German magazine shows US soldiers posing with dead - 21Mar2011 - English
Der Spiegel magazine bureau - the magazine known for its depth of journalism has released astonishing pictures of the US soldiers but they have...
Der Spiegel magazine bureau - the magazine known for its depth of journalism has released astonishing pictures of the US soldiers but they have reached the public yet. US officials are nervous about when they do.
That's because the pictures are show US soldiers are posing with what looks like dead Afghan men. One soldier holds the bleeding man's head up, and then in another picture a soldier is smiling. In a third picture two men are tied together who appear to have been shot at--slumped up against a post.
The Horizon Magazine – Part 2 - English
In this video we will watch the video of Horizon Magazine,offers the viewers a colorful scope into the Islamic tenets, occasions, traditions and...
In this video we will watch the video of Horizon Magazine,offers the viewers a colorful scope into the Islamic tenets, occasions, traditions and ceremonies within the context of Muslim countries part 2
The Horizon Magazine – English
In this video we will watch the video of Horizon Magazine,offers the viewers a colorful scope into the Islamic tenets, occasions, traditions and...
In this video we will watch the video of Horizon Magazine,offers the viewers a colorful scope into the Islamic tenets, occasions, traditions and ceremonies within the context of Muslim countries.
The Horizon Magazine – English
In this video we will watch the video of Horizon Magazine,offers the viewers a colorful scope into the Islamic tenets, occasions, traditions and...
In this video we will watch the video of Horizon Magazine,offers the viewers a colorful scope into the Islamic tenets, occasions, traditions and ceremonies within the context of Muslim countries.
The Horizon Magazine – English
In this video we will watch the video of Horizon Magazine,offers the viewers a colorful scope into the Islamic tenets, occasions, traditions and...
In this video we will watch the video of Horizon Magazine,offers the viewers a colorful scope into the Islamic tenets, occasions, traditions and ceremonies within the context of Muslim countries.
The Horizon Magazine – English
In this video we will watch the video of Horizon Magazine,offers the viewers a colorful scope into the Islamic tenets, occasions, traditions and...
In this video we will watch the video of Horizon Magazine,offers the viewers a colorful scope into the Islamic tenets, occasions, traditions and ceremonies within the context of Muslim countries
The Horizon Magazine Folk Music, Sistan & Baluchestan Province -...
In this video we will watch the video of Horizon Magazine,offers the viewers a colorful scope into the Islamic tenets, occasions, traditions and...
In this video we will watch the video of Horizon Magazine,offers the viewers a colorful scope into the Islamic tenets, occasions, traditions and ceremonies within the context of Muslim countries.
The Horizon Magazine Contemporary Art Museum – English
In this video we will watch the video of Horizon Magazine,offers the viewers a colorful scope into the Islamic tenets, occasions, traditions and...
In this video we will watch the video of Horizon Magazine,offers the viewers a colorful scope into the Islamic tenets, occasions, traditions and ceremonies within the context of Muslim countries.
The Horizon Magazine Sheikh Safi al-Din Shrine – English
In this video we will watch the video of Horizon Magazine,offers the viewers a colorful scope into the Islamic tenets, occasions, traditions and...
In this video we will watch the video of Horizon Magazine,offers the viewers a colorful scope into the Islamic tenets, occasions, traditions and ceremonies within the context of Muslim countries
Le Magazine de l\\\\\\\'Afrique: La tragédie de Mina - French
Le Magazine de l\\\\\\\'Afrique: La
Jeudi matin, une bousculade à Mina a provoqué une tragédie à la Mecque. Le bilan des pèlerins morts...
Le Magazine de l\\\\\\\'Afrique: La
Jeudi matin, une bousculade à Mina a provoqué une tragédie à la Mecque. Le bilan des pèlerins morts dans cette tragédie dépassé 2000 personnes. Des centaines de pèlerins sont, toujours et encore portés disparus. Les pèlerins iraniens, nigérians, marocains et égyptiens ont été les principales victimes de ce drame. Sur les rapports officiels, 87 marocains, 20 camerounais, 19 nigériens, 14 égyptiens, 8 somaliens, 5 sénégalais, 3 kényans, comptent parmi les pèlerins morts dans cette bousculade, sans pourtant oublier des centaines de pèlerins africains ont été portés disparus., ce alors que le régime saoudien a interdit aux pèlerins blessés dans cette bousculade de prendre contact avec leur famille. Le gouvernement nigérian dont un grand nombre de pèlerons ont trouvé la mort à Mina a décrété trois jours de deuil.
