[21 May 13] israel: death of 12-year-old Palestinian boy did not happen...
Israel has outraged the bereaved family of a twelve year old Gazan boy who was killed in September of 2000 by Israeli gun-fire which was captured...
Israel has outraged the bereaved family of a twelve year old Gazan boy who was killed in September of 2000 by Israeli gun-fire which was captured on film by a French camera crew.
Mohammad al-Durrah became a symbol of the second Palestinian intifada when he was shot to death by Israeli soldiers as his father desperately tried to protect him.
In recent days Tel-Aviv added insult to injury for the Al-Durrah\\\\\\\'s by claiming that this incident was staged by Palestinians as a publicity stunt to tarnish the Israel\\\\\\\'s image.
[25 Oct 2013] Syria grand Mufti: 2000 Russian citizens fighting along...
Syria\'s grand Mufti Sheikh Ahmed Badreddin Hassoun says at least two-thousand Russian citizens are currently fighting along foreign-backed...
Syria\'s grand Mufti Sheikh Ahmed Badreddin Hassoun says at least two-thousand Russian citizens are currently fighting along foreign-backed insurgent inside Syria.
Sheikh Hassoun made the remark during a visit to the Islamic University of Moscow. Hassoun said from the beginning of the unrest in Syria more than two-thousand Russian nationals, mostly of Chechnya origin, have moved to Syria to fight the government there. He\'s added that a large number of those people have been killed so far and Damascus estimates that some 1300 of them are still operating inside Syria. According to Syria\'s grand Mufti, most of those Russian nationals are from North Caucasus and citizens of Commonwealth of Independent states.
[10 Dec 2013] The commander of IRGC says Iran to limit missiles range at...
A senior Iranian military commander says his country is capable of increasing the range of its missiles, but it will not go beyond two-thousand...
A senior Iranian military commander says his country is capable of increasing the range of its missiles, but it will not go beyond two-thousand kilometers.
The commander of Iran\'s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps, the IRGC, Brigadier General Mohammad Ali Ja\'fari, says the Leader of the Islamic Revolution has ordered Iran\'s armed forces not to produce missiles with a range of over two thousand kilometers. Ja\'fari has however said that all of Israel must remain within the reach of Iran\'s missiles. Elsewhere, the I-R-G-C commander has spoken of the situation in Syria. Ja\'fari says Syrian government forces have the upper hand over foreign-backed insurgents across the country. Ja\'fari has added that Iran will continue to support Syria because Damascus is at the frontline of resistance in the Middle East against the Israeli occupation.
[26 Dec 2013] PLO slams israel plans new settlement push - English
Israel has made an announcement that they produce tenders for a further 2000 new illegal Israeli settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem al...
Israel has made an announcement that they produce tenders for a further 2000 new illegal Israeli settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem al Quds.
Israeli prime minister made the announcement just one week before the Israelis are set to release 24 Palestinian prisoners who have been held in Israeli jails since before the Oslo agreement in 1993. Members of the Palestinian Liberation Organisation slammed the Israeli authorities for defying calls from both the EU and the US to halt settlement expansion and further stated that this move could seriously jeopardize the US brokered Palestinian Israeli negotiations.
Le Magazine de l\\\\\\\'Afrique: La tragédie de Mina - French
Le Magazine de l\\\\\\\'Afrique: La
Jeudi matin, une bousculade à Mina a provoqué une tragédie à la Mecque. Le bilan des pèlerins morts...
Le Magazine de l\\\\\\\'Afrique: La
Jeudi matin, une bousculade à Mina a provoqué une tragédie à la Mecque. Le bilan des pèlerins morts dans cette tragédie dépassé 2000 personnes. Des centaines de pèlerins sont, toujours et encore portés disparus. Les pèlerins iraniens, nigérians, marocains et égyptiens ont été les principales victimes de ce drame. Sur les rapports officiels, 87 marocains, 20 camerounais, 19 nigériens, 14 égyptiens, 8 somaliens, 5 sénégalais, 3 kényans, comptent parmi les pèlerins morts dans cette bousculade, sans pourtant oublier des centaines de pèlerins africains ont été portés disparus., ce alors que le régime saoudien a interdit aux pèlerins blessés dans cette bousculade de prendre contact avec leur famille. Le gouvernement nigérian dont un grand nombre de pèlerons ont trouvé la mort à Mina a décrété trois jours de deuil.
Des dizaines de pèlerins iraniens aussi ont été tués, à Mina. L’Iran aussi a décrété trois jours de deuil. \\\\\\\"Les dirigeants saoudiens devront s’excuser auprès de l’Oumma islamique et les familles endeuillées des pèlerins victimes du drame de Mina, au lieu d\\\\\\\'imputer à autrui la responsabilité qui leur revient dans l’incident tragique à Mina.\\\\\\\", a réitéré le Guide suprême de la Révolution islamique. L’honorable Ayatollah Khamenei a souligné dimanche matin, devant les étudiants en théologie: « Le monde de l’Islam a beaucoup de questions à poser sur l’incident de Mina. » En allusion à la tragédie de Mina qui a endeuillé l\\\\\\\'Oumma islamique au jour de l\\\\\\\'Aïd Al-Adha, cette grande fête des musulmans, le Guide suprême de la Révolution islamique a souligné : « Il est impossible à tout un chacun d\\\\\\\'oublier même pour un seul instant cette grande peine, qui pèse de tout son poids sur notre coeur et celui de tous les musulmans. » Le Guide suprême de la Révolution islamique a fait remarquer que c\\\\\\\'est injuste, un geste avorté et inefficace de la part des dirigeants saoudiens de se dérober de leur responsabilité envers cette tragédie et de l\\\\\\\'imputer aux autres.
Narration 2 :
Après la tragédie de Mina, qui s’est soldée par la mort de milliers de pèlerins, tandis qu\\\\\\\'un grand nombre d\\\\\\\'entre eux étaient blessés, le gouvernement saoudien a formulé des accusations sans fondement. En premier lieu, il a accusé les pèlerins africains, et, ensuite, les pèlerins iraniens, d’être à l’origine de cet incident. Et ce, alors que les vidéos et les témoignages des témoins oculaires mettent en évidence le fait que cette tragédie découle du laxisme et de la mauvaise gestion des cérémonies du Hadj par les Al-e Saoud. Les vidéos diffusées sur le drame, qui s’est produit, à Mina, montrent que le dispositif de sécurité saoudien défaillant est à l’origine de ce triste évènement.
Ils ont mis sur le compte du destin, la mort de plus de 2.000 pèlerins, à Mina, et cherché à imputer aux pèlerins, la responsabilité de cette catastrophe humaine, à Mina. Même après ce drame, les autorités saoudiennes ne se sont pas montrées responsables envers les morts et les blessés. Quelques jours après cet incident, des centaines de personnes sont, toujours, portées disparues. La plupart des victimes sont originaires du Nigeria, de l’Iran, du Maroc et de l’Egypte.
[ARABIC] Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah كلمة السيد حسن...
دعا الأمين العام لحزب الله سماحة السيد حسن نصر الله الاميركيين والصهاينة الى ان...
دعا الأمين العام لحزب الله سماحة السيد حسن نصر الله الاميركيين والصهاينة الى ان يفهموا جيدا ان الحرب على ايران وسورية لن تبقيا في ايران وسورية وانما ستتدحرج على مستوى المنطقة باكملها. واشار السيد نصر الله في احتفال يوم الشهيد في مجمع سيد الشهداء (ع) في الضاحية الجنوبية لبيروت عصر الجمعة الى انه رغم كل التهديدات في المنطقة فالاوضاع المحلية والاقليمية والدولية اليوم لمصلحة شعوب المنطقة ومحور الممانعة والمقاومة افضل من اي زمن مضى بكل المقاييس والمعايير.
واعتبر السيد نصر الله ان الحديث عن اعتداء او حرب جديدة على لبنان يدخل في دائرة التهويل وما زلنا نعتقد باستبعاد قيام العدو بعدوان من هذا النوع على لبنان بمعزل عن احداث تطورات المنطقة والوضع الاقليمي، مشيرا الى انه اذا لم يكن هناك مخطط لحرب على مستوى المنطقة نستبعد ان يكون هناك مخطط لحرب وشيكة على لبنان.
ودعا سماحته من يراهنون على سقوط النظام السوري الى ترك هذا الرهان ، وقال لكل الذين يؤجلون الملفات والخيارات والمعالجات او يصنعون امالا واوهاما ويبنون على سقوط نظام بشار الاسد في سورية ضعوا هذا الرهان جانبا فهو سيفشل كما فشلت كل الرهانات السابقة.
واكد السيد نصر الله ان موضوع تمويل المحكمة يترك للنقاش في مجلس الوزراء لكنه دعا الى اخذ العبرة مما حصل في موضوع منظمة اليونيسكو عندما اوقفت اميركا تمويل هذه المنظمة لأنها اعترفت بفلسطين متسائلا الم يكن تمويل الاونيسكو التزاما لاميركا من التزاماتها الدولية فلماذا يجوز ان تتحلل من التزاماتها ولا يجوز لبنان؟ واذا لم يمول المحكمة الغير دستورية والغير قانونية التي كلنا بتنا نعرف سلوكها واهدافها ياتي فيلتمان ليهدد لبنان بعقوبات.
الجنوب اليوم قوي آمن
في بداية خطابه اكد السيد نصر الله ان الشهداء صناع حياة بإرادة الله تعالى وان الجهاد والشهادة و إرادة الصامدين والمقاومين هي السبب الموصل لهذا المعنى. واشار الى ان الشهداء هم نتاج الايمان بالله وباليوم الاخر و نتاج المعرفة واهل المعرفة، معرفة الهدف ومعرفة الطريق الصحيح الموصل للهدف ومعرفة العدو والصديق والاولويات والزمان والمكان، وهذا الذي نسميه البصيرة.
واذ اشار السيد نصر الله الى ان محبي الامام موسى الصدر يعيشون اجواء عاطفية خاصة بانتظار ان تفضي الجهود الى اعاد الامام ورفيقيه الى لبنان ان شاء الله، تطرق الى كلام قرأه كان قاله الامام الصدر في جلسة داخلية عام 1978 وهو انه يشعر بالاسى الكبير لما يعيشه الجنوب الذي تحول لمكسر عصى والذي تعتدي عليه اسرائيل، واضاف: قلت له في نفسي عندما تعود ستفخر بتلامذتك وابنائك وكل اصدقائهم وحلفائهم وبالمقاومة التي اسستَ وضحيت من اجل ان تقوم، وان هذا الجنوب اليوم قوي آمن مطمئن ثابت راسخ لم يعد مكسر عصا لأحد بل اصبح حاضرا وبقوة في المعادلة الاقليمية ايضا.
احتمالات الحرب.. وقلب الطاولة على المعتدي
اضاف سماحته: فيما يعني اي اعتداء او حرب جديدة على لبنان فالحديث يدخل في دائرة التهويل وما زلنا نعتقد باستبعاد قيام العدو بعدوان من هذا النوع على لبنان بمعزل عن احداث تطورات المنطقة والوضع الاقليمي، واذا لم يكن هناك مخطط لحرب على مستوى المنطقة نستبعد ان يكون هناك مخطط لحرب وشيكة على لبنان.
واكد ان ذلك ليس كرم اخلاق من اسرائيل و اميركا ومجلس الامن الدولي بل لأن لبنان بات بلد قويا وبات قادرا بجيشه وشعبه ومقاومته على الحاق الهزيمة واصبح في موقع يستطيع ان يقلب فيه الطاولة على المعتدي وان يحول التهديد الى فرصة حقيقية. واكد ان ذلك لا يعني ان ننام ابدا وان هذه المقاومة لم تنم في يوم من الايام .
وتابع السيد حسن نصر الله: اقول للذين يئسوا في انفسهم ولم ييأسوا على مستوى الخطاب عندما تطلبون من شعبنا ومقاومتنا ان تتخلى عن سلاحها انما تطلبون ان نكون المغبون المَهين الذي لم يستفد من كل التجارب ويسلم كرامة اهله ووطنه لابشع عدو عرفه التاريخ وهو اسرائيل، لذلك في يوم الشهيد ندعو للتمسك بالمقاومة والجيش والارادة الشعبية لانها عنصر القوة الحقيقي.
الوضع الداخلي والحكومة
واكد السيد نصر الله ان الحكومة اثبتت حتى الآن انها حكومة متنوعة تتمثل فيها قوى سياسية حقيقية واساسية تمثل غالبية نيابية وغالبية شعبية جدية وحكومة بحث ونقاش وحوار ليست حكومة الراي الواحد وشمولية، يتناقش اطرافها ويتخذون القرارات لا ياتيهم "اس ام اس" من احد ولا تتلقى اشارات من احد.
واضاف سماحته ان الحكومة مدعوة الى مزيد من العمل والانجاز والجدية ومتابعة الملفات وان لا تصغي الى كل الضجيج مشددا على ان الاهم ان تعطي الاولوية المطلقة لحاجات الناس وهناك استحقاقات امام الحكومة كالحد الادنى للأجور ورواتب القطاع العام والمعلمين والنفط والغاز واستحقاق الكهرباء والماء الضمان الصحي والتعيينات وملفات ادارية حساسة لا تحتاج الى انفاق، ومواضيع انسانية يجب ان نقاربها من منظار انسانية. واشار الى ان الحكومة معنية ان تواصل العمل ونحن ندعمها ونؤيدها.
الوضع الأمني
ودعا السيد نصر الله الجميع الى الحفاظ على الوضع الامني لأن الامن شرط الاستقرار والصحة والعافية كما دعا وسائل الاعلام الى عدم تضخيم الاحداث الفردية والى التثبت من المعطيات قبل إطلاق التصريحات.
واضاف: ندعو الى تحييد مؤسسة الجيش اللبناني كمؤسسة ضامنة للسيادة والوحدة الوطنية والأمن واثبتت كل التجارب القاسية التي مر بها لبنان انه في نهاية المطاف كان يضيع ويتقسم كل شيء وتبقى هذه المؤسسة خشبة خلاص.
تمويل المحكمة.. وفضيحة اليونيسكو
السيد نصر الله اشار الى ان موضوع تمويل المحكمة يترك للنقاش في مجلس الوزراء داعيا الى اخذ العبرة مما حصل في موضوع منظمة اليونيسكو . وقال: من المفيد ان ينتبه اللبنانيون والراي العام الى ما حدث في موضوع اليونيسكو وهي منظمة دولية اعترفت بدولة فلسطين بل بقطعة من فلسطين على ارض 67 بل ليس معلوما انها اراضي الـعام 67 فغضبت اميركا لانها اعطت الشعب الفلسطيني بعض حقه وقامت بإجراء واوقفت تمويل هذه المنظمة. الم يكن تمويل الاونيسكو التزاما دوليا لاميركا؟ فلماذا يجوز ان تتحلل من التزاماتها ولا يجوز للبنان واذا لم يمول المحكمة الغير دستورية الغير قانونية التي كلنا بتنا نعرف سلوكها واهدافها ياتي فيلتمان وبكل وقاحة وبعد الذي حصل في اليونيسكو ويهدد لبنان بعقوبات.. هذا يفضح اميركا في العالم وحلفاء اميركا في لبنان.
إيران وسورية
ودعا السيد نصر الله الى ترك الرهان على الخارج والتطورات الاقليمية مضيفا: اقول لكل الذين يؤجلون الملفات والخيارات والمعالجات او يصنعون امالا واوهاما ويبنون على سقوط نظام الرئيس بشار الاسد في سورية ضعوا هذا الرهان جانبا فهذا الرهان سيفشل كما فشلت كل الرهانات السابقة.
واضاف: شهدنا خلال الايام الماضية تصاعد التهديدات وطرح بقوة احتمال قيام العدو الاسرائيلي بضرب المنشآت النووية الايرانية وتصاعد التهديد والاحتمالات.. القيادة في الجمهورية الاسلامية ردت بشكل حازم وكان الاوضح ما قاله الامام الخامنئي وما قاله عين الحقيقة والواقع وان ايران بجيشها وشعبها وعزمها لا يمكن ان تخاف لا من التهويل ولا من الاساطيل وهذا امر محسوم .
وتوقف السيد نصر الله عند خلفيات هذه التهديدات وقال: من الان الى اخر العام هناك انسحاب اميركي من العراق وما يجري انسحاب وهزيمة كبيرة للمشروع الاميركي ، واميركا المهزومة في العراق غير قادرة ان تنسحب تحت النار العسكرية فتنسحب تحت النار السياسية والاعلامية عبر التهويل على المنطقة وايران وسورية وشعوب المنطقة فيصبح الاهتمام مركزا على هذه التطورات ويصبح خبر انسحاب الاميركي خبرا عاديا وليس في صدارة الاحداث، لذا يجب التركيز بالمقابل على موضوع الانسحاب واثاره السياسية والعسكرية والامنية على منطقنتا ومستقبلها.
ثانيا: من الطبيعي ان تقوم اميركا في هذا التوقيت بمعاقبة الدول المؤثرة في الحاق الهزيمة بها في المنطقة ولا يختلف اثنان ان الدولتين اللتين وقفتا بوجه الاحتلال الاميركي ولم تستلم للشروط الاميركية هما ايران وسورية.
الامر الثالث الذي يجب الانتباه اليه: التحولات التي حصلت في منطقتنا اذ لا شك ان سقوط نظام زين العابدين خسارة للمشروع الاميركي وسقوط نظام القذافي خسارة وسقوط نظام حسني مبارك الخسارة العظمى لاميركا واسرائيل.. في مسار التحولات محور الممانعة والمقاومة والرفض لاسرائيل ومشاريع الهيمنة يقوى ويكبر وللتعويض عن خسارة اميركا يجب ان تنتقل بسورية وايران الى موقع دفاعي والانشغال بذاتها وامنها واقتصادها.
الامر الرابع: اميركا تريد اخضاع ايران وسورية وجر ايران الى التفاوض المباشر واخضاع سورية لتقبل ما لم تكن تقبله..
واشار السيد نصر الله الى ان هذا التهويل والتهديد هو بناء على هذه الخلفيات ويضاف عليها وقائع الوضع الاقتصادي في اوروبا والوضع المالي والاقتصادي في اميركا كارثي.
اضاف: من جهة ثانية ايران صلبة مقتدرة لديها قائد لا مثيل له في هذا العالم وايران سترد الصاع صاعين، فمن يجرؤ ان يشن حربا على ايران؟ وعليهم ان يفهموا جيدا ان الحرب على ايران وعلى سورية لن تبقيا في ايران وسوريا وانما ستتدحرج هذه الحرب على مستوى المنطقة باكملها.
الاوضاع المحلية والاقليمية والدولية لمصلحة شعوب المنطقة ومحور الممانعة والمقاومة
وختم سماحته: في يوم الشهيد نؤكد اننا منذ فاتح عهد الاستشهاديين الى اليوم والى المستقبل دخلنا في عصر الانتصارات وولى زمن الهزائم وكل ما علينا ان نحفظ وصايا وامال الشهداء ونواصل طريقهم وسنفعل ذلك حتما، وللشهداء بيعة في اعناقنا لا تنقضي حتى نلتقي بهم.. وقال: رغم كل التهديدات في المنطقة ، اليوم الاوضاع المحلية والاقليمية والدولية لمصلحة شعوب المنطقة ومحور الممانعة والمقاومة افضل من اي زمن مضى بكل المقايسس والمعايير، وما دمنا اهل الايمان واهل المعرفة والعشق سننتصر ان شاء الله.
وفي ما يلي النص الكامل لكلمة الأمين العام لحزب الله السيد حسن نصر الله
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم والحمد الله رب العالمين والصلاة والسلام على سيدنا ونبينا خاتم النبيين أبي القاسم محمد وعلى اله الطيبين الطاهرين وصحبه الأخيار المنتجبين وعلى جميع الأنبياء والمرسلين، السلام عليكم جميعا ورحمة الله وبركاته.
في البداية نتوجه بالتحية إلى أرواح الشهداء العطرة والزكية ونهدي إليهم ثواب الفاتحة...
