Rise With Us Episode 01: Muharram is Here 2020 - English
Salāmun ʿalaykum,
May Allah bless you and your families. On behalf of Maulana Abidi, we would like to extend our sincere condolences to the...
Salāmun ʿalaykum,
May Allah bless you and your families. On behalf of Maulana Abidi, we would like to extend our sincere condolences to the Imām of our time, Imām al-Mahdī (ʿaj), and all the believers for Imām Ḥusayn’s (ʿa) shahādah.
Despite not being able to hold majālis in person, we have been blessed with so many skills and tools that allow us to spread the message of Karbala, Alḥamdulillāh. These programs will be utilizing the Kisa Kids Muharram Project Booklet which can be downloaded for free here: https://kisakids.org/products/muharram-1442-2020-project-booklet. Order print at https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08FXMSFBQ/ref=cm_sw_em_r_mt_dp_64XpFbJY8DX1H.
Please recite a Sūrah al-Fātiḥah for all the people who have worked to make these programs possible, including our generous sponsors.
Sponsor a majālis here: https://kisakids.org/pages/childrens-majlis
To donate from the US, Australia, or worldwide, please visit: kisakids.org/pages/donate
UK: uk.kisakids.org/pages/donate
Canada: ca.kisakids.org/pages/donate
Please email us at
[email protected] with any comments, suggestions, or feedback inshāʾAllāh.
Montreal-Ashura Procession (Juloos) 2008 - Video
Momineen took out this Jaloos to commemorate sahadat of Imam Husan A.S on the 10th of muharrum
Momineen took out this Jaloos to commemorate sahadat of Imam Husan A.S on the 10th of muharrum
London - Ashura Procession (Juloos) 2008 - Video
Momineen took out this Jaloos to commemorate sahadat of Imam Husan A.S on the 10th of muharrum
Momineen took out this Jaloos to commemorate sahadat of Imam Husan A.S on the 10th of muharrum
Africa - Ashura Procession (Juloos) 2008 - Video
Momineen took out this Jaloos to commemorate sahadat of Imam Husan A.S on the 10th of muharrum
Momineen took out this Jaloos to commemorate sahadat of Imam Husan A.S on the 10th of muharrum
Lebanon - Ashura Procession (Juloos) 2008 - Video
Momineen took out this Jaloos to commemorate sahadat of Imam Husan A.S on the 10th of muharrum
Momineen took out this Jaloos to commemorate sahadat of Imam Husan A.S on the 10th of muharrum
Iran 1 - Ashura Procession (Juloos) 2008 - Video
Momineen took out this Jaloos to commemorate sahadat of Imam Hussain A.S on the 10th of muharrum
Momineen took out this Jaloos to commemorate sahadat of Imam Hussain A.S on the 10th of muharrum
Iran 2 - Ashura Procession (Juloos) 2008 - Video
Momineen took out this Jaloos to commemorate sahadat of Imam Hussain A.S on the 10th of muharrum
Momineen took out this Jaloos to commemorate sahadat of Imam Hussain A.S on the 10th of muharrum
Karbala 1 - Ashura Procession (Juloos) 2008 - Video
Momineen took out this Jaloos to commemorate sahadat of Imam Hussain A.S on the 10th of muharrum
Momineen took out this Jaloos to commemorate sahadat of Imam Hussain A.S on the 10th of muharrum
Karbala 2 - Ashura Procession (Juloos) 2008 - Video
Momineen took out this Jaloos to commemorate sahadat of Imam Hussain A.S on the 10th of muharrum
Momineen took out this Jaloos to commemorate sahadat of Imam Hussain A.S on the 10th of muharrum
Karbala 3 - Ashura Procession (Juloos) 2008 - Video
Momineen took out this Jaloos to commemorate sahadat of Imam Hussain A.S on the 10th of muharrum
Momineen took out this Jaloos to commemorate sahadat of Imam Hussain A.S on the 10th of muharrum