Des dizaines de pèlerins iraniens aussi ont été tués, à Mina. L’Iran aussi a décrété trois jours de deuil. \\\\\\\"Les dirigeants saoudiens devront s’excuser auprès de l’Oumma islamique et les familles endeuillées des pèlerins victimes du drame de Mina, au lieu d\\\\\\\'imputer à autrui la responsabilité qui leur revient dans l’incident tragique à Mina.\\\\\\\", a réitéré le Guide suprême de la Révolution islamique. L’honorable Ayatollah Khamenei a souligné dimanche matin, devant les étudiants en théologie: « Le monde de l’Islam a beaucoup de questions à poser sur l’incident de Mina. » En allusion à la tragédie de Mina qui a endeuillé l\\\\\\\'Oumma islamique au jour de l\\\\\\\'Aïd Al-Adha, cette grande fête des musulmans, le Guide suprême de la Révolution islamique a souligné : « Il est impossible à tout un chacun d\\\\\\\'oublier même pour un seul instant cette grande peine, qui pèse de tout son poids sur notre coeur et celui de tous les musulmans. » Le Guide suprême de la Révolution islamique a fait remarquer que c\\\\\\\'est injuste, un geste avorté et inefficace de la part des dirigeants saoudiens de se dérober de leur responsabilité envers cette tragédie et de l\\\\\\\'imputer aux autres.
Narration 2 :
Après la tragédie de Mina, qui s’est soldée par la mort de milliers de pèlerins, tandis qu\\\\\\\'un grand nombre d\\\\\\\'entre eux étaient blessés, le gouvernement saoudien a formulé des accusations sans fondement. En premier lieu, il a accusé les pèlerins africains, et, ensuite, les pèlerins iraniens, d’être à l’origine de cet incident. Et ce, alors que les vidéos et les témoignages des témoins oculaires mettent en évidence le fait que cette tragédie découle du laxisme et de la mauvaise gestion des cérémonies du Hadj par les Al-e Saoud. Les vidéos diffusées sur le drame, qui s’est produit, à Mina, montrent que le dispositif de sécurité saoudien défaillant est à l’origine de ce triste évènement.
Ils ont mis sur le compte du destin, la mort de plus de 2.000 pèlerins, à Mina, et cherché à imputer aux pèlerins, la responsabilité de cette catastrophe humaine, à Mina. Même après ce drame, les autorités saoudiennes ne se sont pas montrées responsables envers les morts et les blessés. Quelques jours après cet incident, des centaines de personnes sont, toujours, portées disparues. La plupart des victimes sont originaires du Nigeria, de l’Iran, du Maroc et de l’Egypte.
Autograph - Stephen Schillinger talking about CIA Activities - English
Stephen Schlesinger (born August 17, 1942) is an author and political commentator. He is an Adjunct Fellow at the Century Foundation in New...
Stephen Schlesinger (born August 17, 1942) is an author and political commentator. He is an Adjunct Fellow at the Century Foundation in New York City. He served as Director of the World Policy Institute at the New School University from 1997-2006. He is the son of historian Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr and oldest brother of journalist Robert Schlesinger.
Schlesinger graduated from Harvard University with a B.A. in 1964, and earned his J.D. from Harvard Law School in 1968. During 1970, he began publishing, with other former supporters of Robert F. Kennedy and Eugene J. McCarthy, The New Democrat, a monthly magazine dedicated to uniting "the left and radical wings"[1] and replacing the "dead leadership" in the Democratic Party. The magazine was critical of Democratic National Committee chairman Larry O'Brien, and promoted the candidacy of South Dakota Senator George McGovern over that of Maine Senator Ed Muskie and former Vice President Hubert Humphrey during the 1972 Democratic presidential primaries.[2] Later, he worked as a staff writer for Time magazine.