في مثل هذا اليوم من كل سنة نلتقي تحت راية وخيمة وعنوان الشهداء. في اليوم الذي اختاره حزب الله منذ البداية يوما لشهيده، يوم شهيد حزب الله. بطبيعة الحال كل فصيل من فصائل المقاومة، كل حركة من حركات المقاومة، كل شعب من شعوب المقاومة في المنطقة له شهداؤه الذين ينتمون إلى إطاره الخاص، ومن حقه الطبيعي أن يحيي لهم يوما وذكرى. وفي الحقيقة أن إحياء يوم الشهيد هو بمثابة تعويض عن الذكرى السنوية لكل شهيد على حدة، كما كانت تجري العادة أحيانا. ونحن نأمل إن شاء الله أن يأتي يوم يُقر فيه في لبنان يوما لشهيد الوطن، لكل الشهداء من كل حركات المقاومة وفصائل المقاومة، من الجيش إلى القوى الأمنية، إلى القوى السياسية إلى الشهداء من أبناء الشعب اللبناني ليكون عيدا وطنيا جامعا.
في البداية وقبل أن أتحدث أيضا عن شهيد حزب الله، يجب أن انحني إجلالا واحتراما وتقديرا لكل إخواننا الشهداء في بقية حركات المقاومة وفصائل المقاومة الذين نقدر جهودهم وتضحياتهم وعطاءاتهم، وشراكتهم الحقيقية في تحرير لبنان وفي الدفاع عن لبنان وفي تحقيق كل الأهداف التي تحققت حتى الآن.
كما هي العادة أود في البداية أن أشير إلى إنني سأتكلم أولا في كلمة عن الشهداء في يوم الشهيد وعن المقاومة، هذا عنوان، وكلمة عن الوضع اللبناني المحلي الداخلي، وكلمة في الوضع الإقليمي.
اليوم وفي يوم الشهيد، بطبيعة الحال، نحن نحتفي هنا بكل شهداء حزب الله، الذين فيهم القادة من السيد عباس الأمين العام إلى الشيخ راغب إلى الشهيد القائد الحاج عماد إلى صف من كوادر وقيادي هذه المقاومة الإسلامية إلى الاستشهاديين العظام الذين كان فاتح عهدهم ومسارهم الاستشهادي احمد قصير إلى كل الشهداء المجاهدين من المقاومين ومن الرجال والنساء والأطفال والصغار والكبار. نحن نحتفي بهذا الجمع الكبير الذي تجاوز الآلاف من شهداء جماعة آمنت بهذا الطريق كانت جزءا من وطنها وشعبها، كانت جزءا من أمتها، حملت همومها وهموم أمتها واختارت الطريق الصحيح وقدمت في الطريق الذي أمنت به، ومن اجل القضية التي آمنت بها كل هذا الجمع العظيم والكريم والشريف من الشهداء.
طبعاً انتخاب هذا اليوم، يعني 11 - 11 من كل سنة مناسبته المعروفة هي العملية الاستشهادية التي نفذها الاستشهادي أحمد قصير في مدينة صور والتي استهدفت مقر الحاكم العسكري الإسرائيلي. هذه العملية التي مازالت حتى اليوم متميزة عن كل عمليات المقاومة ومازالت حتى اليوم أيضا هي العملية الأضخم والأكبر والأهم في تاريخ الصراع العربي الإسرائيلي نظرا لحجم الخسائر التي لحقت بالعدو على يد شهيد واحد وفي لحظة واحدة، لقد اعترف العدو نفسه بسقوط ما يزيد عن 120 130 140 خليني احتاط وأقول بالحد الأدنى العدو اعترف بما يزيد عن مقتل مئة ضابط وجندي بينهم أيضا جنرالات كبار، حجم الخسائر التي ألحقت بالعدو الخسائر المعنوية والنفسية، النتائج المعنوية والنفسية والسياسية على جبهة العدو وعلى جبهة الوطن كانت عظيمة جدا وكانت هذه العملية إيذان مبكر بالهزيمة التي تنتظر العدو. أنا من الأشخاص الذين لا يغيب عن ناظري وجه شارون البائس والمكتئب وهو يقف على حطام مقر الحاكم العسكري الإسرائيلي في مدينة صور، أيضا هذه العملية هي عملية تأسيسية في تاريخ المقاومة هي العملية الاستشهادية الأولى في تاريخ الصراع العربي الإسرائيلي هذا النوع من العمليات الاستشهادية - أن يقتحم استشهادي بسيارته المليئة بالمتفجرات مقر عسكري ويفجر نفسه في هذا المقر، هذه لأول مرة، ولذلك نطلق على الشهيد أحمد فاتح عصر الاستشهاديين، ولذلك أيضا كان بحق صاحب لقب أمير الاستشهادييين لأن الأمير ليس من يجلس في الخلف وإنما الذي يتقدم جميع المجاهدين والشهداء في الأمام لأنه كان في الطليعة لأنه كان الأول كان الأمير، زمان العملية المبكر أيضا بعد أشهر قليلة جدا من الإجتياح الإسرائيلي للبنان وتوهم البعض في لبنان وفي المنطقة أن لبنان دخل في العصر الإسرائيلي بشكل نهائي وأن علينا ان نرتب أمورنا للانسجام مع هذا العصر الإسرائيلي جاءت عملية الاستشهادي أحمد قصير لتقول: لا هذا زمنا آخر وعصرا آخر هذا زمن المقاومة زمن الاستشهاديين زمن الانتصارات الآتية.
أيها الإخوة والأخوات في هذا العام اختار اخواننا عنوانا ليوم الشهيد سمي يوم "الحياة" وهذه تسمية صحيحة مئة بالمئة بل هي من اصح التسميات :
أولا: لأن الشهداء أحياء، الشهداء أحياء، لست أنا من يقول ذلك وإنما الله سبحانه وتعالى خالق الموت والحياة هو الذي يقول ذلك "ولا تحسبنا الذين قتلوا في سبيل الله أمواتا بل أحياء عند ربهم يرزقون" أحياء عند ربهم يرزقون الآن هم أحياء يرزقون من كل ما يتمنون فرحين بما أتاهم الله من فضله ويستبشرون بالذين لم يلحقوا بهم من خلفهم"، الذين مازالوا هنا مازالوا ينتظرون مازالوا على العهد هم في عقل وخاطر وبال كل شهيد لحق بالمقام الأعلى ويستبشرون بكم بالذين مازالوا يواصلون الدرب ولا تقولوا لمن يقتل في سبيل الله أمواتاً بل أحياء ولكن لا تشعرون".
ثانيا: لأنهم أعطونا الحياة، أي حياة؟ الحياة الكريمة العزيزة لأنهم منحوا لبلدنا ولشعبنا ولوطننا كرامة وعزة وسيادة وأمنا وتحريرا واحساسا بالثقة وإطمئنانا للحاضر والمستقبل وهذه هي الحياة الحقيقية التي يتطلع أليها كل انسان هذه هي المدرسة مدرسة الإسلام العظيم الذي يقول لنا مفهوما آخر عن الحياة الذي يقول لنا الحياة في موتكم قاهرين والموت في حياتكم مقهورين يعني بعد عام 1982 عندما احتل الصهاينة نصف لبنان وأرادوا أن يهيمنوا على كل لبنان وكانت دباباتهم وملالاتهم وجنودهم يسرحون ويمرحون بل كانوا يسبحون على شواطئ لبنان بكل أمان لو رضي اللبنانيون ان يعيشوا ويأكلوا ويشربوا ولكن تبقى أرضهم محتلة وكراماتهم منتهكة وشبابهم ونساءهم يقادون بذل إلى السجون وسيادتهم مصادرة ومصيرهم مرمي في المجهول يعني لو رضوا حياة الذل والهوان والخضوع هل تسمى هذه حياة؟ أبدا هذا موت على شاكلة الحياة، إذا هؤلاء الشهداء هم صناع حياة بإرادة الله سبحانه وتعالى . الله سبحانه وتعالى جعل للحياة المادية أسباب طبيعية وللحياة المعنوية الانسانية الحقيقية خلق أسباب مؤدية إلى هذا النوع من الحياة وكان الجهاد وكانت الشهادة وكانت إرادة الثابتين والصامدين والمقاومين هي السبب الموصل لهذا المعنى.
هؤلاء الشهداء هم نتاج الإيمان بالله وباليوم الآخر، هم نتاج المعرفة، هم أهل المعرفة - معرفة الهدف معرفة الطريق الصحيح الموصل للهدف معرفة العدو والصديق معرفة الأولويات معرفة الزمان والمكان هذا الذي نسميه البصيرة. عندما يمضي الانسان على بصيرة من أمره عندما يكون الانسان صاحب بصيرة هذه هي البصيرة هؤلاء أيضا هم اهل العزم والإرادة والثبات والشجاعة كلنا يتذكر في بدايات مواجهة الإحتلال كيف كان العالم كله يقف إلى جانب إسرائيل وكيف كانت المعنويات محطمة والبؤس يعم الوجوه واليأس يسيطر على العقول والقلوب وقف المقاومون، من هنا نستعيد الجذور والينابيع التي نستمد منها هذا المعنى، في كلمة لأمير المؤمنين علي عليه السلام يقول"اني والله وأنا اقول لكم كل فرد في هذه المقاومة كان ومازال يحمل هذه الروح"، يقول علي عليه السلام "اني والله لو لقيتهم فردا لو كنت وحدي أني والله لو لقيتهم فردا وهم ملئ الأرض ما باليت وما استوحشت".
هذا هو جوهر المقاومة والمقاومين في لبنان لم يستوحشوا لقلة الناصر والمعين، لم يستوحشوا لكثرة العدو ولكثرة مؤيدي العدو ولكثرة مساندي العدو ولكثرة المراهنين على العدو بل كان كل واحد منهم يقف ويقول للصهاينة وللأمريكي وللقوات المتعددة الجنسيات اني والله لو لقيتكم فردا وانتم ملئ الأرض ما باليت ولا استوحشت.
هؤلاء هم أهل العزم وهؤلاء هم اهل المحبة اهل العشق اهل الشوق في تتمة الكلمة يقول علي عليه السلام"وأني إلى ربي لمشتاق ولحسن ثواب ربي لمنتظر" هؤلاء هم العشاق المشتاقون إلى لقاء الله سبحانه وتعالى، ولذلك هم ينظرون كانوا ومازالوا ينظرون إلى أقصى القوم وليس إلى مواقع أقدامهم إلى نهاية النهايات، هذا المعنى ايضا هو الذي يستطيع ان يفسر لنا بدقة السر الحقيقي في انتصار حرب تموز فلم يكن هذا السلاح ولا هذا التكتيك ولا هذا التخطيط ولا هذه الإدارة ولا كل الوسائل المتاحة لتمكن لبنان والمقاومة من الانتصار لولا هؤلاء الرجال الذين رسخت أقدامهم في الأرض فما بالوا ولا استوحشوا ولا وهنوا ولا ضعفوا ولا استكانوا ولا خافوا ولا هربوا ولا فروا وهكذا هم يبقون من مدرسة الشهداء ومدرسة المقاومة هذه نحن اليوم نعيش الإطمئنان في لبنان الإطمئنان للمرة الأولى في تاريخ لبنان منذ قيام الكيان الصهيوني الغاصب لفلسطين عام 1948 ليس من السهل أيها الإخواة والاخوات ان يعيش الانسان في بلد وفي جواره وحش كاسر مفترس طماع خداع كيف ليمكن لانسان ان يطمئن على أهله على دماءهم على أعراضهم على كراماتهم على مستقبلهم في جوار كيان عنصري عدواني من هذا النوع، اليوم وللمرة الأولى يشعر لبنان ويشعر جنوب لبنان بالتحديد بالطمأنينة بالهدوء بالأمن بالاستقرار بالثقة، قبل أسابيع كنت أقرأ نصا لسماحة الإمام القائد السيد موسى الصدر "أعاده الله بخير ورفيقيه والذي نعيش هذه الأيام كلنا، كل محبيه، أجواء عاطفية خاصة بانتظار ان تفضي الجهود إلى إعادة الامام ورفيقيه إلى لبنان ان شاء الله"، منشور مؤخرا وهو كلام في جلسة داخلية في عام 1978 قبيل الغزو الإسرائيلي عام 1978 في لقاء داخلي مع الإخوة كوادر حركة أمل كان يقول لهم ما مضمونه انه يشعر بالأسى الشديد بالحزن الكبير لما يعيشه الجنوب وأهل الجنوب - الجنوب الذي تحول إلى مكسر عصى الجنوب الذي تعتدي عليه اسرائيل فتدمر البيوت والبلدات من كفرشوبا إلى غيرها والتي تهجر أهله عندما شاءت، الجنوب الذي لا يشعر بالأمان، الجنوب الذي ينزف، ثم يتحدث بقلب محروق يقول للأسف لبنان ضعيف الجنوب ضعيف لأن لبنان ولأن الجنوب لأننا في لبنان جميعا ضعفاء العدو يفعل ما يشاء ويعتدي متى يشاء ويتحدث بقلب محروق ويقول ان الاكثرين لا يعنيهم ما يجري في الجنوب ولا يسمعون إلى كل النداءات إلى كل الصراخ الذي نطلقه. وأنا أقرا هذه الكلمات للإمام الصدر مباشرة قلت له في نفسي يا سماحة الإمام عندما تعود ان شاء الله ستفخر بأبنائك ستفخر بأحبائك ستفخر بتلامذتك ستفخر بأتباع خطك ستفخر بكل أصدقائهم وحلفائهم، ستفخر بالمقاومة التي أسست وناديت وضحيت من اجل ان تقوم على أرض لبنان وعلى ارض جنوب لبنان هذا الجنوب يا سيدي اليوم قويا آمن مطمئن ثابت راسخ لم يعد مكسر عصا لأحد بل أصبح حاضر وبقوة في المعادلة الإقليمية أيضا.
اليوم، فيما يعني أي احتمال يتعلق باعتداء أو عدوان أو حرب إسرائيلية جديدة على لبنان وبالرغم من كل ما يقال في بعض التحليلات وبعض المقالات أعتقد أنه يدخل في دائرة التهويل ، نحن ما زلنا نعتقد باستبعاد قيام العدو الإسرائيلي بعدوان من هذا النوع على لبنان بمعزل عن أحداث وتطورات المنطقة والوضع الإقليمي، إذا لم يكن هناك مخطط لحرب على مستوى المنطقة فنحن نستبعد أن يكون هناك مخطط لحرب وشيكة على لبان، وليس السبب في هذا الإستبعاد ليس كرم إسرائيل ولا الفضل لأمريكا ولا الفضل للمتمع الدولي ولا الفضل لمجلس الامن الدولي ولا كرم أخلاق من أحد ولا كرم أخلاق من أحد ولا لأنّ احد أصبح "آدمي" بل لسبب بسيط جدا هو أنّ لبنان لم يعد ضعيفا وأن لبننا بات بلدا قويا وأن لبنان بجيشه وشعبه ومقاومته بات قادرا على الدفاع وعلى إلحاق الهزيمة بالمعتدي أيضا ، بل أكثر من ذلك أنّ لأبننا أصبح في الموقع الذي يستطيع أن يقلب فيه الطاولة على من يعتدي عليه وأن يحوّل التهديد إلى فرصة حقيقية.
عندما تتراجع هذه القوة وتضعف لا سمح الله وعندما تتفكك هذه القوة يمكن لإسرائيل ان تعاود التفكير بالإعتداء والحرب على لبنان والسيطرة على لبنان، لكن ما دام هذا الإيمان وهذه البصيرة وهذه الإرادة قائمة وهذا الثلاثي الذهبي متماسكاً فإن اسرائيل ستبقى واقفة بعجز وغير قادرة على أن تشنّ حرباً، وإذا جاء يوم لتشنّ فيه حرباً ستكون حرب اللاخيار أي المغامرة الأخيرة في حياة هذا الكيان.
إننا في الوقت الذي على مستوى القراءة والتحليل نستبعد فيه حرباً اسرائيلية على لبنان من هذا النوع بمعزل عن أحداث المنطقة، فهذا لا يعني أن ننام، وأنا أود أن أؤكد لكم أنّ هذه المقاومة التي ننتمي إليها لم تنم في يوم من الأيام، منذ عام 82 ومنذ احمد قصير لم تنم إلى عام 2000 عندما كان الإنتصار الكبير في لبنان في 25 أيار، وفي 26 أيار عام 2000 لم تنم هذه المقاومة وإنما بقيت يقظة وتعمل وتحضّر وتجهّز، لأنها تعرف أن بلدها وشعبها في جوار أي عدو، إلى عام 2006 وبعده ومنذ 15 آب 2006 إلى اليوم هذه المقاومة لم تنم.
أعود إلى كلمة لأمير المؤمنين (علي) عليه السلام يقول : "إنّ أخ الحرب اليَقْظَان الأَرِقْ" من كان في جواره عدو محارب، من كان ما زال في حالة حرب، حتى الذين يقولون أنّ لبنان في هدنة لا تعترف فيها إسرائيل يعني هناك حرب، مع العلم أنّ القرار 1701 الذي يُنَادى به حتى اليوم لم تصل فيه إسرائيل إلى وقف إطلاق النار وهناك وقف عمليات (...). المقاومة في لبنان هكذا "يقظان أرق" ، ثمّ يقول عليه السلام "ومن نامَ لم يُنَمْ عنه" حتى لو بعض الناس في لبنان راحوا ناموا، "ليش" الجيش الإسرائيلي نائم !؟ الإسرائيلي منذ العام 2006 لليوم (يعمل على) التدريب والتجهيز والتسليح والتصنيع والمناورات، في قبالنا عدو لم ينم فكيف ننام، "ومن َضعُفَ أُوذي ومن ترك الجهاد كان كالمغبون المهين".
أقول للذين يأسوا ولم ييأسوا يعني هم في داخلهم يأسوا لكن في خطابهم السياسي لم ييأسوا : عندما تطلبون من شعبنا ومقاومتنا أن تتخلى عن سلاحها إنما تطالبوننا بأن نكون "المغبون المهين والمغبون الذليل" الذي لم يَسْتَفِد من كل التجارب والذي يسلّم كرامة أهله وشعبه ووطنه لأبشع عدو عرفه التاريخ وهو إسرائيل. لذلك نحن في يوم الشهيد ويوم الشهداء ندعو إلى التمسك بالمقاومة والتمسك بالجيش والتمسك بالإرادة الشعبية لأنها عنصر القوة الحقيقي.
بالوضع الداخلي، أثبتت الحكومة حتى الآن أنّها حكومة تنوّع، حكومة متنوعة تتمثل فيها قوى سياسية حقيقية وأساسية، حكومة تمثّل غالبية نيابية وغالبية شعبية جديّة، حكومة نقاش وبحث وحوار، ليست حكومة الرأي الواحد ولا حكومة شمولية، حكومة يتناقش أطرافها ويتخذون القرارات "ما بيجييهم "SMS" من أحد لا من (جيفري) فيلتمان ولا من السفارة الفرنسية ولا من دنيس روس الذي "فل" ولا من ذلك الذي لا نحبه ناظر القرار 1559 (تيري رود) لارسن. لا تتلقى إشارات ولا إيحاءات من أحد (بل) حكومة وطنية حقيقية. هذه الحكومة مدعوة اليوم إلى مزيد من العمل والإنجاز وإلى المزيد من الجدية ومتابعة الملفات وأن لا تصغي إلى كل الضجيج الذي يثار من هنا وهناك ويراد إشغالها بقضايا وهمية لا اساس لها.
