role in intensifying the recent wave of street violence in Iran.
Iranian security officials reported Saturday that they have identified and arrested a large number of MKO members who were involved in recent riots in Iran's capital.
According to the security officials, the arrested members had confessed that they were extensively trained in Iraq's camp Ashraf to create post-election mayhem in the country.
They had also revealed that they have been given directions by the MKO command post in Britain.
Street protests broke out after defeated presidential candidate Mir-Hossein Mousavi rejected President Ahmadinejad's decisive win in the June 12 election. His supporters have staged a series of illegal rallies ever since.
Iran's deputy police commander, on Saturday, warned against the mass gatherings, asserting that those who engage in any such actions would be severely reprimanded.
Earlier on Saturday, MKO leader Maryam Rajavi had supported the recent wave of street violence in Iran during a Saturday address to supporters in Paris.
Rajavi had reportedly described the MKO terrorists as the real winners of the Iranian election.
The Mujahedin Khalq Organization is a Marxist guerilla group, which was founded in the 1960s.In the past two decades, MKO leaders have been resettled in the northern outskirts of Paris.
The terrorists are especially notorious for taking sides with former dictator Saddam Hussein during the war Iraq imposed on Iran (1980-1988).
The group masterminded a slew of terrorist operations in Iran and Iraq -- one of which was the 1981 bombing of the offices of the Islamic Republic Party, in which more than 72 Iranian officials were killed.
A 2007 German intelligence report from the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution has identified the MKO as a "repressive, sect-like and Stalinist authoritarian organization which centers around the personality cult of [MKO leaders] Maryam and Masoud Rajavi".
Anne Singleton, an expert on the MKO and author of 'Saddam's Private Army' explains that the West aims to keep the group afloat in order to use it in efforts to stage a regime change in Iran.
"With a new Administration in the White House a pre-emptive strike on Iran looks unlikely. Instead the MKO's backers have put together a coalition of small irritant groups, the known minority and separatist groups, along with the MKO. These groups will be garrisoned around the border with Iran and their task is to launch terrorist attacks into Iran over the next few years to keep the fire hot," she explains.
"The role of the MKO is to train and manage these groups using the expertise they acquired from Saddam's Republican Guard," Singleton added.
A May 2005 Human Rights Watch report also condemns the MKO for running prison camps in Iraq and committing human rights violations. According to report, the outlawed group puts defectors under torture and jail terms.
West, israel linked to SE Iran blasts - 16 July 2010 - English
A ranking official with the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) has implicated "the US, Israel and some European countries" in...
A ranking official with the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) has implicated "the US, Israel and some European countries" in the deadly blasts in the southeastern Iranian city of Zahedan.
Yadollah Javani, the head of IRGC's political bureau, said late Thursday that the latest terrorist attack in the southeastern province of Sistan-Baluchestan points to the involvement of terrorist groups under the auspices of the United States, Israel and some Western countries, which seek sectarian division, Fars news agency reported.
Two explosions in the front of Zahedan's Grand Mosque on Thursday left more than 20 martyrs and over 100 injured.
The first explosion occurred at 9:20 p.m. local time (1650 GMT) in front of the city's Grand Mosque, and was followed by a second blast within minutes.
"The enemy seeks out division between Shia and Sunni Muslims in order to create chaos in the country," Javani noted.
"One could not doubt the involvement of secret foreign services in the efforts to generate tension amongst Muslims," he further explained.
The Iranian official also noted that confessions made by Abdolmalek Rigi, the Pakistan-based Jundallah terrorist group's ringleader, before his execution last month, unveiled widespread US support for waging an insurgency against the Islamic Republic.
"Rigi's confessions prove that the US, Zionists and some European countries are directly linked with the Zahedan blasts, because he had confessed that the US wants bomb attacks to be carried out across Iran," he said.
After Rigi's execution, Jundallah was effectively disbanded and experts say that the group is highly unlikely to have carried out the latest blasts.
It is widely believed that hard-line Wahabis and Salafis trained by the CIA in Pakistan are the main elements behind the bombings.
The death toll from the twin bomb blasts in the southeastern Iranian city of Zahedan has reached 27 while more than ten times as many have been injured.
The late July 15 blasts hit outside the city's Grand Mosque, leaving widespread devastations in its trail, IRNA reported on Friday.
The two explosions that took place in front of the mosque on also ripped through nearby shops.
The first explosion occurred at 9:20 p.m. local time (1650 GMT) and was followed by a second blast within minutes, local officials said Thursday.