Schlesinger served as a speechwriter and foreign policy advisor for New York Governor Mario Cuomo, who was elected during 1982 to the first of three consecutive terms. After Cuomo's defeat in 1994, Schlesinger worked for the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-HABITAT, a United Nations agency for human settlements planning) before accepting a job with the World Policy Institute. He resigned during June 2006.
Schlesinger's book, "Bitter Fruit", published during 1982, a foreign policy work, has sold more than 100,000 copies. His subsequent study of the UN's founding, "Act of Creation", published during 2003, is the only authoritative account of the 1945 San Francisco Conference that drafted the UN Charter. It won the 2004 Harry S. Truman Book Award. During 2007, with his brother, Andrew, he edited his father's journals which cover the period from 1952-2000 and were published to wide acclaim.
Among other media accomplishments, Schlesinger has appeared in five documentaries on the United Nations and one on the 1954
Stephen Schillinger interviewed by Susan modaress of presstv in her program autograph
[] Mashrab-e-Naab - Urdu English
Mashrabe Naab magazine is an outcome of contributions of some religious personalities educated from the Islamic Seminary of Qom and this magazine...
Mashrabe Naab magazine is an outcome of contributions of some religious personalities educated from the Islamic Seminary of Qom and this magazine is published under strict supervision and guidance of Ustad Syed Jawad Naqvi.
[21 June 2012] Should world be worried about emerging total war ideology...
[21 June 2012] Should world be worried about emerging total war ideology" against Islam - Islam And Life - English
It is revealed by American...
[21 June 2012] Should world be worried about emerging total war ideology" against Islam - Islam And Life - English
It is revealed by American magazine Wired in May 2012, that the American Army teaches its officers to "Use 'Hiroshima' tactics for a 'total war' on Islam". The course teaches officers there is no such thing as moderate Islam and that they should consider Islam their enemy. It advocated taking war to civilian populations using similar tactics as used in Dresden, Tokyo, Hiroshima and Nagasaki, as well possible nuclear attacks on the holy cities of Mecca and Medina and the wiping out civilian populations. The teaching material also suggests that there is no such thing as the moderate Islam and concludes "It is therefore time for the United States to make our true intentions clear. This barbaric ideology will no longer be tolerated. Islam must change or we will facilitate its self-destruction."
The Pentagon has confirmed the course material obtained by the magazine is authentic. The report says the officer who delivered the lectures, still maintains his position at the Norfolk, Virginia College, pending an investigation. It is not clear that how much of the similar material has been taught in the US Army. What is alarming according to BBC is that all those commanders, captains and colonels must have sat through the course and not felt anything unusual. It brings into question the validity of claims that killing at least 16 Afghan civilians by a US soldier was an isolated incident. This week's Islam and Life asks: Should the world be worried about the emerging "total war ideology" against Islam
[Clip] Flowers, Perfume, and Honey | Ayatollah Jawadi Amoli | Farsi Sub...
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[Clip] Ayatollah Bahjat on Imam Mahdi aj | Farsi Sub English
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Religion is Your Sanctuary | Ayatollah Jawadi Amoli Farsi Sub English
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The concept of UMMAH - Brother Afeef Khan - English
Brother Afeef Khan is the editor of the first ever Tafseer e Quran written in English by Imam Al Asi. He is also in the editorial board of Crescent...
Brother Afeef Khan is the editor of the first ever Tafseer e Quran written in English by Imam Al Asi. He is also in the editorial board of Crescent International Magazine.
***DISTURBING IMAGES*** Rolling Stone uncovers US kill team in...
Rolling Stone magazine reveals many cases of alleged war crimes the US forces have committed during the war in Afghanistan.
Rolling Stone magazine reveals many cases of alleged war crimes the US forces have committed during the war in Afghanistan.
[21 June 13] Hafta Naame - ھفتہ نامہ - Urdu
hafta nama 21 june 2013
ہفتہ نامہ|Alakhbar-Syrian People should Decide for their Destiny-Rohani|Weekly News Magazine
hafta nama 21 june 2013
ہفتہ نامہ|Alakhbar-Syrian People should Decide for their Destiny-Rohani|Weekly News Magazine
[21 Oct 2013] Enemies may want to create anarchy in Syria - English
Eugene Michael Jones, editor of the Culture Wars Online Magazine from Indiana, has joined Press TV to discuss the upcoming Geneva conference on...