الأهم ان تعطي الحكومة الأهمية المطلقة لهموم الناس وحاجات الناس المعيشية والإجتماعية والإقتصادية، هناك استحقاقات أمام الحكومة من حسم موضع الحد الأدنى للأجور وموضوع رواتب العمال والقطاع العام والمعلمين، ومسائل تتعلق بالنفط والغاز وهذا استحقاق حقيقي، ونحن نقترب من نهاية العام، موضوع الكهرباء موضوع الماء والضمان الصحي والتعيينات الإدارية، هناك ملفات حساسة ومهمة جدا ولا تحتاج إلى انفاق، يعني مثلا التعيينات الإدارية وأن تصبح الإدارة مكتملة قادرة على الفعل والإنجاز فهذا لا يحتاج إلى أموال وموازنات وضرائب جديدة فهذا خلل حقيقي موجود في البلد اليوم، استكمال الإدارة يوفر الكثير من الأعباء والمصاعب على المواطنين، على سبيل المثال المسارعة إلى تشكيل محافظة بعلبك الهرمل، وتشكيل محافظة عكار، كذلك الإدارات التي لا تقوم بوظائفها وواجباتها تجاه المواطنين بسبب الفراغ الإداري الهائل، هناك عشرات آلاف المطلوبين بمذكرات منذ عشرات السنين وأحيانًا بقضايا بسيطة وتافهة، هذا الأمر يمكن أن يناقش لمعالجته لأنّه حينئذ يخفف عبء على القوى الأمنية، فعندما يطلع مسؤولو قوى الأمن ويقولون لدينا 30 إلى 40 ألف مذكرة توقيف فقط بمحافظة واحدة، يطلع أغلب أسباب مذكرات التوقيف تافهة ويمكن التسامح فيها، معالجة هذا الأمر سواء على عهدة الحكومة أو على عهدة المجلس النيابي من المؤكد يساعد (على حلها).
هناك نوع من القضايا الإنسانية التي يجب مقاربتها في شكل انساني، هناك خطوة أنجزت قبل أيام في مجلس النواب تتعلق بملف "الهاربين" إلى اسرائيل، وكان هناك تفسيرات عديدة وكثيرة ونحن كنّا مِنَ الذين أيّدوا الإقتراح الذي قُدّم في مجلس النواب وكنّا منسجمين مع أنفسنا لأن هذا المعنى والمضمون ورد في التفاهم الموقع بيننا وبين التيار الوطني الحر عام 2006 ونحن نفي بتفاهماتنا واتفاقاتنا، وطبعا الحكومة معنية بالمسارعة إلى إصدار المراسيم ومعالجة هذا الموضوع بالحدود التي تم التصويت عليها في مجلس النواب وخلفية هذه المعالجة هي خلفية انسانية، لكن اسمحوا لي أن أذكّر والبعض يقول لماذا دائما تذكروننا، لأن هناك أناس تحدثوا وعَزُوا سبب هروب الناس لأنّه حدثت مجازر أو خافت من المجازر عام 2000، طبعا يومها كان هناك أناس مضروب على رأسهم لم يعرفوا ماذا يجري لأنّ رهاناتهم خسرت بالإنسحاب يوم 25 أيار عام 2000 ، وهناك أناس لم يكونوا قد خلقوا أو خلقوا وكانوا صغارا. فيحتاجون للتذكير أنه في 25 أيار عام 2000 لم يقتل أحد، أُنجز التحرير ولم يقتل احد لا من جماعة انطوان لحد ولا من المدنيين بل سقط شهداء من المقاومة ولم يُقتل أحد ولم تُرتكب أي مجزرة ولم يهدم أي دار ولا أي مكان للعبادة ولم تنتهك كرامة احد، العملاء الذين تمّ توقيفهم تمّ تسليمهم مباشرة للقضاء اللبناني الذي نعرف كيف تصرف معهم. وأنا أظن أن هؤلاء الذين هربوا إلى إسرائيل وطبعا حقهم كان أن يهربوا لأن المناخ والصورة الذهنية التي كانت سائدة في ذلك الوقت تساعد على هذا الخيار، أَضِفْ إلى أنّ هناك بعضهم يعرفون أعمالهم فطبيعي أن يهربوا، لكن بعد أن شاهدوا المشهد الحضاري الأخلاقي الإنساني كيف تعاطت المقاومة بكل فصائلها وكيف تعاطى أهل الجنوب الذين قُتِلَ أطفالهم واعْتَدِيَ على أعراضهم في معتقل الخيام كيف تعاطوا مع العملاء ومع عائلات العملاء وبعدها كيف تعاطى القضاء اللبناني، أعتقد أنّ كُثُراً منهم ندموا على هروبهم ولكنهم هربوا وأخطأوا. فقط أريد أنّ أذكّر بعض هؤلاء "الأبطال" ـ بين هلالين يعني ـ أنه لم يحصل مجازر ولا قتل ولا اعتداءات وعليهم أن يراجعوا التاريخ، إذا نسوا في 11 عاما ويغيروا التاريخ ـ وطبعا هم كل يوم يغيرون التاريخ ويشوهون الوقائع ـ كان لا بدّ من التذكير به.
الحكومة معنية أن تواصل العمل ونحن ندعمها ونؤيدها ونساندها باعتبار هذه الحكومة حكومة متنوعة وطنية.
فيما يعني الوضع الأمني، ندعو الجميع إلى الحفاظ على الإستقرار الامني في البلد لأنه شرط أساسي لكل شيء فهو شرط الإقتصاد والإستقرار السياسي والطمأنينة والصحة والعافية، وفي هذا السياق أدعو أيضا بعض الجهات السياسية ووسائل الإعلام إلى عدم تضخيم الأحداث الفردية التي تحصل والتي تحصل في أي مكان من العالم، وأيضا إلى التأكد والتثبت من المعلومات والمعطيات قبل إطلاق تصريحات يتبيّن في ما بعد أن المعلومات مبنية على خطأ ولا أساس لها من الصحة.
في هذا السياق أيضا ندعو إلى تحييد مؤسسة الجيش اللبناني وطبعا التعاون مع كل القوى الأمنية وتحييدها ما أمكن، ولكن نؤكد على أولوية تحييد مؤسسة الجيش اللبناني كمؤسسة ضامنة للسيادة والوحدة الوطنية والأمن، وقد أثبتت كل التجارب القاسية والمؤلمة التي مر بها لبنان وشعب لبنان أنه في نهاية المطاف كان ينهار كل شيء ويتقسم كل شيء ويضيع كل شيء وتبقى هذه المؤسسة خشبة خلاص. من يريد أن "يناقر" في السياسة لا بأس "يكمّل مناقرة فينا" وبالحكومة وبالدولة وبمجلس النواب ولكن لندع مؤسسة الجيش جانبا ولنحافظ عليها وعلى موقعها الوطني وصورتها الوطنية لأن هذا هو التصرف بخلفية وطنية.
في موضوع تمويل المحكمة (الدولية)، قلنا أنّ هذا الموضوع يناقش إن شاء الله في مجلس الوزراء ولكن هناك مستجد يسترعي الوقوف عنده قليلا هو ما حصل مع منظمة اليونيسكو، من مفيد أن ينتبه اللبنانيون وأيضا الرأي العام العربي والعالمي إلى هذه النقطة جيدا، منظمة اليونيسكو منظمة دولية تُعْنَى بالشأن الثقافي، اعترفت هذه المنظمة ـ والمصادفة أنه لم يكن فيها حق الفيتو ـ بدولة فلسطين وطبعا بأي دولة فلسطين؟ ليس بدولة فلسطين من البحر إلى النهر بل بقطعة من فلسطين يعني (حدود) الـ 67 أنها دولة وحتى أنه غير معلوم إذا كانت (دولة حدود) الـ 67، دولة فلسطين على الأرض التي ستقام عليها على ضوء المفاوضات لاحقا أو ما يحصل، غضبت أمريكا لأنّ هذه المنظمة الدولية الثقافية أعطت الشعب الفلسطيني بعض حقه وليس كل حقه، فأدانت موقفها وبالتالي هي تدين كل الذين صوّتوا لمصلحة دولة فلسطين ثمّ عملت إجراء وأوقفت التمويل بدون سابق إنذار. اليوم أعلنت اليونيسكو أنها ستجمد جميع برامجها إلى نهاية العام 2011.
هنا ألفت إلى أنّ منظمة اليونيسكو منظمة معترف بها دولياً وهي منظمة دولية ولم تشكّل لا في ظروف "بوشية – شيراكية" ولا بتهريب قانوني او دستوري مثل المحكمة الدولية، ومن جهة أخرى أنّ هذه المنظمة يستمر عملها ويتوقف عملها على هذا التمويل، وهي قامت بأمر محق ومنصف وعادل ويجب أن تكمله، تقوم الإدارة الأميركية بأخذ هذا الموقف. ألم يكن تمويل اليونيسكو التزاماً من قبل الإدارة الأميركية، أليس هذا من التزاماتها الدولية؟ لماذا يَحِل للإدارة الأميركية ويجوز لها أن تتحلّل من التزاماتها الدولية ولا يجوز للبنان لو كان هناك التزام؟ هناك بعض الناس انتبهوا أنّ هذا يؤثر على موضوع المحكمة فقالوا كلاما حمّال أوجه لكن أغلب قوى 14 آذار لم تعلّق على هذا الأمر. من حق أميركا ليس فقط ان تقطع أموال اليونيسكو بل أنّ تخرب وتدمر اليونيسكو لأنها وقفت إلى جانب شعب فلسطين، أما لبنان فلا حق له، وإذا لم يموّل المحكمة غير الدستورية وغير القانونية التي كلنا بتنا نعرف سيرتها وسلوكها وأهدافها ولا داعي للتكرار فيأتي (جيفري) فيلتمان ـ وانظروا إلى الوقاحة ـ بعد القرار الأمريكي بوقف تمويل اليونيسكو يهدد لبنان بعقوبات، هذا يفضح الإدارة الأميركية ويفضح حلفاء أمريكا في العالم ويفضح حلفاء أمريكا في لبنان.
بكل الأحوال، أمام هذه الفضيحة قدّم دولة الرئيس فؤاد السنيورة مخرجا للأميركيين وللحفاظ على اليونيسكو، وعلى ذمة الإعلام أنا أقرأ المكتوب الذي يقول " قدّم الحل الذي يحمي منظمة اليونيسكو من العقاب الأمريكي وناشد الرئيس السنيورة جامعة الدول العربية والملوك والرؤساء العرب والدول الإسلامية والدول الغربية الصديقة المبادرة إلى جمع وتسديد المبالغ التي كانت ستدفعها الولايات المتحدة وإسرائيل، بهذه الخطوة يمكن ببساطة ـ بحسب السنيورة ـ إحباط الإبتزاز الإسرائيلي والتهويل والضغوط الأمريكية من أجل الهيمنة". الآن (بمعزل) عن إدانة أمريكا أو عدم إدانتها و(فرض) عليها عقوبات وتُقَاطع ويُرفع الإصبع بوجهها هذا له علاقة بالعالم وعقلهم وشجاعتهم ووحدة المعايير أو ازدواجية المعايير، أريد أن أذهب إلى هذا المخرج، الرئيس السنيورة قدّم مخرجاً جميلاً، فليعتمده مع حكومة الرئيس الميقاتي. "حلّوا عن الرئيس الميقاتي وعن حكومة الرئيس الميقاتي"، وناشدوا جامعة الدول العربية ( وهذه المسألة لا تحتاج لذلك) والملوك والرؤساء العرب والدول الإسلامية والدول الغربية المعنية بتمويل 50 و60 مليون دولار ليدفعوها إلى المحكمة. هناك أمير عربي يستطيع ان يستغني عن بعض الحفلات في لندن او باريس وأن يدفع هذين القرشين، ولنتفادى كل هذا المشكل في البلد ومعركة مفتوحة شهر وشهرين وثلاثة وباتهامات للرئيس ميقاتي، لأن الرجل مقتنع بما يقوله، واتهامات للحكومة وبالويل والثبور وعظائم الأمور وبأن لبنان سيخرّب اقتصاده ويدمر وسيعزَل دوليا. إذا أنتم تحبون لبنان حقاً وحريصون على لبنان وتريدون خلاصه وأمنه فيما نحن "راسنا يابس" وأنتم أناس منفتحون وحواريون هذا مخرج: ما ترضونه لمنظمة اليونيسكو ارتضوه للمحكمة الدولية، رغم ان اليونيسكوا أنصفت قوماً والمحكمة الدولية تعتدي على آخرين، ومع ذلك هذا مخرج يمكن ان تعتمدوا عليه وتتكلوا على الله وتدعوا الرئيس ميقاتي "يعرف ينام".
اليوم الغرفة الأولى أو الثانية في المحكمة مجتمعة وتناقش مسألة المحاكمة الغيابية، أنا لن أعلق على هذا الموضوع لأننا نحن بتنا نتصرف مع هذه المحكمة على أنها غير موجودة ولن نضيع وقتكم.
النقطة الأخيرة في الوضع المحلي أدخل منها باختصار على الوضع الإقليمي، هو توجيه نصيحة في الداخل اللبناني لكل القوى السياسية: تعالوا لنهتم ببلدنا ولنعالج أزماته وملفاته في الحكومة، في مجلس النواب، في طاولة الحوار، في أي مكان شئتم، تعالوا لنعطي أولوية واتركوا الرهان على الخارج وعلى التطورات الإقليمية، لأن البعض في لبنان راهن على التطورات الإقليمية. أنا في خطاب سابق تحدثت عن خمسة رهانات خلال خمس سنوات ولن أعيد. اليوم لا تعذبوا أنفسكم، أقول لكل الذين يؤجلون الملفات او الخيارات او المعالجات او يصنعون آمالاً وأوهاماً على شيء واحد هو سقوط نظام الرئيس بشّار الأسد في سوريا، وأنا أقول لهم: دعوا هذا الرهان جانباً، وأقول لهم أيضاً هذا الرهان سيفشل كما فشلت كل الرهانات السابقة فلا تضيعوا اوقاتكم. ارجعوا للتفكير لبنانيا ووطنيا، الغريب أن بعض الناس يرفعون شعار "لبنان أولاً"، إلا في الرهانات يأتي لبنان في الآخر. راهنوا على لبنان أولاً على اللبنانيين أولاً على قدرات لبنان أولاً وعلى عقول وإرادة وحوار اللبنانيين وتعاونهم، فقط هذه نصيحة في الشق المحلي .
في الشق الإقليمي، لا يوجد متسع من الوقت لأتحدث عن كل الوضع الإقليمي والوضع العربي، ولكن الأهم خلال الأيام القليلة الماضية، هو التطور المرتبط بايران وسوريا والتهديدات الإسرائيلية والأميركية والغربية واعادة فتح الملف النووي الإيراني.
شهدنا في الأيام القليلة الماضية تصاعداً في التهديدات والدفع فجأة بدون سابق انذار، طرح بقوة احتمال ان يقوم العدو الإسرائيلي بضرب المنشآت النووية الايرانية، وصارت الكرة تتدحرج اعلاميا وسياسيا وتصريحات ومواقف وتصاعد التهديد والإحتمالات. طبعا القيادة في الجمهورية الإسلامية في ايران ردّت بشكل حازم وقاطع، وكان السقف الأعلى والأوضح ما قاله بالأمس سماحة الإمام السيد الخامنئي دام ظله الشريف، وما قاله هو عين الواقع والحقيقة، إيران القوية بجيشها بحرسها بتعبئتها بشعبها بوحدتها بإيمانها بعزمها، لا يمكن ان تخاف لا من التهويل ولا من الأساطيل، وعندما جاءت الأساطيل الأميركية والجيوش الأميركية واحتلت كل المنطقة في محيط ايران، حيث تتواجد اليوم القوات الأميركية في باكستان وافغانستان والعراق وتركيا والخليج ودول الخليج ومياه الخليج، ولكن مع ذلك لم تضعف إيران ولم تتراجع عزيمتها ولم تخضع للشروط ولم تنجر إلى مفاوضات مباشرة مع الأميركيين، فلا التهويل ولا الأساطيل يمكن ان تمسّ بإرداة وعزيمة وقرار القيادة والشعب في ايران، وهذا أمر محسوم.
تعالوا نتحدث عن الحدث قليلاً، هل يمكن أن تذهب الأمور في هذا الاتجاه وكيف نفهم ما يحصل؟ إذا عدنا قليلاً إلى الخلفيات، وهنا نريد أن أتحدث عن ايران وسوريا سوياً، يجب ان لا يغيب عن بالنا أولاً انه منذ اليوم إلى آخر السنة، هناك انسحاب أميركي من العراق، وهزيمة كبيرة للمشروع الأميركي.
في عام 2000 خرج أناس وقالوا إن المقاومة في لبنان لم تنتصر وإنما إسرائيل انسحبت وهذا اتفاق تحت الطاولة (كلام بلا طعمة)، سيخرج الآن أيضاَ من يقول إن أميركا أخذت قراراً بأن تخرج؟! أمريكا التي جاءت وتحملت هذا الحجم الهائل من الخسائر البشرية والمالية والاقتصادية، هذا الانهيار القوي في اقتصادها وماليتها هل من المعقول أنها وبهذه البساطة خارجة من العراق! الجواب أكيد لا. أمريكا الخارجة من العراق، المهزومة في العراق، يجب أن تفعل شيئاً ما. أولاً، أي دولة عادة تقوم بانسحاب، هناك أناس ينسحبون تحت النار الحقيقية، لكن أميركا غير قادرة ان تنسحب تحت النار العسكرية، لذا تريد ان تعمل دخاناً وغباراً وضباباً وأن تنسحب تحت النار السياسية والإعلامية، وهذا اسمه تهويل على المنطقة وحرب في المنطقة واعتداء على ايران وسوريا حتى يصبح اهتمام العالم كله والمنطقة كلها وشعوبها مركزاً على هذا النوع من التوقعات والأحداث، ويصبح خبر الإنسحاب الأميركي والهزيمة الأميركية في العراق خبراً عادياً بل مغفولاً عنه ولا يبقى في صدارة الأحداث. وهنا مسؤولية القيادات السياسية والجهات الإعلامية كلها أن تسلط الضوء على هذا الإنسحاب وعلى هذه الهزيمة لأن لها آثار ونتائج استراتيجية وتاريخية على كل صعيد معنوي ونفسي وسياسي وعسكري على منطقتنا ومستقبل منطقتنا.
ثانياً، من الطبيعي ان تقوم الإدارة الأميركية في هذا التوقيت بمعاقبة الدول المؤثرة في إلحاق الهزيمة بها وبمشروعها في العراق، ولا أحد يختلف على أن الدولتين اللتين وقفتا في وجه الإحتلال الأميركي للعراق وعارضتا ودعمتا الشعب العراقي والمقاومة في العراق وصمود الشعب العراقي ولم تستسلما لشروط لا كولن باول ولا من جاء بعده، هما إيران وسوريا. في لحظة الهزيمة والأسى والفشل الأميركي، أمريكا تريد أن تقول لإيران وسوريا لا تفرحوا أنكم حققتم انجازاً أنتم ستبقون تحت الضغط والتهويل والسيف، والعصا سوف تبقى مشرّعة في وجوهكم، هذا أمر طبيعي من أميركا. تصوروا أن الولايات المتحدة الأميركية ستخرج من العراق وتعترف بهزيمتها، رغم أن الجمهوريين في أمريكا قالوا إنها هزيمة كبرى، ثم يسمح لإيران ولسوريا ولشعوب المنطقة ولكل الذين أيّدوا الشعب العراقي والمقاومة العراقية بالاحتفال بهذا النصر التاريخي.
الأمر الثالث الذي يجب الانتباه إليه، أن التحولات التي حصلت في منطقتنا، طبعاً، هناك خلاف بين النخب ومحللي الأحداث وقارئيها حول فهم وقراءة الأمور التي تحصل في منطقتنا، لكن بمعزل عن كل القراءات، هناك قدر متيقن، فلا شك بأن سقوط نظام زين العابدين بن علي هو خسارة للمشروع الأميركي وللحضور الأميركي الغربي في منطقتنا، سقوط نظام القذافي خسارة، سقوط نظام حسني مبارك هو الخسارة العظمى لأمريكا وإسرائيل؟ إذاً، هناك تحولات في المنطقة ليست لمصلحة أمريكا وإسرائيل، لكن لاحقاً هل تستطيع أن تعيد هذه الأنظمة لمصلحتها فهذا بحث آخر. لكن في مسار التحولات الكبرى في المنطقة، من الواضح ان محور المقاومة والممانعة والرفض لإسرائيل ولمشاريع الهيمنة كان يقوى ويكبر، وهذا سيتيح لإيران ولسوريا ان تحصلا على حلفاء جدد وأنصار جدد وأعضاء جدد في هذا المحور، وهذا يمكن ان يعني المزيد من النفوذ والحضور والفعالية.