Emergency efforts are underway to help those injured.
It is widely believed that hard-line Wahabis and Salafis trained by the CIA in Pakistan are the main elements behind the bombings.
Wiki War: Israel, Palestine dig digital trenches - May 25, 2011 - English
The Israeli-Palestinian conflict has reached an unlikely new field of battle, where there are no borders and no generals calling the shots. The...
The Israeli-Palestinian conflict has reached an unlikely new field of battle, where there are no borders and no generals calling the shots. The battle is raging all over the Internet, where everybody can post their point of view on the events in the Middle East.
Miko Peled is a peace activist who dares to say in public what others still choose to deny. Born in Jerusalem in 1961 into a well known Zionist...
Miko Peled is a peace activist who dares to say in public what others still choose to deny. Born in Jerusalem in 1961 into a well known Zionist family, his grandfather, Dr. Avraham Katsnelson was a Zionist leader and signer of the Israeli Declaration of Independence. His Father, Matti Peled, was a young officer in the war of 1948 and a general in the war of 1967 when Israel conquered the West Bank, Gaza, Golan Heights and Sinai.
Miko's unlikely opinions reflect his father's legacy. General Peled was a war hero turned peacemaker.
Miko grew up in Jerusalem, a multi-ethnic city, but had to leave Israel before he made his first Palestinian friend, the result of his participation in a dialogue group in California. He was 39.
On September 4, 1997 the beloved Smadar, 13, the daughter of Miko's sister Nurit and her husband Rami Elhanan was killed in a suicide attack.
Peled insists that Israel/Palestine is one state—the separation wall notwithstanding, massive investment in infrastructure, towns and highways that bisect and connect settlements on the West Bank, have destroyed the possibility for a viable Palestinian state. The result, Peled says is that Israelis and Palestinians are governed by the same government but live under different sets of laws.
At the heart of Peled's conclusion lies the realization that Israelis and Palestinians can live in peace as equals in their shared homeland.
Hintz Says Goldman Too Important for Criminal Charges - English
Former CFO at Lehman Brothers says that any investigation of Goldman Sachs is unlikely to result in criminal convictions because the company is...
Former CFO at Lehman Brothers says that any investigation of Goldman Sachs is unlikely to result in criminal convictions because the company is \'too big to jail.\' Why? Because that would upset the markets too much.
Latest Developments and CIA Spies caught in Hizballah - 24Jun11 *MUST...
Hezbollah Secretary General Sayed Hassan Nasrallah\\\\\\\'s Speech on June 24, 2011, in which he first confirmed 2 CIA spying cases within...
Hezbollah Secretary General Sayed Hassan Nasrallah\\\\\\\'s Speech on June 24, 2011, in which he first confirmed 2 CIA spying cases within Hezbollah, and he talked about the link between the spies and the US Embassy. In addition, Sayyed Nasrallah said that the Policy Statement of the new Lebanese government is unlikely to be delayed. The Secretary General also spoke about Israel\\\\\\\'s recent \\\\\\\"Turning Point 5\\\\\\\" drills, saying that these drills serve as proof that Israel is no longer capable of fast deceptiveness, and Israel is thereby admitting that its home front is officially under threat. Sayyed Nasrallah also talked about Bahrain\\\\\\\'s recent prison sentences for some of the Opposition figures, and to end, he addressed the current situation in Syria.
For a summary and a full script of this speech in English, please visit:
Documentary - Inside Chernobyl [The Russian Atomic Power Plant Disaster...
Inside Chernobyl (Alt. title "Return to Chernobyl").
A 2006 news report by Australian Nine Network's program "60...
Inside Chernobyl (Alt. title "Return to Chernobyl").
A 2006 news report by Australian Nine Network's program "60 minutes" with television journalist Richard Carlton.
On 7 May 2006, Richard Carleton suffered a massive heart attack during a press conference. Carleton died in the ambulance on the way to hospital. He's death has absolutt nothing to do with he's recent visit to Chernobyl.
This video has been widely criticised on forums of being too overdramatic.
Here's an example:
"I'd be somewhat skeptical of what Richard Carlton was saying, mainly because I think the story was another classic 60 minutes beat up. Why? Well, when Richard was wearing the "bunny suit", he wasn't wearing a face mask. Why would he have been wearing a bunny suit? Was it:
(a) to stop radioactive dust from falling onto his skin.
(b) or to stop radiation, which is probably unlikely anyway, because the suit would probably have to be lead lined.
The question is, if he needed to be that safe from radioactive dust, or radiation, why wasn't his face covered?
