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Qamareqbal February 17, 2013
@AliAli. A very good and effective discussion. It is a good format for these kinds of programs. It may be a good idea to keep a section for "challenging" questions - the areas of discomfort for some... Insha'Allah sincere efforts will bear fruits of raising awareness and political insight.

Qamareqbal February 17, 2013
Good work. Pakistani 65 Million Shias should be united...

shujahasan February 11, 2013
Why cry Brother, I feel proud to be Shia after watching this short documentary

syedaliyahya February 11, 2013
Wow, combination of AMZ, Sir Zahidi, Dr. Shafi and Naqi Hashmi.. One of the best sessions I have ever heard. Really impressed and elated by the joy of being a Shiite. The documentary at end made us cry.

AliAli February 11, 2013
@jawwaddewli: The program recording is from last year which was the 33rd anniversary.

jawwaddewli February 10, 2013
Its the 34th Anniversary of The Islamic Revolution. Please Make It Correct. ?????? ?????? ????? ?? 34 ??? Thanks

AliAli February 10, 2013
Another very interesting point is the difference between Mashrooiat (legitimacy) and Maqbooliat (popularity). A very important point to ponder upon.

AliAli February 10, 2013
The most effective but simple logic behind the global awakening is, "Why should someone else (outsider) make a decision for you?"

AliAli February 10, 2013
A very good and effective discussion. It is a good format for these kinds of programs. It may be a good idea to keep a section for "challenging" questions - the areas of discomfort for some... Insha'Allah sincere efforts will bear fruits of raising awareness and political insight.


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