وللتعويض عن خسارة أميركا في مصر وتونس وليبيا وخصوصا في مصر، يجب ان ينتقل بسوريا وبايران إلى موقع دفاعي، والإنشغال بذاتها ووضعها وأمنها واقتصادها.
الأمر الرابع والأخير هو، إن اميركا تريد اخضاع ايران وسوريا وجر إيران إلى التفاوض المباشر مع الولايات المتحدة الأميركية، أما الحديث عن مفاوضات جماعية فإيران لم ترفض هذا في يوم من الأيام مع ألأمم المتحدة، ولكن المفاوضات الثنائية المباشرة، إيران كانت ترفضها وما زالت ترفضها، المطلوب الإخضاع وجر إيران إلى طاولة المفاوضات، المطلوب إخضاع سوريا لتقبل ما لم تكن تقبله في الماضي، هذا هو الهدف الحقيقي، بناءً على هذه الخلفيات وإذا أضفنا إليها وقائع، وقائع لها علاقة حالياً بالوضع المالي والاقتصادي في أوروبا، فإيطاليا تلحق باليونان، والبرتغال يلحق بإيطاليا، والدول تلحق بعضها البعض.
رئيسة صندوق النقد الدولي أمس تحدثت بوضوح أن الاقتصاد العالمي في خطر، الوضع المالي والاقتصادي في أمريكا كارثي وصعب جداً، تصوروا عندما يقف أحد مرشحي الحزب الجمهوري للانتخابات الرئاسية الأميركية، من المفترض أن يفتش عن شعارات شعبية أو أن يبحث عن اللوبي اليهودي الصهيوني ليدعمه، وقف وقال إن برنامجه وقف المساعدات الأميركية الخارجية كلها بما فيها المساعدات لإسرائيل، هذا يؤشر على صعوبة الوضع المالي الاقتصادي في الولايات المتحدة الأميركية، هذا من جهة، ومن جهة ثانية إيران قوية وصلبة ومقتدرة وموحدة ولديها قائد لا مثيل له في هذا العالم، إيران سترد الصاع صاعين، فمَن يجرؤ ان يشنّ حربا على ايران؟ اليوم وزير الدفاع الأميركي "دعس فرامات ورجع خليفاني" وبداً يتحدث بشكل عاقل وأن هذا الوضع يؤدي إلى توتر في المنطقة وأن جنودنا وقواعدنا موجودة في منطقة الخليج ولا أدري إلى أين تجر المنطقة ؟ اذا عليهم ان يفهموا وهم يفهمون جيدا. عليهم ان يفهموا جيداً ان الحرب على ايران وأن الحرب على سوريا لن تبقيا في ايران ولا في سوريا وإنما ستتدحرج هذه الحرب على مستوى المنطقة بأكملها. وهذه حسابات حقيقية وواقعية، لا نحن نهدد ولا احد يهدد. لنضع التهديدات جانباً ولا يتخذ أحد مواقف مسبقة، لكن هذا هو الواقع، هذا هو واقع الحال، واليوم أكثر من أي زمن مضى، الدول العربية والإسلامية وحكوماتها وشعوبها معنية بان تتخذ موقفا. انظروا إلى الصلف والوقاحة، إسرائيل التي تملك رؤوساً نووية عسكرية تطالب العالم بالضغط على ايران وتهدد إيران بضرب منشآت نووية سلمية. فما هو سبب هذه الوقاحة وهذا الاستكبار هو أحياناً الاحساس بضعف الآخر بوهن الآخر بانقسام الآخر ، نحن نقول لهم : هذا الرهان على الضعف وعلى الوهن هذا رهان خاسر. زمن الوهن والضعف والتراجع أمام العدو الإسرائيلي أمام العدوان الأميركي، هذا
[25May12] Resistance & Liberation Day - [ENGLISH]
(Last 9 min missing. We thank LitleButerfli for the upload.)
Sayyed Nasrallah: Ready for Dialogue, Resistance Weapon Saved Lebanon...
(Last 9 min missing. We thank LitleButerfli for the upload.)
Sayyed Nasrallah: Ready for Dialogue, Resistance Weapon Saved Lebanon
Marwa Haidar
As his eminence stressed that kidnapping of the Lebanese visitors would not change Hezbollah’s position from the Syrian crisis, Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah announced his party’s decision to take part in the National Dialogue in Lebanon which President Michel Sleiman has called for.
Sayyed Nasrallah affirmed that the Lebanese army has been the most important guarantee to establish security, urging Lebanese to support this service and to stand behind it.
Addressing massive crowds who were marking the twelfth anniversary of Liberation in the southern city of Bint Jbeil, Sayyed Nasrallah said that the weapon of the resistance had defend Lebanon against the Zionist entity, adding that May 25 of the year of 2000 had hammered the last pin of the so-called “Greater Israel” coffin.
Sayyed Nasralla also tackled the current developments related to the release of the Lebanese visitors who were kidnapped by Syrian opposition militants two days ago.
Hezbollah S.G. thanked the three Presidents: Sleiman, Speaker Nabih Berri and Prime Minister Najib Miqati as well as former Premier Saad al-Haririr for their efforts that helped in releasing the visitors.
His eminence also underlined the importance of the magical formula: army-people-resistance, saying it was the main deterrent against the Israeli attacks.
Tackling the latest unrest in the north, Sayyed Nasrallah criticized what he described as the chaos of weapons, refusing to compare between these arms and the resistance weapon.
Talking about the abduction of Lebanese visitors, Sayyed Nasrallah said Hezbollah’s position from the Syrian crisis would not change, as he thanked different Lebanese, Syrian and Turkish figures for their efforts that helped in releasing the visitors.
“We thank God the abduction ended without negative consequences. However it may have some positive ones,” Sayyed Nasrallah said.
“Since the first moment of the abduction, several national parties launched many possible contacts in order to release the kidnapped visitors.\\\\\\\"
“We thank President Sleiman, PM Miqati, Speaker Berri and Saad al-Hariri, who exert special efforts to free the visitors,” Sayyed Nasrallah added.
Meanwhile, Hezbollah S.G. hailed the people’s commitment to calls of calm, noting that the cutting off the roads was useless.
“We also thank people who were calm and respond to calls of self restrain.”
“Cutting off roads is useless as well as attacking Syrian citizens which is forbidden,” Sayyed Nasrallah said.
On the other hand, his eminence said that Hezbollah’s stance on the Syrian crisis was firm and obvious, stressing that the political solution was the only way to end the unrest there.
“To kidnappers I say: your act is condemned and it harms what you are working on.”
“If you were aiming at changing our political position on the Syrian crisis, then your act is fruitless and has no sense,” his eminence also told the kidnappers.
“Our stance is firm and clear, we support the political solution in Syria in order to end the current crisis.”
Talking about the occasion, Sayyed Nasrallah said that Resistance and Liberation day was for all Lebanese sects without exception, assuring that the formula of army-people-resistance was the only formula to defend Lebanon.
“May 25 is a day for the Lebanese state as well as for all the national parties who contributed to this resistance. This day is also for all who supported the resistance to achieve this victory.”
Sayyed Nasrallah said that the resistance had foiled Israeli project against Lebanon.
“Everyone knows that the Israeli occupation of 1982 was a part of a US-Israeli project which aimed at inserting Lebanon in the Israeli era; however the resistance foiled this project.”
“The Israeli enemy thought that its army would stay in Lebanon, but the resistance gave it a clear impression that the Lebanese land was not safe to implement its projects,” Sayyed Nasrallah added.
“This land was liberated with dignity and without any precondition or any accord of humiliation,” Hezbollah S.G. stressed.
“The conspiracy planned for Lebanon by the Israeli enemy has failed, thank God.”
Sayyed Nasrallah also stressed that the Zionist entity by virtue of the resistance could not dare to attack Lebanon.
“Since May 25, 2000 and till now, except for July war in 2006, the Israeli enemy hasn’t dare to attack Lebanon by virtue of army-people-resistance equation.”
“Israel which has been attacking us, it fears today that we may attack it, for that the Zionist entity started the construction of the wall along the Lebanese-occupied territories borders.”
“May 25 hammered the last pin of the so-called Greater Israel coffin,” Sayyed Nasrallah assured.
Meanwhile, Hezbollah S.G. talked about the wall which the Zionist entity has been building along the border with Lebanon.
But Sayyed Nasrallah said that this wall would not defend the Zionist entity, stressing that the resistance’s rockets have been capable of reaching any location in the occupied territories.
“The Zionist entity sought to dominate the region from Nile to Furat, including Litani River. But today there are people whose rockets can reach any location in the occupied territories.”
Talking about the unrest the Lebanese witnessed in the country’s north, Sayed Nasrallah talked about a chaos of weapons in the country.
His eminence also noted that no party can deny its procession of weapons, refusing to compare these arms with the weapon of resistance.
“Surely no party can deny it has weapons.. Everybody in Lebanon has arms, whether it were heavy or light weapons.”
“What is the aim of these weapons which we witnessed? It’s unacceptable for someone to say they are individual weapons.”
Sayyed Nasrallah wondered about the achievements of these weapons, as his eminence refused to compare between the two types of arms.
“We believe that there is an essential difference between the two types of arms.”
Although that the two types of arms were not similar, Sayyed Nasrallah said he had no problem in discussing the resistance’s weapon.
“We are ready to discuss this weapon or that. Let us discuss the defense strategy, the strategy that concerns all the Lebanese people.”
In this context, Sayyed Nasrallah highlighted the importance of the army-people-resistance formula.
Meanwhile, Sayyed Nasrallah said Hezbollah was ready to go on the national dialogue which President Sleiman had called for.
“President Sleiman called for a national Dialogue. Hezbollah agrees to take part in the dialogue without any precondition.\\\\\\\"
But Sayyed Nasrallah said that March 14 alliance should also take part in the dialogue without preconditions, as they must abandon the calls for the government to step down.
Hezbollah S.G. also called on Lebanese to support the army and to stand behind it.
“The important service in Lebanon is the army”, Sayyed Nasrallah said, adding that the army “is the last and the most important gurantee of the security in Lebanon.”
“For that we must defend the army in order for it to do its duties,” Sayyed Nasrallah said further.
[27 June 13] US trade deficit with China - English
The US trade deficit with China reached $315 billion last year, a record unsurpassed in the history of such statistics.
In April, US exports to...
The US trade deficit with China reached $315 billion last year, a record unsurpassed in the history of such statistics.
In April, US exports to the 27-nation European Union fell 7.9 percent. Exports to the EU in the first four months of 2013 were down 7.4 percent compared to the same period in 2012.
Exports to the United Kingdom were the lowest since May 2009, while those to China declined 4.7 percent.
Imports from China surged 21.2 percent, lifting the contentious US trade deficit with China to $24.1 billion from $17.9 billion in March.
China keeps investing in its future, creating jobs, building infrastructure, funding education and technology and its GDP soars. And America keeps sliding into a no-growth economy, to 1% GDP growth in a generation.
According to Robert Fogel, the director of the Center for Population Economics at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business and winner of the 1993 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics; \"In 2040, the Chinese economy will reach $123 trillion, or nearly three times the economic output of the entire globe in 2000. China\'s per-capita income will hit $85,000, more than double the forecast for the European Union, and also much higher than that of India and Japan as China moves \"from a poor country in 2000 to a superrich country in 2040.\"
America\'s per-capita wealth may be higher, says Fogel, but \"China\'s share of global GDP - 40% - will dwarf that of the United States (14%) and the European Union (5%) 30 years from now.\"
China has been one of the fastest growing markets for US goods, and exports to that country were up 4.8 percent for the first four months of 2013.
[16Aug13] Anniversary of July 2006 War Speech - Syed Hasan Nasrallah -...
Hezbollah Secretary General, his Eminence Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, delivered a speech on Friday, August 16th, 2013, marking the 7th anniversary of...
Hezbollah Secretary General, his Eminence Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, delivered a speech on Friday, August 16th, 2013, marking the 7th anniversary of the July 2006 Victory of the Islamic Resistance against the Israeli army.
Sayyed Nasrallah to Takfiris: We will Capture You, We will Put an End to Terror
Sara Taha Moughnieh
Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah delivered a speech on Friday, during a ceremony celebrating the seventh anniversary of victory in the July 2006 war.
Sayyed NasrallahHis eminence started his speech with a greeting to the martyrs and wounded who fell only one day before the celebration in the terrorist blast which hit Ruwais street in the Southern Suburb of Beirut.
\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"I pray for the recovery of all the wounded from the large and dangerous terrorist attack, and I offer my condolences to the families of martyrs who fell, and to all those who were affected physically, mentally, spiritually, and on the material level yesterday. We highly appreciate, admire, and respect the patience of people and the citizens of Dahieh who held responsibility, and were conscious, disciplined, and civilized,\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" he said.
As he expressed gratitude for all those who stood in solidarity and denounced this painful event, Sayyed Nasrallah condemned the silence of some countries, considering that \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"days will prove that they support terrorism, murder, and crime taking place in our region\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\".
July 2006 victory put an end to \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"Greater Israel\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" project
Sayyed Nasrallah initiated his statement with words about the victory, pointing out that \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"the celebration was arranged to take place in Aita Al-Shaab, because it overlooks occupied Palestine, and its air is Palestinian air. Hence, you are smelling the air of occupied Palestine, and you are gathering only a stone\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s throw away from the enemy.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"
His eminence further stressed that Aita\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s significance was with its symbolic representation, especially with its good hearted and firm people, its brave heroes, its martyrs, and liberated captives.
Sayyed Nasrallah talked about the faithfulness of the resistance fighters who were located in Aita Al-Shaab, referring to the devoutness of those men to the path of Master of Martyrs, Imam Hussein (pbuh).
July 2006 victory celebrationHe also paid gratitude to the citizens of this village, who returned to their land just hours after ceasefire in 2006, and built tents over the ruins of their houses, to sit in them.
\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"Your historic victory in the 25th of May 2000 defeated the \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"greater Israel\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" project, because the Israeli army, which failed to stay in Lebanon, the weakest Arab country, cannot build a state from the Nile to Furat. Then the 14th of August 2006 victory , defeated Israel\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s project of being a great country, which dominates and imposes its decisions on the region and on Iran,\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" Sayyed Nasrallah added.
Hezbollah Secretary General added that the July 2006 victory also proved that \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"this organized popular resistance, which is embraced by its people, is capable of forming real defense, at a time when the country does not have the capacities and technologies which the attacking enemy has, and the evidence on that was presented in the July war.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"
In this context, Sayyed Nasrallah warned the Israeli enemy that the resistance will not allow one Israeli soldier to set a foot in the Lebanese territories, indicating that \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"we will not be tolerant in defending our villages, lands, and people.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"
He further addressed the Israelis, saying: \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"The era of Israeli military tourism on the borders with Lebanon, and inside the Lebanese territories is over, with no return.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"
Response to Dahieh blast is by duplicating number of fighters in Syria
In another context, Sayyed Nasrallah tackled the recent assaults on Dahieh, specifically Thursday\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s tragic attack which left over 20 killed and hundreds wounded.
He indicated that \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"targeting people and citizens in Dahieh and other places is nothing new. When the enemy failed, it always resorted to hitting people, even those who had no relation with the resistance. The history of Israeli wars in Qana, Dahieh, Sheyah, and other places in July war is a clear witness on that. The enemy takes such action because it knows that this is our point of weakness when it fails in confronting us militarily.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"
\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"This is a point of pride for us, as it points out that the relation between the resistance and the people is an emotional, humanitarian, moral, and spiritual relation, and that both are one. The resistance had never acted like it was an imported resistance, like some fighters act these days, hence they don’t care about people. Not at all, as throughout the past years, the resistance had never performed a military or resistance operation without taking into consideration the responses, and protecting people, until April Accord came out to protect them,\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" Sayyed Nasrallah added.
From this point, his eminence considered that \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"when there is a resistance, and people whom it shares their feelings, and suffers from their pains, this is a point of power on one hand, and a point of weakness on the other, which the enemy uses. What happened yesterday was an attack on people. It wasn’t an assassination. There wasn’t any Hezbollah official or location targeted, but the side which committed the massacre in Dahieh wanted to leave behind the largest number of casualties among people.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"
He stated that \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"the bomb weighted over 100 KGs, and at this location in specific, like the case in Bir Al-Abed explosion, the goal was only to kill people.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"
Sayyed NasrallahHezbollah secretary general asserted that the \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"massacre comes in the context of a wide and open battle which has been taking place since tens of years… as long as there is a group resisting and refusing to surrender to the American-Zionist will, then naturally, this group and its environment will bare this responsibility.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"
Sayyed Nasrallah assured that the rockets that hit Baalbak and its neighborhoods in the last few weeks were fired by armed Syrian groups, adding that \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"rockets on Hermel, Majdal Anjar, Zahle, and Dahieh were targeting us, and the large explosion on the 9th of August targeted our people and environment. Yet we did not make a quick response… we did not accuse anyone.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"
However, \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"after Bir Al-Abed blast, some Lebanese parts claimed that Hezbollah planted the explosive as a pretext to ignite the situation. This is defamation and unjust, as you cannot find anyone who would love these people, and kiss the soil under the feet of these people like Hezbollah and its leadership does… This is how you work, but not how Hezbollah does.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"
His eminence pointed out that during investigations about these assaults, \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"the first assumption was that \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"Israel\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" was behind them, while the second was the terrorist groups who have declared war on Hezbollah long before the latter entered Al-Qusayr, and the third assumption was that some other side interfered to escalate the situation with Israel, or to create internal sedition and sectarian strife.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"
\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"After over 30 days on Bir Al-Abed explosion, and after the intelligence\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s arrests and our investigations, we have reached the result, and the names of those who planted the explosive on Hermel road are now known, and one of them is under arrest… as for the names of those involved in Bir Al-Abed blast, they are now 99.99% known,\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" he revealed.
Sayyed Nasrallah indicated that investigations have not yet revealed that the committers were operational agents of Israel.
\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"They are rather affiliated with a certain Takfiri line… some of them are Lebanese, some are Syrians, and some are Palestinians.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"
His eminence assured that intelligence apparatuses have informed Hezbollah about certain sides preparing booby-trapped cars to send them to Dahieh, emphasizing that \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"all our measures in Dahieh were in response to the official apparatuses\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\' information.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"
On this point, Sayyed Nasrallah stated that \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"these (Takfiri) groups work for Israel, and undoubtedly, US and some regional countries\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\' intelligences are operating these sides.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"
He highlighted that \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"yesterday they put (explosives) in Dahieh, but who knows where they could put them tomorrow? Neither Israel nor Takfiris care if they were in Dahieh or somewhere else. Those kill Sunnis just like they kill Shiites, they kill Christians just like they kill Muslims, and they bomb mosques just like they bomb churches.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"
As his eminence asserted that Takfiri groups could plant booby-trapped cars anywhere in Lebanon, he warned officials, politicians, security apparatuses, and all the Lebanese that \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"yesterday\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s explosion was under control and the situation was under control, but if these explosions continue, Lebanon will be on the verge of Abyss. Therefore, responsible actions must be taken for Lebanon to confront this threat\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\".
Sayyed Nasrallah reiterated that the right precautionary measures should be taken and the government as well as its apparatuses must hold their responsibilities, if not to prevent suicide attacks, as this is impossible, then at least to minimize losses, stressing \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"the importance of finding the sides sending explosives-laden cars and arresting them… as well as the importance of not giving any political or security cover to these groups.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"
Sayyed Nasrallah further emphasized \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"the importance of abandoning sectarian incitements, so that the conflict remains political.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"
Addressing people who were affected by Thursday\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s terror attack, Hezbollah leader said: \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"We are aware of your patience, courage and faith, and the biggest exam was in July war… They want to harm your determination and faith, but we are certain of your faith and these aims will fail. What we fear is that those murderers drag you to uncalculated reactions which would lead to sedition and the destruction of the country…\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"
\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"(Those killers) neither have a nation nor a religion, and they are not Sunnis. They killed Sunnis even more than they killed Shiites. They seek to create a fight between the Lebanese and the (Palestinian refugee) camps. These murderers are a group of terrorists and the owners of a destructive project in the whole region, not just in Lebanon. In Iraq, there is clear evidence about the western, regional, and Israeli intelligences operating the murderers there,\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" he added.