Once you think about that, you then realise that the bunny suit was probably for dramatic effect rather than actually being required, which I think indicates that the areas he was in were much safer than 60 minutes was presenting. Once you can't believe that the safety measures portrayed were necessary, if the whole story is about the safety of the Chernobyl site, then I think you have to question the complete basis for the story."
[07 June 13] The secretive Bilderberg conference - English
For many years its mere existence was denied. But today the Bilderberg conference has come to Britain. Activists say it\'s a shadow world...
For many years its mere existence was denied. But today the Bilderberg conference has come to Britain. Activists say it\'s a shadow world government.
Former participants have called it THE most important meeting they have ever attended. And this year it\'s being held in the unlikely suburban town of Watford.
[19 June 13] G8 leaders claim progress on Syria - English
The G8 summit of world leaders ended with the usual positive statements about so-called progress on the main agenda items such as the conflict in...
The G8 summit of world leaders ended with the usual positive statements about so-called progress on the main agenda items such as the conflict in Syria and a US/EU trade deal.
But Russia blocked a joint G8 statement which would have called for President Assad to step down.
President Putin also made it clear that a political solution is the only way to stop the conflict and that the Western plan to arm the rebels would only pour fuel on the fire.
The G8 summit received a mixed reception in northern Ireland itself. Some viewed it as a positive sign of progress in a part of the world which has been blighted by sectarian violence.
Others felt that the G8 leaders were war criminals and an international financial mafia governing on behalf of the rich and powerful.
Like northern Ireland itself, views were sharply polarized.
The conflict in Syria is very unlikely to be solved by this summit. Despite a joint statement on Syria it\'s clear that the major world powers have major disagreements on this issue. And we also must remember that the G8 has a reputation of fine words that later do not translate into reality.
[20 Nov 2013] UN calls on Myanmar to stop Buddhist violence against...
A UN panel has urged Myanmar to stop Buddhist violence against Rohingya Muslims but the resolution has seen opposition from an unlikely source.
A UN panel has urged Myanmar to stop Buddhist violence against Rohingya Muslims but the resolution has seen opposition from an unlikely source.
[20 Nov 2013] UN panel has urged Myanmar to stop Buddhist violence...
A UN panel has urged Myanmar to stop Buddhist violence against Rohingya Muslims but the resolution has seen opposition from an unlikely source: The...
A UN panel has urged Myanmar to stop Buddhist violence against Rohingya Muslims but the resolution has seen opposition from an unlikely source: The party of Nobel Peace laureate Aung San Suu Chee.
In its resolution, the UN General Assembly\'s human rights committee has called on Myanmar to give the Rohingya minority equal access to citizenship. But the demand apparently didn\'t sit well with the West\'s democracy icon Suu Chee, whose party accused the UN of interfering in Myanmar\'s internal affairs. Buddhist violence against Rohingya which is said to have the state backing has become routine in Myanmar. It\'s left hundreds dead and sent another 240-thousand fleeing their homes. But Suu Chee has had little to say about Rohingya rights. And she even declined to meet with the Organization of the Islamic Cooperation delegation visiting Myanmar this week to look into the plight of Muslims.
[25 Nov 2013] France says EU would remove some of Iran sanctions in...
France says the European Union would likely lift some sanctions on Iran in December as part of a nuclear deal between Tehran and the five permanent...
France says the European Union would likely lift some sanctions on Iran in December as part of a nuclear deal between Tehran and the five permanent members of the UN Security Council plus Germany.
Foreign Minister Laurent Fabuius has said that in a few weeks time, the EU foreign ministers would sit down for talks over the partial removal of sanctions on Iran. He noted that the lifting of sanctions would be limited, targeted and reversible. France\'s top diplomat also described as unlikely any strike on Iran by Israel, saying no one would understand such an attack at this stage. On Sunday, Iran signed an agreement with the United States, Russia, China, Britain, France and Germany over its nuclear program in Geneva. Under the deal-- the first of its kind in a decade, Iran will limit its nuclear program in return for the loosening of sanctions.
[30 Jan 2014] Afghan refugee receives payout from UK Paper after Taliban...
An Afghan refugee who was granted asylum in the UK has accepted substantial libel compensation at the high court in London after the daily express...
An Afghan refugee who was granted asylum in the UK has accepted substantial libel compensation at the high court in London after the daily express newspaper falsely accused him of being a member of the Taliban.