Eugene Michael Jones, editor of the Culture Wars Online Magazine from Indiana, has joined Press TV to discuss the upcoming Geneva conference on Syria.
[06 Nov 2013] US, israel want to maintain hegemony - English
Eugene Michael Jones, editor of Culture Wars Magazine from Indiana, to shed more light on the issue of Israel\'s nuclear weapons stockpile and the...
Eugene Michael Jones, editor of Culture Wars Magazine from Indiana, to shed more light on the issue of Israel\'s nuclear weapons stockpile and the threat it poses to the peace and stability of the world.
[25 Dec 2013] World has to wake up to israel crimes: Eugene Michael...
Press TV has conducted an interview with Eugene Michael Jones, editor of Culture Wars Magazine, about the Islamic Republic of Iran strongly...
Press TV has conducted an interview with Eugene Michael Jones, editor of Culture Wars Magazine, about the Islamic Republic of Iran strongly condemning the latest Israeli airstrikes on the besieged Gaza Strip that claimed the lives of two Palestinians, including a three-year-old girl.
Freezing Liquid - Cool Science Fair Project - English
Check out this and other cool science experiments at 11-year-old scientist Greg Gassen had a great idea...
Check out this and other cool science experiments at 11-year-old scientist Greg Gassen had a great idea for his science fair project. The only problem? He didn\'t have access to liquid nitrogen. That\'s when he contacted our offices to see if Steve could help him locate some liquid nitrogen... and when Steve found out what Greg wanted to do, he decided to join in on the fun.
About Steve Spangler Science...
Steve Spangler is a celebrity teacher, science toy designer, speaker, author and an Emmy award-winning television personality. Spangler is probably best known for his Mentos and Diet Coke geyser experiment that went viral in 2005 and prompted more than 1,000 related YouTube videos. Spangler is the founder of, a Denver-based company specializing in the creation of science toys, classroom science demonstrations, teacher resources and home for Spangler\'s popular science experiment archive and video collection. Spangler is a frequent guest on the Ellen DeGeneres Show where he takes classroom science experiments to the extreme. Check out his pool filled with 2,500 boxes of cornstarch!
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On the education side, Spangler started his career as a science teacher in the Cherry Creek School district for 12 years. Today, Steve travels extensively training teachers in ways to make learning more engaging and fun. His hands-on science boot camps and summer institutes for teachers inspire and teach teachers how to prepare a new generation for an ever-changing work force. Over the last 15 years, he has also made more than 500 television appearances as an authority on hands-on science and inquiry-based learning.
On the business side, Spangler is the founder and CEO of Steve Spangler Science, a Denver-based company specializing in the creation of educational toys and kits and hands-on science training services for teachers. The companys unique business strategies and viral creations have been featured in the Wall Street Journal, Inc. Magazine, Wired and TIME Magazine where online readers voted Steve Spangler #18 in the Top 100 Most Influential People of the Year for 2006 (what were they thinking?). You\'ll find more than 140 Spangler created products available online at and distributed to toy stores and mass-market retailers worldwide.
Spangler joined NBC affiliate 9News in 2001 as the science education specialist. His weekly experiments and science segments are designed to teach viewers creative ways to make learning fun. His now famous Mentos Geyser experiment, turning 2-liter bottles of soda into erupting fountains, became an Internet sensation in September 2005 when thousands of people started posting their own Mentos explosions on
As founder of, Spangler and his design team have developed more than 140 educational toys and science-related products featured by mass-market retailers like Target, Wal-Mart, Toys R\' Us, Discovery Channel Stores and over 1,400 independent specialty toy stores. His educational science catalog and on-line business offers more than a thousand science toys and unique learning resources. Recently, Spangler has been featured in the Wall Street Journal, Inc. Magazine, WIRED, the History Channel, Food Network and TIME Magazine where on-line readers voted Steve Spangler #18 in the Top 100 Most Influential People of the Year for 2006.
His recent appearances on the Ellen DeGeneres Show have taught viewers how to blow up their food, shock their friends, create mountains of foam, play on a bed of nails, vanish in a cloud of smoke and how to turn 2,500 boxes of cornstarch and a garden hose into a swimming pool of fun.