In conclusion, Sayyed Nasrallah called on his people to \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"stay patient and send a clear message that exploding and killing will not affect our morale, and it will not throw us in the trap of sedition. This is the responsibility of everyone in Lebanon, because if this situation continues, it could reach the verge of ambyss.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"
His eminence also addressed the murderers, saying: \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"If you work for Israel, we know you and we will capture you if the state neglected that. Yet he indicated that \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"we are not a substitute for the state, but in any field the state does not hold its responsibility in, we will hold this responsibility.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"
\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"If you claim you are defending the Syrian people and punishing Hezbollah over its intervention in Syria, I tell you two things: You, the Takfiri groups are the harshest killers of the Syrian people. You even kidnapped and killed Christian priests who supported the opposition. You kill children and explode mosques.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"
\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"As for us, we fight with our values. We have never killed a captive, while you prosecute captives in daylight. We have never killed citizens, and in some of our battles, a larger number of martyrs fell in order to protect citizens, and all what is said about massacres committed by us are lies and fabrications.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"
Criticizing the fabrications of some Arab media stations, he assured that \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"the world will witness that we have only fought Takfiri groups in Syria.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"
Finally, Sayyed Nasrallah said: \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"One of our responses to such explosions is: If we had 1000 fighters in Syria, they will become 2000, and if we had 5000, they will become 10 000, and if the battle with those terrorists required that I go with all Hezbollah to Syria, we will all go for the sake of Syria and its people, Lebanon and its people, Palestine and Al-Quds, and the central cause.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"
\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"We put an end to the battle, and we set a time for this battle to end, and as we triumphed in all our wars with Israel, if you wanted us to enter a fierce battle with you, I assure to everyone that we will triumph against Takfiri terror. The cost of the battle will be high, but the least cost is being slaughtered like ewes and waiting for the murderers to come into our house.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"
[ARABIC][16Aug13] Anniversary of July 2006 War Speech - Syed Hasan...
Hezbollah Secretary General, his Eminence Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, delivered a speech on Friday, August 16th, 2013, marking the 7th anniversary of...
Hezbollah Secretary General, his Eminence Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, delivered a speech on Friday, August 16th, 2013, marking the 7th anniversary of the July 2006 Victory of the Islamic Resistance against the Israeli army.
Sayyed Nasrallah to Takfiris: We will Capture You, We will Put an End to Terror
Sara Taha Moughnieh
Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah delivered a speech on Friday, during a ceremony celebrating the seventh anniversary of victory in the July 2006 war.
Sayyed NasrallahHis eminence started his speech with a greeting to the martyrs and wounded who fell only one day before the celebration in the terrorist blast which hit Ruwais street in the Southern Suburb of Beirut.
\\\\\\\"I pray for the recovery of all the wounded from the large and dangerous terrorist attack, and I offer my condolences to the families of martyrs who fell, and to all those who were affected physically, mentally, spiritually, and on the material level yesterday. We highly appreciate, admire, and respect the patience of people and the citizens of Dahieh who held responsibility, and were conscious, disciplined, and civilized,\\\\\\\" he said.
As he expressed gratitude for all those who stood in solidarity and denounced this painful event, Sayyed Nasrallah condemned the silence of some countries, considering that \\\\\\\"days will prove that they support terrorism, murder, and crime taking place in our region\\\\\\\".
July 2006 victory put an end to \\\\\\\"Greater Israel\\\\\\\" project
Sayyed Nasrallah initiated his statement with words about the victory, pointing out that \\\\\\\"the celebration was arranged to take place in Aita Al-Shaab, because it overlooks occupied Palestine, and its air is Palestinian air. Hence, you are smelling the air of occupied Palestine, and you are gathering only a stone\\\\\\\'s throw away from the enemy.\\\\\\\"
His eminence further stressed that Aita\\\\\\\'s significance was with its symbolic representation, especially with its good hearted and firm people, its brave heroes, its martyrs, and liberated captives.
Sayyed Nasrallah talked about the faithfulness of the resistance fighters who were located in Aita Al-Shaab, referring to the devoutness of those men to the path of Master of Martyrs, Imam Hussein (pbuh).
July 2006 victory celebrationHe also paid gratitude to the citizens of this village, who returned to their land just hours after ceasefire in 2006, and built tents over the ruins of their houses, to sit in them.
\\\\\\\"Your historic victory in the 25th of May 2000 defeated the \\\\\\\"greater Israel\\\\\\\" project, because the Israeli army, which failed to stay in Lebanon, the weakest Arab country, cannot build a state from the Nile to Furat. Then the 14th of August 2006 victory , defeated Israel\\\\\\\'s project of being a great country, which dominates and imposes its decisions on the region and on Iran,\\\\\\\" Sayyed Nasrallah added.
Hezbollah Secretary General added that the July 2006 victory also proved that \\\\\\\"this organized popular resistance, which is embraced by its people, is capable of forming real defense, at a time when the country does not have the capacities and technologies which the attacking enemy has, and the evidence on that was presented in the July war.\\\\\\\"
In this context, Sayyed Nasrallah warned the Israeli enemy that the resistance will not allow one Israeli soldier to set a foot in the Lebanese territories, indicating that \\\\\\\"we will not be tolerant in defending our villages, lands, and people.\\\\\\\"
He further addressed the Israelis, saying: \\\\\\\"The era of Israeli military tourism on the borders with Lebanon, and inside the Lebanese territories is over, with no return.\\\\\\\"
Response to Dahieh blast is by duplicating number of fighters in Syria
In another context, Sayyed Nasrallah tackled the recent assaults on Dahieh, specifically Thursday\\\\\\\'s tragic attack which left over 20 killed and hundreds wounded.
He indicated that \\\\\\\"targeting people and citizens in Dahieh and other places is nothing new. When the enemy failed, it always resorted to hitting people, even those who had no relation with the resistance. The history of Israeli wars in Qana, Dahieh, Sheyah, and other places in July war is a clear witness on that. The enemy takes such action because it knows that this is our point of weakness when it fails in confronting us militarily.\\\\\\\"
\\\\\\\"This is a point of pride for us, as it points out that the relation between the resistance and the people is an emotional, humanitarian, moral, and spiritual relation, and that both are one. The resistance had never acted like it was an imported resistance, like some fighters act these days, hence they don’t care about people. Not at all, as throughout the past years, the resistance had never performed a military or resistance operation without taking into consideration the responses, and protecting people, until April Accord came out to protect them,\\\\\\\" Sayyed Nasrallah added.
From this point, his eminence considered that \\\\\\\"when there is a resistance, and people whom it shares their feelings, and suffers from their pains, this is a point of power on one hand, and a point of weakness on the other, which the enemy uses. What happened yesterday was an attack on people. It wasn’t an assassination. There wasn’t any Hezbollah official or location targeted, but the side which committed the massacre in Dahieh wanted to leave behind the largest number of casualties among people.\\\\\\\"
He stated that \\\\\\\"the bomb weighted over 100 KGs, and at this location in specific, like the case in Bir Al-Abed explosion, the goal was only to kill people.\\\\\\\"
Sayyed NasrallahHezbollah secretary general asserted that the \\\\\\\"massacre comes in the context of a wide and open battle which has been taking place since tens of years… as long as there is a group resisting and refusing to surrender to the American-Zionist will, then naturally, this group and its environment will bare this responsibility.\\\\\\\"
Sayyed Nasrallah assured that the rockets that hit Baalbak and its neighborhoods in the last few weeks were fired by armed Syrian groups, adding that \\\\\\\"rockets on Hermel, Majdal Anjar, Zahle, and Dahieh were targeting us, and the large explosion on the 9th of August targeted our people and environment. Yet we did not make a quick response… we did not accuse anyone.\\\\\\\"
However, \\\\\\\"after Bir Al-Abed blast, some Lebanese parts claimed that Hezbollah planted the explosive as a pretext to ignite the situation. This is defamation and unjust, as you cannot find anyone who would love these people, and kiss the soil under the feet of these people like Hezbollah and its leadership does… This is how you work, but not how Hezbollah does.\\\\\\\"
His eminence pointed out that during investigations about these assaults, \\\\\\\"the first assumption was that \\\\\\\"Israel\\\\\\\" was behind them, while the second was the terrorist groups who have declared war on Hezbollah long before the latter entered Al-Qusayr, and the third assumption was that some other side interfered to escalate the situation with Israel, or to create internal sedition and sectarian strife.\\\\\\\"
\\\\\\\"After over 30 days on Bir Al-Abed explosion, and after the intelligence\\\\\\\'s arrests and our investigations, we have reached the result, and the names of those who planted the explosive on Hermel road are now known, and one of them is under arrest… as for the names of those involved in Bir Al-Abed blast, they are now 99.99% known,\\\\\\\" he revealed.
Sayyed Nasrallah indicated that investigations have not yet revealed that the committers were operational agents of Israel.
\\\\\\\"They are rather affiliated with a certain Takfiri line… some of them are Lebanese, some are Syrians, and some are Palestinians.\\\\\\\"
His eminence assured that intelligence apparatuses have informed Hezbollah about certain sides preparing booby-trapped cars to send them to Dahieh, emphasizing that \\\\\\\"all our measures in Dahieh were in response to the official apparatuses\\\\\\\' information.\\\\\\\"
On this point, Sayyed Nasrallah stated that \\\\\\\"these (Takfiri) groups work for Israel, and undoubtedly, US and some regional countries\\\\\\\' intelligences are operating these sides.\\\\\\\"
He highlighted that \\\\\\\"yesterday they put (explosives) in Dahieh, but who knows where they could put them tomorrow? Neither Israel nor Takfiris care if they were in Dahieh or somewhere else. Those kill Sunnis just like they kill Shiites, they kill Christians just like they kill Muslims, and they bomb mosques just like they bomb churches.\\\\\\\"
As his eminence asserted that Takfiri groups could plant booby-trapped cars anywhere in Lebanon, he warned officials, politicians, security apparatuses, and all the Lebanese that \\\\\\\"yesterday\\\\\\\'s explosion was under control and the situation was under control, but if these explosions continue, Lebanon will be on the verge of Abyss. Therefore, responsible actions must be taken for Lebanon to confront this threat\\\\\\\".
Sayyed Nasrallah reiterated that the right precautionary measures should be taken and the government as well as its apparatuses must hold their responsibilities, if not to prevent suicide attacks, as this is impossible, then at least to minimize losses, stressing \\\\\\\"the importance of finding the sides sending explosives-laden cars and arresting them… as well as the importance of not giving any political or security cover to these groups.\\\\\\\"
Sayyed Nasrallah further emphasized \\\\\\\"the importance of abandoning sectarian incitements, so that the conflict remains political.\\\\\\\"
Addressing people who were affected by Thursday\\\\\\\'s terror attack, Hezbollah leader said: \\\\\\\"We are aware of your patience, courage and faith, and the biggest exam was in July war… They want to harm your determination and faith, but we are certain of your faith and these aims will fail. What we fear is that those murderers drag you to uncalculated reactions which would lead to sedition and the destruction of the country…\\\\\\\"
\\\\\\\"(Those killers) neither have a nation nor a religion, and they are not Sunnis. They killed Sunnis even more than they killed Shiites. They seek to create a fight between the Lebanese and the (Palestinian refugee) camps. These murderers are a group of terrorists and the owners of a destructive project in the whole region, not just in Lebanon. In Iraq, there is clear evidence about the western, regional, and Israeli intelligences operating the murderers there,\\\\\\\" he added.
In conclusion, Sayyed Nasrallah called on his people to \\\\\\\"stay patient and send a clear message that exploding and killing will not affect our morale, and it will not throw us in the trap of sedition. This is the responsibility of everyone in Lebanon, because if this situation continues, it could reach the verge of ambyss.\\\\\\\"
His eminence also addressed the murderers, saying: \\\\\\\"If you work for Israel, we know you and we will capture you if the state neglected that. Yet he indicated that \\\\\\\"we are not a substitute for the state, but in any field the state does not hold its responsibility in, we will hold this responsibility.\\\\\\\"
\\\\\\\"If you claim you are defending the Syrian people and punishing Hezbollah over its intervention in Syria, I tell you two things: You, the Takfiri groups are the harshest killers of the Syrian people. You even kidnapped and killed Christian priests who supported the opposition. You kill children and explode mosques.\\\\\\\"
\\\\\\\"As for us, we fight with our values. We have never killed a captive, while you prosecute captives in daylight. We have never killed citizens, and in some of our battles, a larger number of martyrs fell in order to protect citizens, and all what is said about massacres committed by us are lies and fabrications.\\\\\\\"
Criticizing the fabrications of some Arab media stations, he assured that \\\\\\\"the world will witness that we have only fought Takfiri groups in Syria.\\\\\\\"
Finally, Sayyed Nasrallah said: \\\\\\\"One of our responses to such explosions is: If we had 1000 fighters in Syria, they will become 2000, and if we had 5000, they will become 10 000, and if the battle with those terrorists required that I go with all Hezbollah to Syria, we will all go for the sake of Syria and its people, Lebanon and its people, Palestine and Al-Quds, and the central cause.\\\\\\\"
\\\\\\\"We put an end to the battle, and we set a time for this battle to end, and as we triumphed in all our wars with Israel, if you wanted us to enter a fierce battle with you, I assure to everyone that we will triumph against Takfiri terror. The cost of the battle will be high, but the least cost is being slaughtered like ewes and waiting for the murderers to come into our house.\\\\\\\"
2013-8-16 كلمة الأمين العام سماحة السيد حسن...
Hezbollah Secretary General, his Eminence Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, delivered a speech on Friday, August 16th, 2013, marking the 7th anniversary of...
Hezbollah Secretary General, his Eminence Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, delivered a speech on Friday, August 16th, 2013, marking the 7th anniversary of the July 2006 Victory of the Islamic Resistance against the Israeli army.
Sayyed Nasrallah to Takfiris: We will Capture You, We will Put an End to Terror
Sara Taha Moughnieh
Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah delivered a speech on Friday, during a ceremony celebrating the seventh anniversary of victory in the July 2006 war.
Sayyed NasrallahHis eminence started his speech with a greeting to the martyrs and wounded who fell only one day before the celebration in the terrorist blast which hit Ruwais street in the Southern Suburb of Beirut.
\\\\\\\"I pray for the recovery of all the wounded from the large and dangerous terrorist attack, and I offer my condolences to the families of martyrs who fell, and to all those who were affected physically, mentally, spiritually, and on the material level yesterday. We highly appreciate, admire, and respect the patience of people and the citizens of Dahieh who held responsibility, and were conscious, disciplined, and civilized,\\\\\\\" he said.
As he expressed gratitude for all those who stood in solidarity and denounced this painful event, Sayyed Nasrallah condemned the silence of some countries, considering that \\\\\\\"days will prove that they support terrorism, murder, and crime taking place in our region\\\\\\\".
July 2006 victory put an end to \\\\\\\"Greater Israel\\\\\\\" project
Sayyed Nasrallah initiated his statement with words about the victory, pointing out that \\\\\\\"the celebration was arranged to take place in Aita Al-Shaab, because it overlooks occupied Palestine, and its air is Palestinian air. Hence, you are smelling the air of occupied Palestine, and you are gathering only a stone\\\\\\\'s throw away from the enemy.\\\\\\\"
His eminence further stressed that Aita\\\\\\\'s significance was with its symbolic representation, especially with its good hearted and firm people, its brave heroes, its martyrs, and liberated captives.
Sayyed Nasrallah talked about the faithfulness of the resistance fighters who were located in Aita Al-Shaab, referring to the devoutness of those men to the path of Master of Martyrs, Imam Hussein (pbuh).
July 2006 victory celebrationHe also paid gratitude to the citizens of this village, who returned to their land just hours after ceasefire in 2006, and built tents over the ruins of their houses, to sit in them.
\\\\\\\"Your historic victory in the 25th of May 2000 defeated the \\\\\\\"greater Israel\\\\\\\" project, because the Israeli army, which failed to stay in Lebanon, the weakest Arab country, cannot build a state from the Nile to Furat. Then the 14th of August 2006 victory , defeated Israel\\\\\\\'s project of being a great country, which dominates and imposes its decisions on the region and on Iran,\\\\\\\" Sayyed Nasrallah added.
Hezbollah Secretary General added that the July 2006 victory also proved that \\\\\\\"this organized popular resistance, which is embraced by its people, is capable of forming real defense, at a time when the country does not have the capacities and technologies which the attacking enemy has, and the evidence on that was presented in the July war.\\\\\\\"
In this context, Sayyed Nasrallah warned the Israeli enemy that the resistance will not allow one Israeli soldier to set a foot in the Lebanese territories, indicating that \\\\\\\"we will not be tolerant in defending our villages, lands, and people.\\\\\\\"
He further addressed the Israelis, saying: \\\\\\\"The era of Israeli military tourism on the borders with Lebanon, and inside the Lebanese territories is over, with no return.\\\\\\\"
Response to Dahieh blast is by duplicating number of fighters in Syria
In another context, Sayyed Nasrallah tackled the recent assaults on Dahieh, specifically Thursday\\\\\\\'s tragic attack which left over 20 killed and hundreds wounded.
He indicated that \\\\\\\"targeting people and citizens in Dahieh and other places is nothing new. When the enemy failed, it always resorted to hitting people, even those who had no relation with the resistance. The history of Israeli wars in Qana, Dahieh, Sheyah, and other places in July war is a clear witness on that. The enemy takes such action because it knows that this is our point of weakness when it fails in confronting us militarily.\\\\\\\"
\\\\\\\"This is a point of pride for us, as it points out that the relation between the resistance and the people is an emotional, humanitarian, moral, and spiritual relation, and that both are one. The resistance had never acted like it was an imported resistance, like some fighters act these days, hence they don’t care about people. Not at all, as throughout the past years, the resistance had never performed a military or resistance operation without taking into consideration the responses, and protecting people, until April Accord came out to protect them,\\\\\\\" Sayyed Nasrallah added.
From this point, his eminence considered that \\\\\\\"when there is a resistance, and people whom it shares their feelings, and suffers from their pains, this is a point of power on one hand, and a point of weakness on the other, which the enemy uses. What happened yesterday was an attack on people. It wasn’t an assassination. There wasn’t any Hezbollah official or location targeted, but the side which committed the massacre in Dahieh wanted to leave behind the largest number of casualties among people.\\\\\\\"
He stated that \\\\\\\"the bomb weighted over 100 KGs, and at this location in specific, like the case in Bir Al-Abed explosion, the goal was only to kill people.\\\\\\\"
Sayyed NasrallahHezbollah secretary general asserted that the \\\\\\\"massacre comes in the context of a wide and open battle which has been taking place since tens of years… as long as there is a group resisting and refusing to surrender to the American-Zionist will, then naturally, this group and its environment will bare this responsibility.\\\\\\\"
Sayyed Nasrallah assured that the rockets that hit Baalbak and its neighborhoods in the last few weeks were fired by armed Syrian groups, adding that \\\\\\\"rockets on Hermel, Majdal Anjar, Zahle, and Dahieh were targeting us, and the large explosion on the 9th of August targeted our people and environment. Yet we did not make a quick response… we did not accuse anyone.\\\\\\\"
However, \\\\\\\"after Bir Al-Abed blast, some Lebanese parts claimed that Hezbollah planted the explosive as a pretext to ignite the situation. This is defamation and unjust, as you cannot find anyone who would love these people, and kiss the soil under the feet of these people like Hezbollah and its leadership does… This is how you work, but not how Hezbollah does.\\\\\\\"
His eminence pointed out that during investigations about these assaults, \\\\\\\"the first assumption was that \\\\\\\"Israel\\\\\\\" was behind them, while the second was the terrorist groups who have declared war on Hezbollah long before the latter entered Al-Qusayr, and the third assumption was that some other side interfered to escalate the situation with Israel, or to create internal sedition and sectarian strife.\\\\\\\"
\\\\\\\"After over 30 days on Bir Al-Abed explosion, and after the intelligence\\\\\\\'s arrests and our investigations, we have reached the result, and the names of those who planted the explosive on Hermel road are now known, and one of them is under arrest… as for the names of those involved in Bir Al-Abed blast, they are now 99.99% known,\\\\\\\" he revealed.