Abdol Shazad who is 20 was recognized as a refugee by the Home Office last February after a four-year battle in which it was found that he was at fear of being persecuted by the Taliban. But a month later The express published a story saying that he was a member of the Taliban and posted an online version of the story under which hateful and abusive comments were posted causing great distress to Mr Shazad Journalists say this type of behavior is indicative of the lack of ethics of large segments of the right wing media.The Legal Counsel for the Express, Chloe Strong Said: \"The allegation in the articles was false and the defendant wishes to offer its sincerest apologies to the claimant for the damage, distress and embarrassment which the publication of the articles has caused him.\" The Daily Express has apologized and agreed to pay him substantial damages. The exact figure is undisclosed. But this type of behavior from elements of the right wing press is unlikely to stop as a result For Mr Shazid at least, there has been some kind of accountability for this unethical journalism.
[Clip]The Secret behind the Special Status of Hazrat Abu al-Fazl...
The Secret behind the Special Status of Hazrat Abu al-Fazl al-Abbas (\'a)
Everything for Aba Abdullah al-Husayn (‘a) in...
The Secret behind the Special Status of Hazrat Abu al-Fazl al-Abbas (\'a)
Everything for Aba Abdullah al-Husayn (‘a) in Karbala was Abbas. Does a person become like this because his hand is cut off? No! Where a person is struck isn’t what makes a difference. A person’s body strength isn’t what makes a difference. What is it that separates Aba al-Fazl al-Abbas from the rest so much? Intention!
“And I will fight with whoever fights with you.” He was thinking about the world. Do you know what Abbas’s intention was that he reached to this height? Saving the entire world! He didn’t want less than this.
He was standing with Imam Husayn (‘a) and he saw 72 helpers, a few tents, and 30,000 enemies. But, he was thinking about the world, about humankind. He was big. It is not unlikely that on the day of Ashura he was thinking about Imam Mahdi’s (‘a.j.) reappearance. He wasn’t caught up with small problems.
Look at a part of Aba al-Fazl al-Abbas’s intention. It is obvious that even if we are martyred we will not reach to this point. It is very difficult for a person to have worked on correcting his intention this much. The only person who asked Imam Husayn (‘a) in this way to enter the battlefield was Aba al-Fazl al-Abbas (‘a). He said, “My Master, I’m tired of these hypocrites. Give me permission to go and take revenge.”
You should always have this intention of destroying the enemies of religion somewhere in your heart. Yah! If I could destroy them. Yah! I wish I could strike them hard, O God! Having this intention against them is very purifying and uplifting. See how much the Imam’s (‘a) enemies are cursed in the Ashura Supplication? Why should we just send our greetings upon the Imam (‘a) with much feeling? “And I will fight with whoever fights with you.” (Ashura Supplication)
Do you know what Abal Fazl al-Abbas’s intention was that he reached this level? Saving the entire world. Hating the enemies. This should be a part of our intention.
You have probably heard that tradition about Imam Javad (‘a). He would pound his fist on the ground and say, “I’ll kill and burn.” He was asked, “What? Who? What are you doing? Where are you now?” He said, “The one who came and burned the door of the house of our mother, Fatimah Zahra (‘a).” This means that our mother was pressed between the door and the wall, and thought, “My sad story will reach my children. The hatred of my enemies will enter their hearts, and they will grow.” What an expense was made for your luminous hearts between the door and the wall. Whoever comes to the Bani Hashim Alley and sees the burned door, won’t leave this alley anymore.
A tradition says, “If a person doesn’t wish to kill the enemies (of Islam) with his sword someday, and he dies, he has died with a kind of hypocrisy.” “If a person is not in the battlefield, or he doesn’t read the tradition about holy war for himself, he will leave this world with a kind of hypocrisy.” (Sahih Muslim, vol. 3, p. 1,517)
Marmoolak | مارمولک (The Lizard) | Farsi
رضا مثقالی، معروف به رضا مارمولک، دزد سابقه داری است که بارها دستگیر و زندانی شده...