Sayyed Nasrallah indicated that investigations have not yet revealed that the committers were operational agents of Israel.
\\\\\\\"They are rather affiliated with a certain Takfiri line… some of them are Lebanese, some are Syrians, and some are Palestinians.\\\\\\\"
His eminence assured that intelligence apparatuses have informed Hezbollah about certain sides preparing booby-trapped cars to send them to Dahieh, emphasizing that \\\\\\\"all our measures in Dahieh were in response to the official apparatuses\\\\\\\' information.\\\\\\\"
On this point, Sayyed Nasrallah stated that \\\\\\\"these (Takfiri) groups work for Israel, and undoubtedly, US and some regional countries\\\\\\\' intelligences are operating these sides.\\\\\\\"
He highlighted that \\\\\\\"yesterday they put (explosives) in Dahieh, but who knows where they could put them tomorrow? Neither Israel nor Takfiris care if they were in Dahieh or somewhere else. Those kill Sunnis just like they kill Shiites, they kill Christians just like they kill Muslims, and they bomb mosques just like they bomb churches.\\\\\\\"
As his eminence asserted that Takfiri groups could plant booby-trapped cars anywhere in Lebanon, he warned officials, politicians, security apparatuses, and all the Lebanese that \\\\\\\"yesterday\\\\\\\'s explosion was under control and the situation was under control, but if these explosions continue, Lebanon will be on the verge of Abyss. Therefore, responsible actions must be taken for Lebanon to confront this threat\\\\\\\".
Sayyed Nasrallah reiterated that the right precautionary measures should be taken and the government as well as its apparatuses must hold their responsibilities, if not to prevent suicide attacks, as this is impossible, then at least to minimize losses, stressing \\\\\\\"the importance of finding the sides sending explosives-laden cars and arresting them… as well as the importance of not giving any political or security cover to these groups.\\\\\\\"
Sayyed Nasrallah further emphasized \\\\\\\"the importance of abandoning sectarian incitements, so that the conflict remains political.\\\\\\\"
Addressing people who were affected by Thursday\\\\\\\'s terror attack, Hezbollah leader said: \\\\\\\"We are aware of your patience, courage and faith, and the biggest exam was in July war… They want to harm your determination and faith, but we are certain of your faith and these aims will fail. What we fear is that those murderers drag you to uncalculated reactions which would lead to sedition and the destruction of the country…\\\\\\\"
\\\\\\\"(Those killers) neither have a nation nor a religion, and they are not Sunnis. They killed Sunnis even more than they killed Shiites. They seek to create a fight between the Lebanese and the (Palestinian refugee) camps. These murderers are a group of terrorists and the owners of a destructive project in the whole region, not just in Lebanon. In Iraq, there is clear evidence about the western, regional, and Israeli intelligences operating the murderers there,\\\\\\\" he added.
In conclusion, Sayyed Nasrallah called on his people to \\\\\\\"stay patient and send a clear message that exploding and killing will not affect our morale, and it will not throw us in the trap of sedition. This is the responsibility of everyone in Lebanon, because if this situation continues, it could reach the verge of ambyss.\\\\\\\"
His eminence also addressed the murderers, saying: \\\\\\\"If you work for Israel, we know you and we will capture you if the state neglected that. Yet he indicated that \\\\\\\"we are not a substitute for the state, but in any field the state does not hold its responsibility in, we will hold this responsibility.\\\\\\\"
\\\\\\\"If you claim you are defending the Syrian people and punishing Hezbollah over its intervention in Syria, I tell you two things: You, the Takfiri groups are the harshest killers of the Syrian people. You even kidnapped and killed Christian priests who supported the opposition. You kill children and explode mosques.\\\\\\\"
\\\\\\\"As for us, we fight with our values. We have never killed a captive, while you prosecute captives in daylight. We have never killed citizens, and in some of our battles, a larger number of martyrs fell in order to protect citizens, and all what is said about massacres committed by us are lies and fabrications.\\\\\\\"
Criticizing the fabrications of some Arab media stations, he assured that \\\\\\\"the world will witness that we have only fought Takfiri groups in Syria.\\\\\\\"
Finally, Sayyed Nasrallah said: \\\\\\\"One of our responses to such explosions is: If we had 1000 fighters in Syria, they will become 2000, and if we had 5000, they will become 10 000, and if the battle with those terrorists required that I go with all Hezbollah to Syria, we will all go for the sake of Syria and its people, Lebanon and its people, Palestine and Al-Quds, and the central cause.\\\\\\\"
\\\\\\\"We put an end to the battle, and we set a time for this battle to end, and as we triumphed in all our wars with Israel, if you wanted us to enter a fierce battle with you, I assure to everyone that we will triumph against Takfiri terror. The cost of the battle will be high, but the least cost is being slaughtered like ewes and waiting for the murderers to come into our house.\\\\\\\"
[1] Primary Scenes of Beirut Dahiyeh Blast - 15 August 2013 - All Languages
Hezbollah Secretary General, his Eminence Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, delivered a speech on Friday, August 16th, 2013, marking the 7th anniversary of...
Hezbollah Secretary General, his Eminence Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, delivered a speech on Friday, August 16th, 2013, marking the 7th anniversary of the July 2006 Victory of the Islamic Resistance against the Israeli army.
Sayyed Nasrallah to Takfiris: We will Capture You, We will Put an End to Terror
Sara Taha Moughnieh
Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah delivered a speech on Friday, during a ceremony celebrating the seventh anniversary of victory in the July 2006 war.
Sayyed NasrallahHis eminence started his speech with a greeting to the martyrs and wounded who fell only one day before the celebration in the terrorist blast which hit Ruwais street in the Southern Suburb of Beirut.
\\\\\\\"I pray for the recovery of all the wounded from the large and dangerous terrorist attack, and I offer my condolences to the families of martyrs who fell, and to all those who were affected physically, mentally, spiritually, and on the material level yesterday. We highly appreciate, admire, and respect the patience of people and the citizens of Dahieh who held responsibility, and were conscious, disciplined, and civilized,\\\\\\\" he said.
As he expressed gratitude for all those who stood in solidarity and denounced this painful event, Sayyed Nasrallah condemned the silence of some countries, considering that \\\\\\\"days will prove that they support terrorism, murder, and crime taking place in our region\\\\\\\".
July 2006 victory put an end to \\\\\\\"Greater Israel\\\\\\\" project
Sayyed Nasrallah initiated his statement with words about the victory, pointing out that \\\\\\\"the celebration was arranged to take place in Aita Al-Shaab, because it overlooks occupied Palestine, and its air is Palestinian air. Hence, you are smelling the air of occupied Palestine, and you are gathering only a stone\\\\\\\'s throw away from the enemy.\\\\\\\"
His eminence further stressed that Aita\\\\\\\'s significance was with its symbolic representation, especially with its good hearted and firm people, its brave heroes, its martyrs, and liberated captives.
Sayyed Nasrallah talked about the faithfulness of the resistance fighters who were located in Aita Al-Shaab, referring to the devoutness of those men to the path of Master of Martyrs, Imam Hussein (pbuh).
July 2006 victory celebrationHe also paid gratitude to the citizens of this village, who returned to their land just hours after ceasefire in 2006, and built tents over the ruins of their houses, to sit in them.
\\\\\\\"Your historic victory in the 25th of May 2000 defeated the \\\\\\\"greater Israel\\\\\\\" project, because the Israeli army, which failed to stay in Lebanon, the weakest Arab country, cannot build a state from the Nile to Furat. Then the 14th of August 2006 victory , defeated Israel\\\\\\\'s project of being a great country, which dominates and imposes its decisions on the region and on Iran,\\\\\\\" Sayyed Nasrallah added.
Hezbollah Secretary General added that the July 2006 victory also proved that \\\\\\\"this organized popular resistance, which is embraced by its people, is capable of forming real defense, at a time when the country does not have the capacities and technologies which the attacking enemy has, and the evidence on that was presented in the July war.\\\\\\\"
In this context, Sayyed Nasrallah warned the Israeli enemy that the resistance will not allow one Israeli soldier to set a foot in the Lebanese territories, indicating that \\\\\\\"we will not be tolerant in defending our villages, lands, and people.\\\\\\\"
He further addressed the Israelis, saying: \\\\\\\"The era of Israeli military tourism on the borders with Lebanon, and inside the Lebanese territories is over, with no return.\\\\\\\"
Response to Dahieh blast is by duplicating number of fighters in Syria
In another context, Sayyed Nasrallah tackled the recent assaults on Dahieh, specifically Thursday\\\\\\\'s tragic attack which left over 20 killed and hundreds wounded.
He indicated that \\\\\\\"targeting people and citizens in Dahieh and other places is nothing new. When the enemy failed, it always resorted to hitting people, even those who had no relation with the resistance. The history of Israeli wars in Qana, Dahieh, Sheyah, and other places in July war is a clear witness on that. The enemy takes such action because it knows that this is our point of weakness when it fails in confronting us militarily.\\\\\\\"
\\\\\\\"This is a point of pride for us, as it points out that the relation between the resistance and the people is an emotional, humanitarian, moral, and spiritual relation, and that both are one. The resistance had never acted like it was an imported resistance, like some fighters act these days, hence they don’t care about people. Not at all, as throughout the past years, the resistance had never performed a military or resistance operation without taking into consideration the responses, and protecting people, until April Accord came out to protect them,\\\\\\\" Sayyed Nasrallah added.
From this point, his eminence considered that \\\\\\\"when there is a resistance, and people whom it shares their feelings, and suffers from their pains, this is a point of power on one hand, and a point of weakness on the other, which the enemy uses. What happened yesterday was an attack on people. It wasn’t an assassination. There wasn’t any Hezbollah official or location targeted, but the side which committed the massacre in Dahieh wanted to leave behind the largest number of casualties among people.\\\\\\\"
He stated that \\\\\\\"the bomb weighted over 100 KGs, and at this location in specific, like the case in Bir Al-Abed explosion, the goal was only to kill people.\\\\\\\"
Sayyed NasrallahHezbollah secretary general asserted that the \\\\\\\"massacre comes in the context of a wide and open battle which has been taking place since tens of years… as long as there is a group resisting and refusing to surrender to the American-Zionist will, then naturally, this group and its environment will bare this responsibility.\\\\\\\"
Sayyed Nasrallah assured that the rockets that hit Baalbak and its neighborhoods in the last few weeks were fired by armed Syrian groups, adding that \\\\\\\"rockets on Hermel, Majdal Anjar, Zahle, and Dahieh were targeting us, and the large explosion on the 9th of August targeted our people and environment. Yet we did not make a quick response… we did not accuse anyone.\\\\\\\"
However, \\\\\\\"after Bir Al-Abed blast, some Lebanese parts claimed that Hezbollah planted the explosive as a pretext to ignite the situation. This is defamation and unjust, as you cannot find anyone who would love these people, and kiss the soil under the feet of these people like Hezbollah and its leadership does… This is how you work, but not how Hezbollah does.\\\\\\\"
His eminence pointed out that during investigations about these assaults, \\\\\\\"the first assumption was that \\\\\\\"Israel\\\\\\\" was behind them, while the second was the terrorist groups who have declared war on Hezbollah long before the latter entered Al-Qusayr, and the third assumption was that some other side interfered to escalate the situation with Israel, or to create internal sedition and sectarian strife.\\\\\\\"
\\\\\\\"After over 30 days on Bir Al-Abed explosion, and after the intelligence\\\\\\\'s arrests and our investigations, we have reached the result, and the names of those who planted the explosive on Hermel road are now known, and one of them is under arrest… as for the names of those involved in Bir Al-Abed blast, they are now 99.99% known,\\\\\\\" he revealed.
Sayyed Nasrallah indicated that investigations have not yet revealed that the committers were operational agents of Israel.
\\\\\\\"They are rather affiliated with a certain Takfiri line… some of them are Lebanese, some are Syrians, and some are Palestinians.\\\\\\\"
His eminence assured that intelligence apparatuses have informed Hezbollah about certain sides preparing booby-trapped cars to send them to Dahieh, emphasizing that \\\\\\\"all our measures in Dahieh were in response to the official apparatuses\\\\\\\' information.\\\\\\\"
On this point, Sayyed Nasrallah stated that \\\\\\\"these (Takfiri) groups work for Israel, and undoubtedly, US and some regional countries\\\\\\\' intelligences are operating these sides.\\\\\\\"
He highlighted that \\\\\\\"yesterday they put (explosives) in Dahieh, but who knows where they could put them tomorrow? Neither Israel nor Takfiris care if they were in Dahieh or somewhere else. Those kill Sunnis just like they kill Shiites, they kill Christians just like they kill Muslims, and they bomb mosques just like they bomb churches.\\\\\\\"
As his eminence asserted that Takfiri groups could plant booby-trapped cars anywhere in Lebanon, he warned officials, politicians, security apparatuses, and all the Lebanese that \\\\\\\"yesterday\\\\\\\'s explosion was under control and the situation was under control, but if these explosions continue, Lebanon will be on the verge of Abyss. Therefore, responsible actions must be taken for Lebanon to confront this threat\\\\\\\".
Sayyed Nasrallah reiterated that the right precautionary measures should be taken and the government as well as its apparatuses must hold their responsibilities, if not to prevent suicide attacks, as this is impossible, then at least to minimize losses, stressing \\\\\\\"the importance of finding the sides sending explosives-laden cars and arresting them… as well as the importance of not giving any political or security cover to these groups.\\\\\\\"
Sayyed Nasrallah further emphasized \\\\\\\"the importance of abandoning sectarian incitements, so that the conflict remains political.\\\\\\\"
Addressing people who were affected by Thursday\\\\\\\'s terror attack, Hezbollah leader said: \\\\\\\"We are aware of your patience, courage and faith, and the biggest exam was in July war… They want to harm your determination and faith, but we are certain of your faith and these aims will fail. What we fear is that those murderers drag you to uncalculated reactions which would lead to sedition and the destruction of the country…\\\\\\\"
\\\\\\\"(Those killers) neither have a nation nor a religion, and they are not Sunnis. They killed Sunnis even more than they killed Shiites. They seek to create a fight between the Lebanese and the (Palestinian refugee) camps. These murderers are a group of terrorists and the owners of a destructive project in the whole region, not just in Lebanon. In Iraq, there is clear evidence about the western, regional, and Israeli intelligences operating the murderers there,\\\\\\\" he added.
In conclusion, Sayyed Nasrallah called on his people to \\\\\\\"stay patient and send a clear message that exploding and killing will not affect our morale, and it will not throw us in the trap of sedition. This is the responsibility of everyone in Lebanon, because if this situation continues, it could reach the verge of ambyss.\\\\\\\"
His eminence also addressed the murderers, saying: \\\\\\\"If you work for Israel, we know you and we will capture you if the state neglected that. Yet he indicated that \\\\\\\"we are not a substitute for the state, but in any field the state does not hold its responsibility in, we will hold this responsibility.\\\\\\\"
\\\\\\\"If you claim you are defending the Syrian people and punishing Hezbollah over its intervention in Syria, I tell you two things: You, the Takfiri groups are the harshest killers of the Syrian people. You even kidnapped and killed Christian priests who supported the opposition. You kill children and explode mosques.\\\\\\\"
\\\\\\\"As for us, we fight with our values. We have never killed a captive, while you prosecute captives in daylight. We have never killed citizens, and in some of our battles, a larger number of martyrs fell in order to protect citizens, and all what is said about massacres committed by us are lies and fabrications.\\\\\\\"
Criticizing the fabrications of some Arab media stations, he assured that \\\\\\\"the world will witness that we have only fought Takfiri groups in Syria.\\\\\\\"
Finally, Sayyed Nasrallah said: \\\\\\\"One of our responses to such explosions is: If we had 1000 fighters in Syria, they will become 2000, and if we had 5000, they will become 10 000, and if the battle with those terrorists required that I go with all Hezbollah to Syria, we will all go for the sake of Syria and its people, Lebanon and its people, Palestine and Al-Quds, and the central cause.\\\\\\\"
\\\\\\\"We put an end to the battle, and we set a time for this battle to end, and as we triumphed in all our wars with Israel, if you wanted us to enter a fierce battle with you, I assure to everyone that we will triumph against Takfiri terror. The cost of the battle will be high, but the least cost is being slaughtered like ewes and waiting for the murderers to come into our house.\\\\\\\"
[2] Primary Scenes of Beirut Dahiyeh Blast - 15 August 2013 - All Languages
Hezbollah Secretary General, his Eminence Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, delivered a speech on Friday, August 16th, 2013, marking the 7th anniversary of...
Hezbollah Secretary General, his Eminence Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, delivered a speech on Friday, August 16th, 2013, marking the 7th anniversary of the July 2006 Victory of the Islamic Resistance against the Israeli army.
Sayyed Nasrallah to Takfiris: We will Capture You, We will Put an End to Terror
Sara Taha Moughnieh
Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah delivered a speech on Friday, during a ceremony celebrating the seventh anniversary of victory in the July 2006 war.
Sayyed NasrallahHis eminence started his speech with a greeting to the martyrs and wounded who fell only one day before the celebration in the terrorist blast which hit Ruwais street in the Southern Suburb of Beirut.
\\\\\\\"I pray for the recovery of all the wounded from the large and dangerous terrorist attack, and I offer my condolences to the families of martyrs who fell, and to all those who were affected physically, mentally, spiritually, and on the material level yesterday. We highly appreciate, admire, and respect the patience of people and the citizens of Dahieh who held responsibility, and were conscious, disciplined, and civilized,\\\\\\\" he said.
As he expressed gratitude for all those who stood in solidarity and denounced this painful event, Sayyed Nasrallah condemned the silence of some countries, considering that \\\\\\\"days will prove that they support terrorism, murder, and crime taking place in our region\\\\\\\".
July 2006 victory put an end to \\\\\\\"Greater Israel\\\\\\\" project
Sayyed Nasrallah initiated his statement with words about the victory, pointing out that \\\\\\\"the celebration was arranged to take place in Aita Al-Shaab, because it overlooks occupied Palestine, and its air is Palestinian air. Hence, you are smelling the air of occupied Palestine, and you are gathering only a stone\\\\\\\'s throw away from the enemy.\\\\\\\"
His eminence further stressed that Aita\\\\\\\'s significance was with its symbolic representation, especially with its good hearted and firm people, its brave heroes, its martyrs, and liberated captives.
Sayyed Nasrallah talked about the faithfulness of the resistance fighters who were located in Aita Al-Shaab, referring to the devoutness of those men to the path of Master of Martyrs, Imam Hussein (pbuh).
July 2006 victory celebrationHe also paid gratitude to the citizens of this village, who returned to their land just hours after ceasefire in 2006, and built tents over the ruins of their houses, to sit in them.
\\\\\\\"Your historic victory in the 25th of May 2000 defeated the \\\\\\\"greater Israel\\\\\\\" project, because the Israeli army, which failed to stay in Lebanon, the weakest Arab country, cannot build a state from the Nile to Furat. Then the 14th of August 2006 victory , defeated Israel\\\\\\\'s project of being a great country, which dominates and imposes its decisions on the region and on Iran,\\\\\\\" Sayyed Nasrallah added.
Hezbollah Secretary General added that the July 2006 victory also proved that \\\\\\\"this organized popular resistance, which is embraced by its people, is capable of forming real defense, at a time when the country does not have the capacities and technologies which the attacking enemy has, and the evidence on that was presented in the July war.\\\\\\\"
In this context, Sayyed Nasrallah warned the Israeli enemy that the resistance will not allow one Israeli soldier to set a foot in the Lebanese territories, indicating that \\\\\\\"we will not be tolerant in defending our villages, lands, and people.\\\\\\\"
He further addressed the Israelis, saying: \\\\\\\"The era of Israeli military tourism on the borders with Lebanon, and inside the Lebanese territories is over, with no return.\\\\\\\"
Response to Dahieh blast is by duplicating number of fighters in Syria
In another context, Sayyed Nasrallah tackled the recent assaults on Dahieh, specifically Thursday\\\\\\\'s tragic attack which left over 20 killed and hundreds wounded.
He indicated that \\\\\\\"targeting people and citizens in Dahieh and other places is nothing new. When the enemy failed, it always resorted to hitting people, even those who had no relation with the resistance. The history of Israeli wars in Qana, Dahieh, Sheyah, and other places in July war is a clear witness on that. The enemy takes such action because it knows that this is our point of weakness when it fails in confronting us militarily.\\\\\\\"
\\\\\\\"This is a point of pride for us, as it points out that the relation between the resistance and the people is an emotional, humanitarian, moral, and spiritual relation, and that both are one. The resistance had never acted like it was an imported resistance, like some fighters act these days, hence they don’t care about people. Not at all, as throughout the past years, the resistance had never performed a military or resistance operation without taking into consideration the responses, and protecting people, until April Accord came out to protect them,\\\\\\\" Sayyed Nasrallah added.
From this point, his eminence considered that \\\\\\\"when there is a resistance, and people whom it shares their feelings, and suffers from their pains, this is a point of power on one hand, and a point of weakness on the other, which the enemy uses. What happened yesterday was an attack on people. It wasn’t an assassination. There wasn’t any Hezbollah official or location targeted, but the side which committed the massacre in Dahieh wanted to leave behind the largest number of casualties among people.\\\\\\\"
He stated that \\\\\\\"the bomb weighted over 100 KGs, and at this location in specific, like the case in Bir Al-Abed explosion, the goal was only to kill people.\\\\\\\"
Sayyed NasrallahHezbollah secretary general asserted that the \\\\\\\"massacre comes in the context of a wide and open battle which has been taking place since tens of years… as long as there is a group resisting and refusing to surrender to the American-Zionist will, then naturally, this group and its environment will bare this responsibility.\\\\\\\"
Sayyed Nasrallah assured that the rockets that hit Baalbak and its neighborhoods in the last few weeks were fired by armed Syrian groups, adding that \\\\\\\"rockets on Hermel, Majdal Anjar, Zahle, and Dahieh were targeting us, and the large explosion on the 9th of August targeted our people and environment. Yet we did not make a quick response… we did not accuse anyone.\\\\\\\"
However, \\\\\\\"after Bir Al-Abed blast, some Lebanese parts claimed that Hezbollah planted the explosive as a pretext to ignite the situation. This is defamation and unjust, as you cannot find anyone who would love these people, and kiss the soil under the feet of these people like Hezbollah and its leadership does… This is how you work, but not how Hezbollah does.\\\\\\\"
His eminence pointed out that during investigations about these assaults, \\\\\\\"the first assumption was that \\\\\\\"Israel\\\\\\\" was behind them, while the second was the terrorist groups who have declared war on Hezbollah long before the latter entered Al-Qusayr, and the third assumption was that some other side interfered to escalate the situation with Israel, or to create internal sedition and sectarian strife.\\\\\\\"
\\\\\\\"After over 30 days on Bir Al-Abed explosion, and after the intelligence\\\\\\\'s arrests and our investigations, we have reached the result, and the names of those who planted the explosive on Hermel road are now known, and one of them is under arrest… as for the names of those involved in Bir Al-Abed blast, they are now 99.99% known,\\\\\\\" he revealed.
Sayyed Nasrallah indicated that investigations have not yet revealed that the committers were operational agents of Israel.
\\\\\\\"They are rather affiliated with a certain Takfiri line… some of them are Lebanese, some are Syrians, and some are Palestinians.\\\\\\\"
His eminence assured that intelligence apparatuses have informed Hezbollah about certain sides preparing booby-trapped cars to send them to Dahieh, emphasizing that \\\\\\\"all our measures in Dahieh were in response to the official apparatuses\\\\\\\' information.\\\\\\\"
On this point, Sayyed Nasrallah stated that \\\\\\\"these (Takfiri) groups work for Israel, and undoubtedly, US and some regional countries\\\\\\\' intelligences are operating these sides.\\\\\\\"
He highlighted that \\\\\\\"yesterday they put (explosives) in Dahieh, but who knows where they could put them tomorrow? Neither Israel nor Takfiris care if they were in Dahieh or somewhere else. Those kill Sunnis just like they kill Shiites, they kill Christians just like they kill Muslims, and they bomb mosques just like they bomb churches.\\\\\\\"
As his eminence asserted that Takfiri groups could plant booby-trapped cars anywhere in Lebanon, he warned officials, politicians, security apparatuses, and all the Lebanese that \\\\\\\"yesterday\\\\\\\'s explosion was under control and the situation was under control, but if these explosions continue, Lebanon will be on the verge of Abyss. Therefore, responsible actions must be taken for Lebanon to confront this threat\\\\\\\".
Sayyed Nasrallah reiterated that the right precautionary measures should be taken and the government as well as its apparatuses must hold their responsibilities, if not to prevent suicide attacks, as this is impossible, then at least to minimize losses, stressing \\\\\\\"the importance of finding the sides sending explosives-laden cars and arresting them… as well as the importance of not giving any political or security cover to these groups.\\\\\\\"
Sayyed Nasrallah further emphasized \\\\\\\"the importance of abandoning sectarian incitements, so that the conflict remains political.\\\\\\\"
Addressing people who were affected by Thursday\\\\\\\'s terror attack, Hezbollah leader said: \\\\\\\"We are aware of your patience, courage and faith, and the biggest exam was in July war… They want to harm your determination and faith, but we are certain of your faith and these aims will fail. What we fear is that those murderers drag you to uncalculated reactions which would lead to sedition and the destruction of the country…\\\\\\\"
\\\\\\\"(Those killers) neither have a nation nor a religion, and they are not Sunnis. They killed Sunnis even more than they killed Shiites. They seek to create a fight between the Lebanese and the (Palestinian refugee) camps. These murderers are a group of terrorists and the owners of a destructive project in the whole region, not just in Lebanon. In Iraq, there is clear evidence about the western, regional, and Israeli intelligences operating the murderers there,\\\\\\\" he added.
In conclusion, Sayyed Nasrallah called on his people to \\\\\\\"stay patient and send a clear message that exploding and killing will not affect our morale, and it will not throw us in the trap of sedition. This is the responsibility of everyone in Lebanon, because if this situation continues, it could reach the verge of ambyss.\\\\\\\"
His eminence also addressed the murderers, saying: \\\\\\\"If you work for Israel, we know you and we will capture you if the state neglected that. Yet he indicated that \\\\\\\"we are not a substitute for the state, but in any field the state does not hold its responsibility in, we will hold this responsibility.\\\\\\\"
\\\\\\\"If you claim you are defending the Syrian people and punishing Hezbollah over its intervention in Syria, I tell you two things: You, the Takfiri groups are the harshest killers of the Syrian people. You even kidnapped and killed Christian priests who supported the opposition. You kill children and explode mosques.\\\\\\\"
\\\\\\\"As for us, we fight with our values. We have never killed a captive, while you prosecute captives in daylight. We have never killed citizens, and in some of our battles, a larger number of martyrs fell in order to protect citizens, and all what is said about massacres committed by us are lies and fabrications.\\\\\\\"
Criticizing the fabrications of some Arab media stations, he assured that \\\\\\\"the world will witness that we have only fought Takfiri groups in Syria.\\\\\\\"
Finally, Sayyed Nasrallah said: \\\\\\\"One of our responses to such explosions is: If we had 1000 fighters in Syria, they will become 2000, and if we had 5000, they will become 10 000, and if the battle with those terrorists required that I go with all Hezbollah to Syria, we will all go for the sake of Syria and its people, Lebanon and its people, Palestine and Al-Quds, and the central cause.\\\\\\\"
\\\\\\\"We put an end to the battle, and we set a time for this battle to end, and as we triumphed in all our wars with Israel, if you wanted us to enter a fierce battle with you, I assure to everyone that we will triumph against Takfiri terror. The cost of the battle will be high, but the least cost is being slaughtered like ewes and waiting for the murderers to come into our house.\\\\\\\"
[3] Primary Scenes of Beirut Dahiyeh Blast - 15 August 2013 - All Languages
Hezbollah Secretary General, his Eminence Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, delivered a speech on Friday, August 16th, 2013, marking the 7th anniversary of...
Hezbollah Secretary General, his Eminence Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, delivered a speech on Friday, August 16th, 2013, marking the 7th anniversary of the July 2006 Victory of the Islamic Resistance against the Israeli army.
Sayyed Nasrallah to Takfiris: We will Capture You, We will Put an End to Terror
Sara Taha Moughnieh
Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah delivered a speech on Friday, during a ceremony celebrating the seventh anniversary of victory in the July 2006 war.
Sayyed NasrallahHis eminence started his speech with a greeting to the martyrs and wounded who fell only one day before the celebration in the terrorist blast which hit Ruwais street in the Southern Suburb of Beirut.
\\\\\\\"I pray for the recovery of all the wounded from the large and dangerous terrorist attack, and I offer my condolences to the families of martyrs who fell, and to all those who were affected physically, mentally, spiritually, and on the material level yesterday. We highly appreciate, admire, and respect the patience of people and the citizens of Dahieh who held responsibility, and were conscious, disciplined, and civilized,\\\\\\\" he said.
As he expressed gratitude for all those who stood in solidarity and denounced this painful event, Sayyed Nasrallah condemned the silence of some countries, considering that \\\\\\\"days will prove that they support terrorism, murder, and crime taking place in our region\\\\\\\".
July 2006 victory put an end to \\\\\\\"Greater Israel\\\\\\\" project
Sayyed Nasrallah initiated his statement with words about the victory, pointing out that \\\\\\\"the celebration was arranged to take place in Aita Al-Shaab, because it overlooks occupied Palestine, and its air is Palestinian air. Hence, you are smelling the air of occupied Palestine, and you are gathering only a stone\\\\\\\'s throw away from the enemy.\\\\\\\"
His eminence further stressed that Aita\\\\\\\'s significance was with its symbolic representation, especially with its good hearted and firm people, its brave heroes, its martyrs, and liberated captives.
Sayyed Nasrallah talked about the faithfulness of the resistance fighters who were located in Aita Al-Shaab, referring to the devoutness of those men to the path of Master of Martyrs, Imam Hussein (pbuh).
July 2006 victory celebrationHe also paid gratitude to the citizens of this village, who returned to their land just hours after ceasefire in 2006, and built tents over the ruins of their houses, to sit in them.
\\\\\\\"Your historic victory in the 25th of May 2000 defeated the \\\\\\\"greater Israel\\\\\\\" project, because the Israeli army, which failed to stay in Lebanon, the weakest Arab country, cannot build a state from the Nile to Furat. Then the 14th of August 2006 victory , defeated Israel\\\\\\\'s project of being a great country, which dominates and imposes its decisions on the region and on Iran,\\\\\\\" Sayyed Nasrallah added.
Hezbollah Secretary General added that the July 2006 victory also proved that \\\\\\\"this organized popular resistance, which is embraced by its people, is capable of forming real defense, at a time when the country does not have the capacities and technologies which the attacking enemy has, and the evidence on that was presented in the July war.\\\\\\\"
In this context, Sayyed Nasrallah warned the Israeli enemy that the resistance will not allow one Israeli soldier to set a foot in the Lebanese territories, indicating that \\\\\\\"we will not be tolerant in defending our villages, lands, and people.\\\\\\\"
He further addressed the Israelis, saying: \\\\\\\"The era of Israeli military tourism on the borders with Lebanon, and inside the Lebanese territories is over, with no return.\\\\\\\"
Response to Dahieh blast is by duplicating number of fighters in Syria
In another context, Sayyed Nasrallah tackled the recent assaults on Dahieh, specifically Thursday\\\\\\\'s tragic attack which left over 20 killed and hundreds wounded.
He indicated that \\\\\\\"targeting people and citizens in Dahieh and other places is nothing new. When the enemy failed, it always resorted to hitting people, even those who had no relation with the resistance. The history of Israeli wars in Qana, Dahieh, Sheyah, and other places in July war is a clear witness on that. The enemy takes such action because it knows that this is our point of weakness when it fails in confronting us militarily.\\\\\\\"
\\\\\\\"This is a point of pride for us, as it points out that the relation between the resistance and the people is an emotional, humanitarian, moral, and spiritual relation, and that both are one. The resistance had never acted like it was an imported resistance, like some fighters act these days, hence they don’t care about people. Not at all, as throughout the past years, the resistance had never performed a military or resistance operation without taking into consideration the responses, and protecting people, until April Accord came out to protect them,\\\\\\\" Sayyed Nasrallah added.
From this point, his eminence considered that \\\\\\\"when there is a resistance, and people whom it shares their feelings, and suffers from their pains, this is a point of power on one hand, and a point of weakness on the other, which the enemy uses. What happened yesterday was an attack on people. It wasn’t an assassination. There wasn’t any Hezbollah official or location targeted, but the side which committed the massacre in Dahieh wanted to leave behind the largest number of casualties among people.\\\\\\\"
He stated that \\\\\\\"the bomb weighted over 100 KGs, and at this location in specific, like the case in Bir Al-Abed explosion, the goal was only to kill people.\\\\\\\"
Sayyed NasrallahHezbollah secretary general asserted that the \\\\\\\"massacre comes in the context of a wide and open battle which has been taking place since tens of years… as long as there is a group resisting and refusing to surrender to the American-Zionist will, then naturally, this group and its environment will bare this responsibility.\\\\\\\"
Sayyed Nasrallah assured that the rockets that hit Baalbak and its neighborhoods in the last few weeks were fired by armed Syrian groups, adding that \\\\\\\"rockets on Hermel, Majdal Anjar, Zahle, and Dahieh were targeting us, and the large explosion on the 9th of August targeted our people and environment. Yet we did not make a quick response… we did not accuse anyone.\\\\\\\"
However, \\\\\\\"after Bir Al-Abed blast, some Lebanese parts claimed that Hezbollah planted the explosive as a pretext to ignite the situation. This is defamation and unjust, as you cannot find anyone who would love these people, and kiss the soil under the feet of these people like Hezbollah and its leadership does… This is how you work, but not how Hezbollah does.\\\\\\\"
His eminence pointed out that during investigations about these assaults, \\\\\\\"the first assumption was that \\\\\\\"Israel\\\\\\\" was behind them, while the second was the terrorist groups who have declared war on Hezbollah long before the latter entered Al-Qusayr, and the third assumption was that some other side interfered to escalate the situation with Israel, or to create internal sedition and sectarian strife.\\\\\\\"
\\\\\\\"After over 30 days on Bir Al-Abed explosion, and after the intelligence\\\\\\\'s arrests and our investigations, we have reached the result, and the names of those who planted the explosive on Hermel road are now known, and one of them is under arrest… as for the names of those involved in Bir Al-Abed blast, they are now 99.99% known,\\\\\\\" he revealed.
Sayyed Nasrallah indicated that investigations have not yet revealed that the committers were operational agents of Israel.
\\\\\\\"They are rather affiliated with a certain Takfiri line… some of them are Lebanese, some are Syrians, and some are Palestinians.\\\\\\\"
His eminence assured that intelligence apparatuses have informed Hezbollah about certain sides preparing booby-trapped cars to send them to Dahieh, emphasizing that \\\\\\\"all our measures in Dahieh were in response to the official apparatuses\\\\\\\' information.\\\\\\\"
On this point, Sayyed Nasrallah stated that \\\\\\\"these (Takfiri) groups work for Israel, and undoubtedly, US and some regional countries\\\\\\\' intelligences are operating these sides.\\\\\\\"
He highlighted that \\\\\\\"yesterday they put (explosives) in Dahieh, but who knows where they could put them tomorrow? Neither Israel nor Takfiris care if they were in Dahieh or somewhere else. Those kill Sunnis just like they kill Shiites, they kill Christians just like they kill Muslims, and they bomb mosques just like they bomb churches.\\\\\\\"
As his eminence asserted that Takfiri groups could plant booby-trapped cars anywhere in Lebanon, he warned officials, politicians, security apparatuses, and all the Lebanese that \\\\\\\"yesterday\\\\\\\'s explosion was under control and the situation was under control, but if these explosions continue, Lebanon will be on the verge of Abyss. Therefore, responsible actions must be taken for Lebanon to confront this threat\\\\\\\".
Sayyed Nasrallah reiterated that the right precautionary measures should be taken and the government as well as its apparatuses must hold their responsibilities, if not to prevent suicide attacks, as this is impossible, then at least to minimize losses, stressing \\\\\\\"the importance of finding the sides sending explosives-laden cars and arresting them… as well as the importance of not giving any political or security cover to these groups.\\\\\\\"
Sayyed Nasrallah further emphasized \\\\\\\"the importance of abandoning sectarian incitements, so that the conflict remains political.\\\\\\\"
Addressing people who were affected by Thursday\\\\\\\'s terror attack, Hezbollah leader said: \\\\\\\"We are aware of your patience, courage and faith, and the biggest exam was in July war… They want to harm your determination and faith, but we are certain of your faith and these aims will fail. What we fear is that those murderers drag you to uncalculated reactions which would lead to sedition and the destruction of the country…\\\\\\\"
\\\\\\\"(Those killers) neither have a nation nor a religion, and they are not Sunnis. They killed Sunnis even more than they killed Shiites. They seek to create a fight between the Lebanese and the (Palestinian refugee) camps. These murderers are a group of terrorists and the owners of a destructive project in the whole region, not just in Lebanon. In Iraq, there is clear evidence about the western, regional, and Israeli intelligences operating the murderers there,\\\\\\\" he added.
In conclusion, Sayyed Nasrallah called on his people to \\\\\\\"stay patient and send a clear message that exploding and killing will not affect our morale, and it will not throw us in the trap of sedition. This is the responsibility of everyone in Lebanon, because if this situation continues, it could reach the verge of ambyss.\\\\\\\"
His eminence also addressed the murderers, saying: \\\\\\\"If you work for Israel, we know you and we will capture you if the state neglected that. Yet he indicated that \\\\\\\"we are not a substitute for the state, but in any field the state does not hold its responsibility in, we will hold this responsibility.\\\\\\\"
\\\\\\\"If you claim you are defending the Syrian people and punishing Hezbollah over its intervention in Syria, I tell you two things: You, the Takfiri groups are the harshest killers of the Syrian people. You even kidnapped and killed Christian priests who supported the opposition. You kill children and explode mosques.\\\\\\\"
\\\\\\\"As for us, we fight with our values. We have never killed a captive, while you prosecute captives in daylight. We have never killed citizens, and in some of our battles, a larger number of martyrs fell in order to protect citizens, and all what is said about massacres committed by us are lies and fabrications.\\\\\\\"
Criticizing the fabrications of some Arab media stations, he assured that \\\\\\\"the world will witness that we have only fought Takfiri groups in Syria.\\\\\\\"
Finally, Sayyed Nasrallah said: \\\\\\\"One of our responses to such explosions is: If we had 1000 fighters in Syria, they will become 2000, and if we had 5000, they will become 10 000, and if the battle with those terrorists required that I go with all Hezbollah to Syria, we will all go for the sake of Syria and its people, Lebanon and its people, Palestine and Al-Quds, and the central cause.\\\\\\\"
\\\\\\\"We put an end to the battle, and we set a time for this battle to end, and as we triumphed in all our wars with Israel, if you wanted us to enter a fierce battle with you, I assure to everyone that we will triumph against Takfiri terror. The cost of the battle will be high, but the least cost is being slaughtered like ewes and waiting for the murderers to come into our house.\\\\\\\"
[4] Primary Scenes of Beirut Dahiyeh Blast - 15 August 2013 - All Languages
Hezbollah Secretary General, his Eminence Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, delivered a speech on Friday, August 16th, 2013, marking the 7th anniversary of...
Hezbollah Secretary General, his Eminence Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, delivered a speech on Friday, August 16th, 2013, marking the 7th anniversary of the July 2006 Victory of the Islamic Resistance against the Israeli army.
Sayyed Nasrallah to Takfiris: We will Capture You, We will Put an End to Terror
Sara Taha Moughnieh
Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah delivered a speech on Friday, during a ceremony celebrating the seventh anniversary of victory in the July 2006 war.
Sayyed NasrallahHis eminence started his speech with a greeting to the martyrs and wounded who fell only one day before the celebration in the terrorist blast which hit Ruwais street in the Southern Suburb of Beirut.
\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"I pray for the recovery of all the wounded from the large and dangerous terrorist attack, and I offer my condolences to the families of martyrs who fell, and to all those who were affected physically, mentally, spiritually, and on the material level yesterday. We highly appreciate, admire, and respect the patience of people and the citizens of Dahieh who held responsibility, and were conscious, disciplined, and civilized,\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" he said.