رضا مثقالی، معروف به رضا مارمولک، دزد سابقه داری است که بارها دستگیر و زندانی شده و هر بار، پس از مدت کوتاهی از آزادیش، به جهت ارتکاب به خلاف تازه ای، روانه زندان شده است. آخرین باری که او دستگیر می شود، جرم سنگین تری دارد، اتهام او سرقت مسلحانه است. این بار رضا تحویل زندانی می شود که رئیس ساختگیر و انعطاف ناپذیر آن، آقای مجاور، نفوذ و تأثیر بسیاری بر زندانیان دارد، و معتقد است باید آنقدر نسبت به زندانیان سختگیری کرد که دیگر، پس از آزادی، فکر اعمال خلاف را نکنند. او عقیده دارد زندانیان را حتی به زور هم شده باید وادار به درستکاری کرد تا رستگار شده و به بهشت بروند. رضا مارمولک باهوش تر و زیرک تر هم، از مجازات آقای مجاور درامان نمی ماند و هر بار با نافرمانی هایش محکوم به تحمل حبس انفرادی میشود. اما یک بار که مجروح و برای درمان به بیمارستان خارج از زندان منتقل شده، با استفاده از غفلت نگهبان مستقیم خود و پوشیدن لباس یک روحانی بستری در بیمارستان، موفق به فرار میشود. رضا مارمولک، با مصونیتی که در لباس تازه پیدا کرده خود را به شهرکی مرزی می رساند تا با به دست آوردن گذرنامه جعلی از کشور خارج شود. اما شهرک که در انتظار ورود یک روحانی به عنوان امام جماعت است، او را به اشتباه مورد استقبال قرار داده و امامت جماعت محلی را به عهده اش میگذارند. رضا مارمولک به شیوه و برداشت های خود، مردم را موعظه و راهنمایی میکند و خطاهایش را نیز اهالی، تعبیر به اعتقادات نیکوکارانه اش میکنند و...
Satirical commentary on clergymen in post-revolutionary Iran. While in prison, petty criminal Reza (Parviz Parastui) comes across a clergyman, sparking a plan for escape. Reza dons his new acquaintance\'s clerical robes and makes a bid for freedom. He soon learns that being a clergyman brings little respect from the public. Reza travels to the outlying villages, from where he plots to escape the country. However, his plans must be put on hold when the villagers accept him into their community and expect him to perform religious duties. Will Reza\'s prison break transform him into an unlikely pillar of the community?
Synopsis by IMVBox.com
Parviz Parastui ( پرویز پرستویی ), lizard movie, Shahrokh Foroutanian ( شاهرخ فروتنیان), Farideh Sepah Mansour, Maedeh Tahmasebi, Bahram Ebrahimi ( بهرام ابراهیمی ), lizard movie, دانلود فیلم مارمولک, Mehran Rajabi ( مهران رجبی ), Soheila Razavi, Rana Azadivar ( رعنا آزادی ور ), Mehrdad Ziaei ( مهرداد ضیایی ), Sepehr Rezanoor, lizard movie, Ali Abedini, Cyrus Hemati, فیلم مارمولک, Naghi Seif Jamali (نقی سیف جمالی), Kamal Tabrizi ( کمال تبریزی ), The Lizard - Marmoolak - مارمولک, marmolak, marmulak, marmoulak, it movie full movie online, marmalak, «شش قرن و شش سال, السحلية, السحليه, رضا مارمولک, فلم كامل مارمولك, فلم کامل مارمولک, فلم همسر, فیلم مارمولک, film marmolak full, مار مولك, مارملوك, مارمولك, مارمولک, مارمولک فیلم کامل, مازمولک, ماضی مطلق, مامارمولك, ممارمولک, مهظشقی, lezard, Lizard, lizatd, lizzard, mamoolak, mamulak, mamulalk, marmolk, marmool, Marmoolack, marmoolak, marmoolk, marmooolak, Marmoorak, marmuak, marmulk, marmullak, R. lizard, the lixard, the liza, the lizar, the lizard, The Lizard - Marmoolak, The lizard - Marmoolak - مارمولک, The Lizard - Marmoolak-, The Lizard - Marmoolak- مارمولک, The Lizard ( Marmoulak), The lizard marmolat, the lizerx, the lizzard, Marmola, Lizas, رضامارمولک, Mamolak, مارمولككامل, مار, reza marmolak, marm, marmalouk, marmo, The Lazird, The Le, The Lezird, reza mormolak, lizaard, Lizerd, marmaoulak, marmoulark, Mrmolak, مارمولگ, مادمولک, فیلممارمولک, thelizard, the lizard, Malmoulak (The Lizard), Marmolek, marmoolalk, film marmolak, armolak, مامارمولک, mormolak, ماmarmolak, mar molak, مارملك, Reza marmelad, Reza marmoolak, Marmolak ful, فيلم سينمايى مارمولك, Marmalade, فيلم مارمولك, mRMOOLk, Mamorak, reza, Marmoulak , Marmolak, marmulak, فيلم كامل مارمولك, مارمولک فیلم, marmulack, film reza marmulak, mrmulk, lizrd, lezrd, marmolak film .
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