As he expressed gratitude for all those who stood in solidarity and denounced this painful event, Sayyed Nasrallah condemned the silence of some countries, considering that \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"days will prove that they support terrorism, murder, and crime taking place in our region\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\".
July 2006 victory put an end to \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"Greater Israel\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" project
Sayyed Nasrallah initiated his statement with words about the victory, pointing out that \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"the celebration was arranged to take place in Aita Al-Shaab, because it overlooks occupied Palestine, and its air is Palestinian air. Hence, you are smelling the air of occupied Palestine, and you are gathering only a stone\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s throw away from the enemy.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"
His eminence further stressed that Aita\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s significance was with its symbolic representation, especially with its good hearted and firm people, its brave heroes, its martyrs, and liberated captives.
Sayyed Nasrallah talked about the faithfulness of the resistance fighters who were located in Aita Al-Shaab, referring to the devoutness of those men to the path of Master of Martyrs, Imam Hussein (pbuh).
July 2006 victory celebrationHe also paid gratitude to the citizens of this village, who returned to their land just hours after ceasefire in 2006, and built tents over the ruins of their houses, to sit in them.
\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"Your historic victory in the 25th of May 2000 defeated the \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"greater Israel\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" project, because the Israeli army, which failed to stay in Lebanon, the weakest Arab country, cannot build a state from the Nile to Furat. Then the 14th of August 2006 victory , defeated Israel\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s project of being a great country, which dominates and imposes its decisions on the region and on Iran,\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" Sayyed Nasrallah added.
Hezbollah Secretary General added that the July 2006 victory also proved that \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"this organized popular resistance, which is embraced by its people, is capable of forming real defense, at a time when the country does not have the capacities and technologies which the attacking enemy has, and the evidence on that was presented in the July war.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"
In this context, Sayyed Nasrallah warned the Israeli enemy that the resistance will not allow one Israeli soldier to set a foot in the Lebanese territories, indicating that \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"we will not be tolerant in defending our villages, lands, and people.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"
He further addressed the Israelis, saying: \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"The era of Israeli military tourism on the borders with Lebanon, and inside the Lebanese territories is over, with no return.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"
Response to Dahieh blast is by duplicating number of fighters in Syria
In another context, Sayyed Nasrallah tackled the recent assaults on Dahieh, specifically Thursday\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s tragic attack which left over 20 killed and hundreds wounded.
He indicated that \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"targeting people and citizens in Dahieh and other places is nothing new. When the enemy failed, it always resorted to hitting people, even those who had no relation with the resistance. The history of Israeli wars in Qana, Dahieh, Sheyah, and other places in July war is a clear witness on that. The enemy takes such action because it knows that this is our point of weakness when it fails in confronting us militarily.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"
\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"This is a point of pride for us, as it points out that the relation between the resistance and the people is an emotional, humanitarian, moral, and spiritual relation, and that both are one. The resistance had never acted like it was an imported resistance, like some fighters act these days, hence they don’t care about people. Not at all, as throughout the past years, the resistance had never performed a military or resistance operation without taking into consideration the responses, and protecting people, until April Accord came out to protect them,\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" Sayyed Nasrallah added.
From this point, his eminence considered that \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"when there is a resistance, and people whom it shares their feelings, and suffers from their pains, this is a point of power on one hand, and a point of weakness on the other, which the enemy uses. What happened yesterday was an attack on people. It wasn’t an assassination. There wasn’t any Hezbollah official or location targeted, but the side which committed the massacre in Dahieh wanted to leave behind the largest number of casualties among people.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"
He stated that \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"the bomb weighted over 100 KGs, and at this location in specific, like the case in Bir Al-Abed explosion, the goal was only to kill people.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"
Sayyed NasrallahHezbollah secretary general asserted that the \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"massacre comes in the context of a wide and open battle which has been taking place since tens of years… as long as there is a group resisting and refusing to surrender to the American-Zionist will, then naturally, this group and its environment will bare this responsibility.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"
Sayyed Nasrallah assured that the rockets that hit Baalbak and its neighborhoods in the last few weeks were fired by armed Syrian groups, adding that \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"rockets on Hermel, Majdal Anjar, Zahle, and Dahieh were targeting us, and the large explosion on the 9th of August targeted our people and environment. Yet we did not make a quick response… we did not accuse anyone.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"
However, \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"after Bir Al-Abed blast, some Lebanese parts claimed that Hezbollah planted the explosive as a pretext to ignite the situation. This is defamation and unjust, as you cannot find anyone who would love these people, and kiss the soil under the feet of these people like Hezbollah and its leadership does… This is how you work, but not how Hezbollah does.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"
His eminence pointed out that during investigations about these assaults, \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"the first assumption was that \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"Israel\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" was behind them, while the second was the terrorist groups who have declared war on Hezbollah long before the latter entered Al-Qusayr, and the third assumption was that some other side interfered to escalate the situation with Israel, or to create internal sedition and sectarian strife.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"
\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"After over 30 days on Bir Al-Abed explosion, and after the intelligence\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s arrests and our investigations, we have reached the result, and the names of those who planted the explosive on Hermel road are now known, and one of them is under arrest… as for the names of those involved in Bir Al-Abed blast, they are now 99.99% known,\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" he revealed.
Sayyed Nasrallah indicated that investigations have not yet revealed that the committers were operational agents of Israel.
\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"They are rather affiliated with a certain Takfiri line… some of them are Lebanese, some are Syrians, and some are Palestinians.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"
His eminence assured that intelligence apparatuses have informed Hezbollah about certain sides preparing booby-trapped cars to send them to Dahieh, emphasizing that \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"all our measures in Dahieh were in response to the official apparatuses\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\' information.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"
On this point, Sayyed Nasrallah stated that \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"these (Takfiri) groups work for Israel, and undoubtedly, US and some regional countries\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\' intelligences are operating these sides.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"
He highlighted that \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"yesterday they put (explosives) in Dahieh, but who knows where they could put them tomorrow? Neither Israel nor Takfiris care if they were in Dahieh or somewhere else. Those kill Sunnis just like they kill Shiites, they kill Christians just like they kill Muslims, and they bomb mosques just like they bomb churches.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"
As his eminence asserted that Takfiri groups could plant booby-trapped cars anywhere in Lebanon, he warned officials, politicians, security apparatuses, and all the Lebanese that \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"yesterday\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s explosion was under control and the situation was under control, but if these explosions continue, Lebanon will be on the verge of Abyss. Therefore, responsible actions must be taken for Lebanon to confront this threat\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\".
Sayyed Nasrallah reiterated that the right precautionary measures should be taken and the government as well as its apparatuses must hold their responsibilities, if not to prevent suicide attacks, as this is impossible, then at least to minimize losses, stressing \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"the importance of finding the sides sending explosives-laden cars and arresting them… as well as the importance of not giving any political or security cover to these groups.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"
Sayyed Nasrallah further emphasized \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"the importance of abandoning sectarian incitements, so that the conflict remains political.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"
Addressing people who were affected by Thursday\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s terror attack, Hezbollah leader said: \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"We are aware of your patience, courage and faith, and the biggest exam was in July war… They want to harm your determination and faith, but we are certain of your faith and these aims will fail. What we fear is that those murderers drag you to uncalculated reactions which would lead to sedition and the destruction of the country…\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"
\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"(Those killers) neither have a nation nor a religion, and they are not Sunnis. They killed Sunnis even more than they killed Shiites. They seek to create a fight between the Lebanese and the (Palestinian refugee) camps. These murderers are a group of terrorists and the owners of a destructive project in the whole region, not just in Lebanon. In Iraq, there is clear evidence about the western, regional, and Israeli intelligences operating the murderers there,\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" he added.
In conclusion, Sayyed Nasrallah called on his people to \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"stay patient and send a clear message that exploding and killing will not affect our morale, and it will not throw us in the trap of sedition. This is the responsibility of everyone in Lebanon, because if this situation continues, it could reach the verge of ambyss.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"
His eminence also addressed the murderers, saying: \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"If you work for Israel, we know you and we will capture you if the state neglected that. Yet he indicated that \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"we are not a substitute for the state, but in any field the state does not hold its responsibility in, we will hold this responsibility.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"
\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"If you claim you are defending the Syrian people and punishing Hezbollah over its intervention in Syria, I tell you two things: You, the Takfiri groups are the harshest killers of the Syrian people. You even kidnapped and killed Christian priests who supported the opposition. You kill children and explode mosques.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"
\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"As for us, we fight with our values. We have never killed a captive, while you prosecute captives in daylight. We have never killed citizens, and in some of our battles, a larger number of martyrs fell in order to protect citizens, and all what is said about massacres committed by us are lies and fabrications.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"
Criticizing the fabrications of some Arab media stations, he assured that \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"the world will witness that we have only fought Takfiri groups in Syria.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"
Finally, Sayyed Nasrallah said: \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"One of our responses to such explosions is: If we had 1000 fighters in Syria, they will become 2000, and if we had 5000, they will become 10 000, and if the battle with those terrorists required that I go with all Hezbollah to Syria, we will all go for the sake of Syria and its people, Lebanon and its people, Palestine and Al-Quds, and the central cause.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"
\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"We put an end to the battle, and we set a time for this battle to end, and as we triumphed in all our wars with Israel, if you wanted us to enter a fierce battle with you, I assure to everyone that we will triumph against Takfiri terror. The cost of the battle will be high, but the least cost is being slaughtered like ewes and waiting for the murderers to come into our house.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"
Abu Dis - A city divided - English
Real News short documentary. Accoring to Phyllis Bennis Israel has done what 2000 years of history could not block the Silk Road from the sea.
Real News short documentary. Accoring to Phyllis Bennis Israel has done what 2000 years of history could not block the Silk Road from the sea.
Terrorism Against Shia Muslims In D.I.Khan Pakistan-English Text with...
Documentry made by Shaheed Foundation
Dera Ismail Khan- one of the southern District of North West Frontier...
Documentry made by Shaheed Foundation
Dera Ismail Khan- one of the southern District of North West Frontier Province of Pakistan, has become the slaughterhouse for the Shia community. The banned Sipah-e-Sahaba has indiscriminately killed dozens of innocent Shias including women and children. This also includes precious persons like Doctors, engineers, Professors, Businessmen in this Economically deprived District. So for 84 innocent people have embraced martyrdom. The irony of the fate is that none of the murderers of 84 innocent people have been brought to justice. Although the Police is well aware of the barbaric killers belonging to banned terrorist group Speha-e-Sahaba, yet there is a fear to take action against the terrorists who come in the day light openly & kill innocent civilians. The terrorists also threat the Judges and witnesses thereby influencing the fair trial. Due to fear of terrorists and failure of law enforcing agencies to bring the terrorists to justice in the past, the families of the murdered people even scare to lodge the FIR against the terrorists.
Syed Rajab Ali Zaidi Superintendent of Police (SP) was
killed along with his son Muazam
28, on 21 Dec 2003 on D.I.K-Darya Khan
road as he was coming back to his home.
So far Police has failed to unearth the
culprits involved in the heinous killing
of SP and his son.
Inspector Ghulam Qanbar of Special Branch
was killed on 13 Sep 2001 in D.I.K. He was
targeted because he captured a deadly
dangerous terrorist Murtaza Mawia with 5
lack money on his head a few months
before his martyerdom.
Advocate Khursheed Anwar – Centeral General Secretary Tehreek-e-Jafria Pakistan was martyred on 28 Sep 1999 along with his daughter Umme Lila 18 and guard Hassan on New Chongi D.I.K. He was the General Secretary of Tahreek-e-Jafria Pakistan. The accused were set free as a result of patch up between the family of advocate and the terrorists.
Umme Lila 18, daughter of Advocate Khursheed Anwar embraced martyrdom along with his father as she was mourning his father’s death. The terrorist turned back and killed her. She was a brilliant student studying in F.Sc.
Advocate Syed Afeef Abbas Shah was killed on 30 Dec 2004 in District Bar D.i.K at about 1:30 PM. He was targeted as he contesting the case of 5 innocent people who became the victim of the terrorists in 1999 while they were sleeping. The murderers could not be apprehended by the law enforcing agencies.
Syed Bashir Husssain Kazmi – a retired Tehsildar was martyred on 25 May 2008 along with his brother Kifayat Hussain and two young nephews. The terrorist also killed a policeman at the spot as he tried to capture them. The other Youngman of the same family named Mazhar Abbas was martyred earlier in the this month (May 2008). Doctor Abdul Ali Bangash – a famous Sargon Doctor was assassinated in 1998 in District Headquarter hospital D.I.K in the light of a bright day while he was on his duty. The murderer on foot ran away from the scene with out any problem and police once again failed to trace the perpetrators and the master minds of this heinous crime.
Doctor Ghulam Shabir an MBBS doctor was killed in his clinic on 2 Feb 2000. The culprits once again could not be brought to the justice by those who were responsible to bring them to the justice to create an example, so that nobody else could dare to kill the precious people of Pakistan.
Allama Kazim Aseer Jarvi who belonged to village Jara D.I.K was killed along with his son on 28 March 92 while he was coming back to his home from Lahore. His young son Amar 14 who witnessed the killing of his father and brother later died of this psychological shock.
Allama Allaha Nawaz Murtazvi was killed in February 1994 while he was coming from D.I.K to his village Haji mora to lead a Jumma prayerSyed Hassan Ali Kazmi a renowned Shia leader and Politician was killed on 7June 2001 in Mohallah Eisab Zai D.I.K. He contested the 1988 election and secured 20,000 votes. He is known as an icon of Shia-Sunni unity since he tried all his life for sectarian harmony.Liaqat Ali Imrani a well known social activist and local Journalist was killed in 2006.
Maqbool Hussain a senior journalist (as quoted by BBC) was killed in D.I.K in October 2006
Fayyaz Hussain of Pakistan Army (DSG) became the victim of terrorists along with other 4 persons in Sardary Wala.
Hawaldar Abdur Rasheed (Retd) was one of the victims of this incident in which terrorists opened fire on armless people.
Iftikhar Hussain of Pak Army (DSG) was also amongst the 5 victims along with Sami 13 and a young child Arif hussain who was 8 years old.
Hassan Ali an employee in Police was killed on 28 Sep 1999 while he was on his duty as a guard with Advocate Khursheed Anwar. He was 28.
Qamar Abbas an other Police employee was killed while he was on his duty in a procession of SSP on Eid Milad. He was killed as his name ‘Abbs’ was prominent on his name plate.
Hawaldar Rabnawaz (Police) from Ahle Sunnet sect embraced martyrdom when he tried to capture the terrorist who were fleeing after killing Inspector Qambar on 13 Sep 2001.
Professor Nizakat Ali Imrani
Professor Nizakat Imrani 44, was the Chairman of Commerce & Business Depart of Gomal University who became the victim of barbaric terrorists on 23 Dec 2006 as he was coming back to home after attending the Annual Convocation of the University. He was ranked amongst the most brilliant Professors of Gomal University.
A few months earlier his elder brother Liaqat Imrani- a well known social activist and local journalist, was killed.
On 25 May 2008, 5 innocent Shia belonging to same family and a policeman were killed in the light of a bright day.
The cause of Shia sufferings in D.I.Khan is Talibanization. The Talibans and other militants trained from Afghanistan belonging to D.I.K and tribal area have ran away from Afghanistan and Tribal area to D.I.Khan & have succeeded to make it a stronghold for themselves. They are not only targeting Shias but also carrying bomb blasts in Video center, Cinemas and Govt: Officials. The recent history of D.I.K has quiet clearly shown it. More prominent innocent Shia personalities are the ‘would be target’ of the sectarian militants
The present activities of the terrorists and the growing influence of Talibanization in the vicinity of this sensitive District poses a great threat to the innocent citizens of Pakistan, especially to Shias.
The present radical trend in a sensitive District like D.I.Khan is a great threat to enlightened, moderate and progressive forces in the country. In the context of D.I.Khan following measures should be taken.
Provincial government should be instructed to use iron hand against the terrorists to insure that the innocent people’s slaughtered is stopped and their life and property is safeguarded.
A free and fair Commission should be constituted to investigate the elements perpetrating terrorism in D.I.Khan.
Community should get united and raise their voice against this brutality.
So come forward
Raise your voice against this cruelty and do what you can
Contribute in whatever way you can
Take action before the fire reaches your home.
21st December 2012 - A MUST WATCH DOCUMENTARY - English
The world is coming to an end on December 21 2012. The ancient Maya made this stunning prediction more than 2000 years ago. We will peel back the...
The world is coming to an end on December 21 2012. The ancient Maya made this stunning prediction more than 2000 years ago. We will peel back the layers of mystery and examine in detail how the Maya calculated the exact date of doomsday. Journey back to the ancient city of Chichen Itza - the hub of Maya civilization deep in the heart of MEXICOs Yucatan Peninsula - to uncover the truth about this prophecy. The Maya were legendary astronomers and timekeepers--their calendar is more accurate than our own. By tracking the stars and planets they assigned great meaning to astronomical phenomena and made extraordinary predictions based on them--many of which have come true. Could their doomsday prophecy be one of them. In insightful interviews archaeologists astrologers and historians speculate on the meaning of the 2012 prophecy. Their answers are as intriguing as the questions.
Galloway faces his accusers - a Jewish Defence League on Channel 4 news...
The decision to ban George Galloway from Canada seems odd but now it emerges that the Jewish Defence League JDL pressured the Canadian Government...
The decision to ban George Galloway from Canada seems odd but now it emerges that the Jewish Defence League JDL pressured the Canadian Government to so the action takes on sinister connotations for Canada. Because the Jewish Defence League are according to the FBI a Terrorist Group. In its report Terrorism 2000 2001 the FBI referred to the JDL as a violent extremist Jewish organization. This violent extremist Jewish organization now it seems has power and influence over the Canadian Government.
Chakwal Imambargah Pakistan Bomb Blast - Suicide bombing 22 Martyred -...
Support www.shaheedfoundation.org
Chakwal Imambargah Pakistan - Suicide bombing 22 Martyred - Urdu Apil 5 2009
CHAKWAL The latest information...
Support www.shaheedfoundation.org
Chakwal Imambargah Pakistan - Suicide bombing 22 Martyred - Urdu Apil 5 2009
CHAKWAL The latest information confirmed 22 dead and 200 injured in the Imambagah suicide bombing here. According to initial information the suicide bomber blew himself up during an annual Majlis Aza being held at the Sarpak Mohalla Imambargah in the vicinity of City police station here. Some 2000 to 2500 faithful were attending the Majlis when the blast occurred tearing away the bodies of the faithful into pieces. Relief operations have started while the dead and the injured are being shifted to the District Headquarter Hospital. Ambulances have been sent from Jhelum and Rawalpindi. Police high officials and the DCO have arrived at the site of incident and supervising the relief work.
Heavy contingents of police have besieged the area and collecting evidences from the site of incident. Police mobiles including several vehicles were also damaged in the blast.
Meanwhile some sources told that the blast was carried by detonating a bomb planted on the parked motorcycle near Imambargah.
Chakwal Imambargah Pakistan Bomb Blast - Suicide bombing 22 Martyred -...
Islamabad A teenage suicide bomber on Sunday struck a religious gathering of the Shia community killing at least 30 people and injuring nearly 200...
Islamabad A teenage suicide bomber on Sunday struck a religious gathering of the Shia community killing at least 30 people and injuring nearly 200 others in the town of Chakwal in Punjab province hours after security forces were targetted near UN office in the heart of the federal capital. The suicide attacker detonated his explosives near the gate of an Imambargah or prayer hall in Chakwal some 90 kilometers south of Islamabad when he was barred from entering the complex by persons guarding the entrance. About 2000 worshippers had gathered for majlis - a religious ceremony - at the Imambargah when the attack occurred a little after 12.30 pm local time. Thirty people were killed by the blast state-run APP news agency reported. There was no official word on the incident though witnesses and reporters said nearly 200 people were injured in the blast. Witnesses said the suicide bomber was aged about 16 or 17 years and was dressed in black. TV channels beamed footage of blood and body parts spattered on the wall near the gate of the Imambargah.